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更多 “单选题______A worriesB feelingsC emotionsD indifferences” 相关考题
考题 单选题______A happy B families C it D up

考题 单选题No sooner had he seen the horrible sight while he stood motionlessly.A than B beforeC whenD as

考题 单选题______A out B on C forward D through

考题 单选题All in all, it is now beyond doubt that in size and scope the rapid global spread of the habit to wear jeans, however it may be explained, is an accident without precedent in the history of human attire.A of wearing...incidentB wearing...eventC of wearing...eventD to be wearing...incident

考题 单选题Leonard da Vinci, the famous Italian painter, was also distinguished for his contributions to architecture.A well-known B bright C imaginary D public

考题 单选题Elworth’s barn burnt down,but they saved what cattle which were in the barn.A thereB thatC theyD where

考题 单选题With the change of red fights, there are long queues of vehicles that wait while a few people who walk across the zebra.A wait...walkB waiting...walkingC waiting...walkD wait...walking

考题 单选题Herman Melville’s fictionalized account of his South Sea adventures brought him prosperity and admission to prominent literary circles.A prevalent B obscure C eminent D legitimate

考题 单选题The phrase “out of sight and out of mind” underlined in Paragraph 3 probably means __________.A being unable to think properly for lack of insightB being totally out of touch with business at homeC missing opportunities for promotion when abroadD leaving all care and worry behind

考题 单选题For many adolescents, participation in sports is one way that they can feel true self-esteem.A loyalty B liberty C selfishness D pride

考题 问答题An Early History of Australia  Before the arrival of European settlers, Aboriginal and Tortes Strait (托雷斯海峡) Islander peoples inhabited most areas of the Australian continent. Each people spoke one or more of hundreds of separate languages, with lifestyles and religious and cultural traditions that differed according to the region in which they lived.  Adaptable and creative, with simple but highly efficient technology, Indigenous Australians had complex social systems and highly developed traditions reflecting a deep connection with the land and environment.  Asian and Oceanic people had contact with Australia’s Indigenous peoples for thousands of years before the European expansion into the Eastern Hemisphere. Some formed substantial relationships with communities in northern Australia.  In 1606, the Spanish explorer Luis Vaez de Torres sailed through the strait that separates Australia and Papua New Guinea (巴布亚新几内亚). Dutch explorers charted the north and west coasts and found Tasmania. The first British explorer, William Dampier, landed on the northwest coast in 1688. But it was not until 1770 that his countryman, Captain James Cook, on the Endeavour, extended a scientific voyage to the South Pacific in order to chart the east coast of the continent that had become known as New Holland, and claimed it for the British Crown.  The American war of independence shut off that country as a place to transport convicts, requiring Great Britain to establish a new penal colony. Sir Joseph Banks, the President of the Royal Society, had sailed as a naturalist (博物学家) with Captain Cook, and suggested Australia for this purpose.  The First Fleet of 11 ships arrived at Botany Bay in January 1788. Governor Phillip preferred Sydney Harbor and the date he landed in the Harbor,26 January, is now commemorated as Australia Day. The First Fleet carded 1,500 people, half of them convicts. Robert Hughes’ The Fatal Shore (1987) is a classic book on the convict system. Hughes suggests that the penal system had lasting effects on Australian society. About 160,000 convicts were sent to the Australian continent over the next 80 years.  The wool industry and the gold rushes of the mid-19th century provided an impetus to free settlement. Scarcity of labor, the vastness of the bush and new wealth based on farming, mining and trade all contributed to the development of uniquely Australian institutions and sensibilities. At the time of European settlement in 1788 it is estimated there were at least 300,000 Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders in Australia. European settlement involved the displacement and dispossession of Indigenous peoples. It disrupted traditional land management practices and introduced new plants and animals into fragile Australian ecosystems.

考题 单选题______A is B even C has D to

考题 单选题______A disputes B changes C arguments D calls

考题 单选题______A increasesB reducesC decreasesD adds

考题 单选题______A accidents B emergencies C events D incidents

考题 单选题______A consentB insuranceC admissionD security

考题 单选题Diplomatic misunderstandings can often be traced back to blunders in translation.A mistakes B feats C evaluations D duplicates

考题 单选题He meant telling us about it, but he forgot to tell us.A to be tellingB tellingC to have toldD having told

考题 单选题The poet compressed many thoughts and emotions into a few well-chosen words.A deserved B compacted C complimentedD transferred

考题 单选题The mass production of goods from the Industrial Revolution in the 1800’s made person-to-person selling less efficient than mass distribution.A influential B effective C sensible D frequent

考题 问答题Public Schools  However good the state schools may be, it is still true that if an English parent has enough money to pay the fees to send his children to an independent school he will most probably do so.  In independent schools boys and girls above the age of eight are usually educated separately. The terms “primary” and “secondary” are not usually applied to independent schools at the different levels because the age of transfer from a lower to a higher school is normally thirteen or fourteen instead of eleven. The principal schools for boys of over thirteen are called “public schools” and those for younger boys are usually called “preparatory” (or colloquially “prep”) schools.  For girls there are some preparatory schools and public schools which are female imitations of the boys’ institutions.  A typical “preparatory school’“—or private primary school—is very small, with between fifty and a hundred boys, either all boarders or all dayboys, or some of each. Many of these schools are in adapted houses in the country or in small towns, houses built in the nineteenth century and too big to be inhabited by families in the conditions of the modern world. If there are fifty boys, aged between eight-plus and thirteen-plus, they will probably be taught in five or six grades (or “forms”); the headmaster will himself work as an ordinary teacher, and he will have four or five assistants working for him. The preparatory schools prepare boys for the public schools’ common entrance examination and for public school life. The, schools in the state system do not prepare boys for the public schools’ common entrance examination, so a boy who tried to change from the states system to the independent school system at the age of thirteen would find difficulty in entering a public school at all.  With a few exceptions public schools are all boarding schools, providing residential accommodation for their pupils, though many of them take some day-boys also. Most are in the southern half of England. Some of them are several hundred years old, but many others, including some of the most prominent thirty, were founded during the past 140 years. Most public schools, particularly the most eminent ones, are called by the name of the town or village in which they are situated; some are called “College” and some are not. The four most famous of all are Eton College, Harrow School, Winchester College and Rugby School.  Public schools are inspected by the inspectors of the Department of Education, but otherwise they are quite independent. Each has a board of governors. They control the finances and appoint the headmaster, who in his turn appoints the other teachers. To send a boy to .a leading public school costs about 900 to 1,100 pounds a year, though some of the less prominent schools may cost as little as 600 pounds. All the schools award “scholarships” to some of their boys who do very good work in an examination on entering or during their first year, and the boys who win scholarships pay reduced fees or in a few cases no fees at all.

考题 单选题______A offB downC outD alone

考题 单选题______A particularlyB barelyC definitelyD rarely

考题 单选题When required by their parents to eat spinach and other green vegetables, many children only do so reluctantly.A imitatively B impatiently C unwillingly D unknowingly

考题 问答题中国软件业的长足发展  中国硬件业的发展取得了举世瞩目的成功。在过去的五年中,中国的个人电脑销售额年增长率约为40%,成为亚洲地区乃至世界的一颗耀眼的明星。  过去的五年中,中国的软件业虽然也得到了发展,但从目前正在使用的计算机数量看来,软件业并未达到预期的增长。与同一地区的其他国家相比,在中国,每台计算机的软件收入低得惊人。而这却是衡量某个市场的软件业发展健康与否的一个重要标准。  中国软件业发展的主要挑战来自盗版(piracy)软件的泛滥(rampant)。盗版是软件业所面临的一个全球性问题,没有一个国家能够幸免。  中国政府已经采取措施,加强法律制度、进一步明确并有效执行各种程序,为软件业的生存创造更加健康的环境。在不久的将来,中国软件业有望得到更快发展。

考题 单选题______A Therefore B Yet C Moreover D Thus

考题 单选题The word “constitute” underlined in Paragraph 1 means______.A formB talkC planD look

考题 单选题______A thing B reality C fact D conclusion