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考题 单选题A It will maintain a close relationship with Europe.B It will support the idea of a central European government.C It will keep a distance from Europe.D They will support each other.

考题 单选题I hope, when you have finished this exercise, you _____ many mistakes in it.A won’t makeB won’t have madeC won’t be makingD won’t have been making

考题 单选题A £7.5.B £6.C £12.D £15.

考题 填空题____

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题The idiom “man in the street” in Paragraph 3 means _____.A a trampB an idiotC a passing travelerD an average person

考题 问答题

考题 单选题A It is helpful in reflecting the way people link information in the brain.B It prevents people from arranging things logically.C It makes people’s brain function the opposite way.D It affects people’s way of thinking.

考题 问答题Who do you need to impress most according to the passage?

考题 单选题Which of the following sentences is a COMPLAINT?A Please show me your new dress.B You must do it again.C What trouble you’ve made.D May you good luck.

考题 单选题A She thinks she needs more acting experience.B She is excited about learning new acting skills.C She thinks she is not very skilled at acting.D She thinks she is better at acting than directing.

考题 单选题After the First World War, the author Anais Nin became interested in the art movement known as Surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both _____ her novels and short stories.A in which the influenceB to have influence onC of which influenced onD its influence in

考题 单选题Jim looked over the engine again _____ it should go wrong on the way.A in case ofB soC lestD as

考题 问答题What is the foundation of the unique deep-sea communities?

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题A Statistics on other major disease epidemics.B Effects of war on the general population.C Arguments for developing a better public health system.D The connection between World War II and influenza.

考题 单选题A Talk to the person who hired him.B Go to the payroll department.C Call the director of the payroll department.D Resubmit the payroll paperwork.

考题 问答题What does Professor Cappuccio think about sleeping too much?

考题 单选题Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A I had hardly got home when the telephone rang.B I had no sooner got home than the telephone ring.C She said she had worked in that factory since 1980.D We have been waiting here for almost an hour.

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题A They are harmful animals.B They are strange animals.C They are attractive animals.D They are friendly animals.

考题 单选题Small farms and the lack of modern technology have _____ agricultural production.A blunderedB tangledC bewilderedD hampered

考题 单选题In the sentence “Father asked us to pick some apples on the farm”, the italicized phrase isA an subject.B a verb.C a adverbial.D a complement.

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题He gave a _____ smile when the rich girl said she planned to help the poor.A cynicalB crucialC confidentialD conspicuous

考题 问答题What is the more practical issue according to the fifth paragraph?

考题 单选题In the American educational system, intermediate school is the _____ stage between the primary grades and high schoo1.A traditionalB transitionalC transmissibleD transient

考题 问答题What does the passage mainly talk about?