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Which of the following is the correct path to add new local user accounts to a Windows 7computer?()

  • A、Click on the Start button> Right click on Computer> Select Manage> Expand Local Users and Groups> Right click on Users> Select New User
  • B、Click on the Start button> Right click on My Computer> Select Manage> Right click on Local Users and Groups> Select Add Users from the menu
  • C、Click on the Start button> Right click on Computer> Select Manage> Right click on Local Users and Computers> Select New User
  • D、Click on the Start button> Right click on Network Neighborhood> Select Manage> Right click on Users> Select New User


更多 “Which of the following is the correct path to add new local user accounts to a Windows 7computer?()A、Click on the Start button Right click on Computer Select Manage Expand Local Users and Groups Right click on Users Select New UserB、Click on the Start button Right click on My Computer Select Manage Right click on Local Users and Groups Select Add Users from the menuC、Click on the Start button Right click on Computer Select Manage Right click on Local Users and Computers Select New UserD、Click on the Start button Right click on Network Neighborhood Select Manage Right click on Users Select New User” 相关考题
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