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更多 “基因组(genome)” 相关考题
考题 The recent Genome Wars were symbolic of _____.[A] the enthusiasm in scientific research[B] the significance of the space race[C] the public versus private conflict[D] the prospect of the completion of DNA sequence

考题 It is implied in the third paragraph that _____.[A] the “finish lines” refers to completion of DNA research.[B] former Genome Warriors will never fight again.[C] the former warriors are now collaborators[D] both sides will still work on independently

考题 The critical issue facing the scientists is to _____.[A] apply the newly-found knowledge to the benefit of mankind[B] end their horse race for the success of science[C] get down to their genome research[D] set their differences aside

考题 关于基因组描述正确的是( )A、每种生物都有各自的基因组B、爬行类的基因组大于灵长类的C、灵长类的基因组是相同的D、脊椎动物的基因组是相同的E、进化程度越高基因组越大

考题 病毒在增殖过程中发生的基因突变是指 A、基因组中碱基序列的置换B、基因组中碱基序列的缺失C、基因组中碱基序列的插入D、基因组插入细胞基因组中E、A+B+C

考题 共用题干 Unlocking the Human Genome(基因组)1 A project to unlock secrets一what scientist could resist that challenge?This is what many scientists are doing as they work on the Human Genome Project.The aim of the project is to decode(破译)all of the some 100,000 genes in the human body. Scientists are using DNA fingerprinting techniques to do the decoding.2 DNA is the substance found in the chromosomes(染色体)of a cell. A chromosome is a chain of genes.Each gene carries a piece of genetic information.At any one moment in a cell, thousands of genes are turned on and off to produce proteins(蛋白质).The challenge for scientists is to find out what role each gene plays in protein production.At some point this decoding will be complete.Then scientists will have a map of an ideal genome,or a picture of the total genetic nature of a human being.The ideal genome is called a consensus(交感)genome. Everything works well in a consensus genome.3 But no one in the world has a consensus genome.Everyone's genome is different from the ideal. These differences are referred to as genetic mutations(突变).Genetic mutations in a person's genome mean that the person has a greater than average chance of suffering from health problems.Some problems are not life-threatening.These would include things like colorblindness,or mild headaches.Other problems are serious,such as heart disease,or cancer.4 It will take years to identify the role of each of the 100,000 genes.The short-term goal of the project is to find the physical and mental health problems a person is likely to encounter during his or her lifetime.The long-term goal is to have each person live a longer,healthier life.Paragraph 2_________A:How does DNA work?B:What is the Human Genome Project about?C:How are the DNA samples collected?D:What are the goals of the Human Genome Project?E:What is the role of each gene?F:What are the consequences of genetic mutations?

考题 共用题干 Unlocking the Human Genome(基因组)1 A project to unlock secrets一what scientist could resist that challenge?This is what many scientists are doing as they work on the Human Genome Project.The aim of the project is to decode(破译)all of the some 100,000 genes in the human body. Scientists are using DNA fingerprinting techniques to do the decoding.2 DNA is the substance found in the chromosomes(染色体)of a cell. A chromosome is a chain of genes.Each gene carries a piece of genetic information.At any one moment in a cell, thousands of genes are turned on and off to produce proteins(蛋白质).The challenge for scientists is to find out what role each gene plays in protein production.At some point this decoding will be complete.Then scientists will have a map of an ideal genome,or a picture of the total genetic nature of a human being.The ideal genome is called a consensus(交感)genome. Everything works well in a consensus genome.3 But no one in the world has a consensus genome.Everyone's genome is different from the ideal. These differences are referred to as genetic mutations(突变).Genetic mutations in a person's genome mean that the person has a greater than average chance of suffering from health problems.Some problems are not life-threatening.These would include things like colorblindness,or mild headaches.Other problems are serious,such as heart disease,or cancer.4 It will take years to identify the role of each of the 100,000 genes.The short-term goal of the project is to find the physical and mental health problems a person is likely to encounter during his or her lifetime.The long-term goal is to have each person live a longer,healthier life.Genetic mutations in a person's genome may affect_________.A:that person's healthB:a scientific answerC:scientific researchersD:the genesE:the functionF:the size

考题 共用题干 Unlocking the Human Genome(基因组)1 A project to unlock secrets一what scientist could resist that challenge?This is what many scientists are doing as they work on the Human Genome Project.The aim of the project is to decode(破译)all of the some 100,000 genes in the human body. Scientists are using DNA fingerprinting techniques to do the decoding.2 DNA is the substance found in the chromosomes(染色体)of a cell. A chromosome is a chain of genes.Each gene carries a piece of genetic information.At any one moment in a cell, thousands of genes are turned on and off to produce proteins(蛋白质).The challenge for scientists is to find out what role each gene plays in protein production.At some point this decoding will be complete.Then scientists will have a map of an ideal genome,or a picture of the total genetic nature of a human being.The ideal genome is called a consensus(交感)genome. Everything works well in a consensus genome.3 But no one in the world has a consensus genome.Everyone's genome is different from the ideal. These differences are referred to as genetic mutations(突变).Genetic mutations in a person's genome mean that the person has a greater than average chance of suffering from health problems.Some problems are not life-threatening.These would include things like colorblindness,or mild headaches.Other problems are serious,such as heart disease,or cancer.4 It will take years to identify the role of each of the 100,000 genes.The short-term goal of the project is to find the physical and mental health problems a person is likely to encounter during his or her lifetime.The long-term goal is to have each person live a longer,healthier life.Scientists are trying hard to discover_________of each of the genes in our body.A:that person's healthB:a scientific answerC:scientific researchersD:the genesE:the functionF:the size

考题 何谓基因组、基因组库?

考题 操纵子结构不存在()A、细菌基因组中B、病毒基因组中C、真核生物基因组中D、大肠杆菌基因组中E、原核生物基因组中

考题 分段基因组(segmented genome)是指病毒基因组()A、由数条不同的核酸分子组成B、由数条相同的核酸分子组成C、由数条互补的核酸分子组成D、由可分成不同功能区段的一个核酸分子组成E、以上都不对

考题 组成有机体的所有不同细胞都共享()。A、不同基因组B、一个基因组C、二个基因组D、三个基因组E、多个基因组

考题 何谓基因组、基因组库、cNA和cDNA库?

考题 运维管理系统的代表有()。A、HP运维管理平台B、USPSDC、BTIMD、Genome

考题 整合在细菌基因组中的噬菌体基因组称为(),带有噬菌体基因组的细菌称为()。

考题 各种细胞器基因组主要包括有()基因组和()基因组。

考题 基因组的编码区,下列哪项说法有误()。A、真核基因组内非编码的序列远多于编码区B、真核生物基因组内非编码序列占90%以上C、原核基因组编码区所占的比例远大于病毒基因组的D、原核生物编码区在基因组中所占的比例约为50%

考题 C值表示以下哪一种基因组的DNA含量?()A、单倍体基因组B、双倍体基因组C、细菌基因组D、细胞的细胞核

考题 通常将单倍体细胞中的全套染色体称为基因组(Genome),其大小可以用对应的DNA碱基对总数描述,下列物种中,基因组最小的是:()A、人B、拟南芥C、小麦D、水稻

考题 单选题分段基因组(segmented genome)是指病毒基因组()A 由数条不同的核酸分子组成B 由数条相同的核酸分子组成C 由数条互补的核酸分子组成D 由可分成不同功能区段的一个核酸分子组成E 以上都不对

考题 填空题整合在细菌基因组中的噬菌体基因组称为(),带有噬菌体基因组的细菌称为()。

考题 填空题各种细胞器基因组主要包括有()基因组和()基因组。

考题 单选题关于基因组描述正确的是()A 每种生物都有各自的基因组B 爬行类的基因组大于灵长类的C 灵长类的基因组是相同的D 脊椎动物的基因组是相同的E 进化程度越高基因组越大

考题 单选题下列哪项是错误的()A HAV基因组由单股RNA组成B HBV基因组由双股DNA组成C HCV基因组由单股RNA组成D HDV是缺陷病毒,基因组由单股DNA组成E HEV基因组由单股RNA组成

考题 单选题操纵子结构不存在()A 细菌基因组中B 病毒基因组中C 真核生物基因组中D 大肠杆菌基因组中E 原核生物基因组中

考题 名词解释题基因组(genome)

考题 名词解释题HGP(human genome project)