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专用线 industrial siding


更多 “专用线 industrial siding” 相关考题
考题 车站与其接轨的专用线产权单位,于每年12月底以前,签订下年度()。 A.专用线服务协议B.专用线运输协议C.专用线共用协议D.专用线运输合同

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考题 According to the regulations for mobile offshore drilling units,"industrial personnel" are considered to be all persons carried on the ship for the sole purpose of carrying out the industrial business of the unit,except for ______.A.the operator's representativeB.the crew required by the Certificate of InspectionC.the galley personnelD.the designated person in charge

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考题 Consequences of the Industrial Revolution

考题 专用线共用(不含专用铁路)是指在保证专用线产权单位运输需要和专用线既有设备能力富裕的前提下,与其吸引范围内的单位,共同使用该专用线办理货物发到业务。

考题 铁路军事专用线按下列哪项规定执行()。A、《铁路军事专用线管理办法》B、《铁路军事专用线修建管理办法》C、《铁路军事专用线修建和维护管理办法》D、《铁路军事专用线修建和维修管理办法》

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考题 Britain’s Industrial Revolution took place between ()and ()

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考题 英译中:Industrial engineering

考题 单选题What is the best title for this passage? ______.A The Theory of Division of Labour and Its SignificanceB The Industrial Revolution and Its SignificanceC The Causes of Industrial RevolutionD Adam Smith, the Economist and Philosopher

考题 单选题What provides the majority of strength to an aluminum-sided container?().A Corner fittingsB Framework,primarily the corner postsC Framework and siding acting as a girderD Aluminum side and end panels

考题 名词解释题专用线 industrial siding

考题 问答题Consequences of the Industrial Revolution

考题 单选题车站与()分别对进入专用线工作的铁路调车人员、货运员和企业运输员、装卸工等制定岗位责任制,明确工作内容、分工和责任。A 专用线共用单位B 专用线单位C 专用线使用单位D 专用线产权单位

考题 单选题Which of the following is the best version of the underlined portions of sentences 10 and 11 (reproduced below)?For instance, one candidate might want to eliminate environmental regulations so his industrial supporters can get richer. But you have asthma that is affected by the pollution or you'd rather not swim in a lake that has become polluted because of it.A (as it is now)B for the financial benefit of his industrial supporters, but to the detriment of your asthma and your favorite swimming lake, which are harmed by pollution.C for his industrial supporters' wealth, but you have asthma and your favorite swim- ming lake is getting worse because of pollution.D for his industrial supporters' wealth, but not for your asthma and your favorite swimming lake is harmed by pollution.E for the financial benefit of his industrial supporters, but to the detriment of your asthma and your favorite swimming lake are harmed by pollution.

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考题 单选题People are contributing to the industrial and agricultural ______ in China.A structureB instructionC constructionD direction

考题 单选题托运人、收货人使用他人专用线装卸货车时,应与()签订运输协议。A 车站、专用线所有人B 直属站段、专用线所有人C 铁路局、专用线所有人D 专用线产权单位

考题 单选题铁路军事专用线按下列哪项规定执行()。A 《铁路军事专用线管理办法》B 《铁路军事专用线修建管理办法》C 《铁路军事专用线修建和维护管理办法》D 《铁路军事专用线修建和维修管理办法》

考题 单选题The city is an important railroad _____ and industrial and convention center.A conjunctionB networkC junctionD link

考题 问答题什么是铁路专用线的有效长度?如何确定专用线的有效长度和专用线的技术等级?