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If your vessel were proceeding down river (descending),a green square marker with a green reflector border on the right bank would be a().

mile board


dredging mark


passing daymark


crossing daymark


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更多 “单选题If your vessel were proceeding down river (descending),a green square marker with a green reflector border on the right bank would be a().A mile boardB dredging markC passing daymarkD crossing daymark” 相关考题
考题 Part AYou spent a weekend with the Franklins. After you came back, you write a letter to Mrs. Franklin to express your thanks, and telling her about:1) the happy weekend you spent2) your thanks to the FranklinsYou should write approximately 100 words. Do not put down your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Ann River" instead. And you need not write your address.

考题 during bunkering in the last vessel ,what were you assigned to do ?or what was your position during bunkering on your last vessel ?

考题 While proceeding to a distress site,you hear the words “Seelonce mayday” on the radiotelephone.Which action should you take ________.A.Resume base course and speed as your assistance is no longer requiredB.Acknowledge receipt and advise your course,speed,and ETAC.Relay the original distress message as no other vessel has acknowledged itD.Monitor the radiotelephone but do not transmit

考题 Your vessel is proceeding down a channel,and you see a pair of range lights that are in line dead ahead.The chart indicates that the direction of this pair of lights is 229°T,and variation is 6°W.If the heading of your vessel at the time of the sighting is 232°per standard magnetic compass,what is the correct deviation ________.A.3°EB.9°EC.3°WD.9°W

考题 For the deepest water when rounding a bend in a river, you should navigate your vessel____.A.toward the inside of the bendB.toward the outside of the bendC.toward the center of the river just before the bend, then change course for the river’s venter after the bendD.in the river’s center

考题 单选题While your vessel is docked port side to a wharf,a sudden gale force wind causes the vessel’s bow lines to part.The bow begins to fall away from the dock,and no tugs are immediately available.Which measure(s)should you take FIRST().A Call the Master and the deck gangB Slip the stern lines,let the vessel drift into the river,and then anchorC Let go the starboard anchorD Obtain assistance and attempt to put some new bow lines out

考题 单选题Your vessel has been in a collision. After assessing the damage, you begin down flooding. This will cause the KB to do what?().A FallB Remain stationaryC RiseD Shift to the high side

考题 单选题A vessel proceeding along the bank of a river or channel has the tendency to().A continue in line with the bankB hug the bankC sheer away from the bankD increase speed

考题 单选题If your vessel were proceeding down river (descending),a green square marker with a green reflector border on the right bank would be a().A mile boardB dredging markC passing daymarkD crossing daymark

考题 单选题For the deepest water when rounding a bend in a river,you should navigate your vessel().A toward the inside of the bendB toward the outside of the bendC toward the center of the river just before the bend,then change course for the river's center after the bendD in the river's center

考题 单选题If you have to jump in the water when abandoning a vessel,your legs should be().A spread apart as far as possibleB held as tightly against your chest as possibleC in a kneeling positionD extended straight down and crossed at the ankles

考题 单选题A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel shall keep as near to the outer limitof the channel which lies on her starboard side as it is safe and practicable.Which one of the followings does the statement express?().A A vessel shall proceed near the other vessel on her starboard side on the narrow channel since it is safe and practicableB A vessel shall avoid proceeding near the starboard outer limit of a narrow channel as long as it is safe and practicableC A vessel shall avoid proceeding along the channel because it is not safe and practicableD A vessel shall proceed near the starboard outer limit of a narrow channel to the degree in which it is safe and practicable

考题 单选题The pivoting point of a fully loaded vessel with normal trim proceeding ahead at sea speed is().A right at the bowB one-third the length of the vessel from the bowC one-half the length of the vessel from the bowD two-thirds the length of the vessel from the bow

考题 单选题The vessel on opposite course will()on your port side.A passB overtakeC catch upD run down

考题 单选题After you enter the Ohio River at Cairo,the Map shows that the deepest water under the Illinois Central RR Bridge would be found under which span? ()A Right Descending Bank spanB Left Descending Bank spanC Center spanD Water is equal under all spans

考题 单选题When your vessel is proceeding to the area of traffic density,()is used to determine the exact ranges of other ships or objects in the vicinity.A radarB GPSC DFD satellite navigator

考题 单选题A vessel crossing a river on the Western Rivers has the right of way over().A vessels ascending the riverB vessels descending the riverC all vessels ascending and descending the riverD None of the above

考题 单选题You detect oil around your tank vessel while discharging. The first thing to do is().A try to find out where the oil is coming fromB call the masterC have the pumpman check the discharge pipingD shut down operations

考题 单选题While proceeding to a distress site,you hear the words “Seelonce mayday” on the radiotelephone.Which action should you take().A Resume base course and speed as your assistance is no longer requiredB Acknowledge receipt and advise your course,speed,and ETAC Relay the original distress message as no other vessel has acknowledged itD Monitor the radiotelephone but do not transmit

考题 单选题A vessel is proceeding downstream in a narrow channel on the Western Rivers when another vessel is sighted moving upstream. Which vessel has the right of way? ()A The vessel moving upstream against the currentB The vessel moving downstream with a following currentC The vessel located more towards the channel centerlineD The vessel with the least amount of maneuverability

考题 单选题How does the effect known as bank suction act on a single-screw vessel proceeding along a narrow channel?().A It pulls the bow toward the bankB It pushes the entire vessel away from the bankC It pulls the stern toward the bankD It heels the vessel toward the bank

考题 单选题Your tank vessel is fully loaded, and you find that she is down slightly by the head. To adjust the trim, you may().A add ballast aftB load more cargo aftC shift cargo aftD All of the above

考题 单选题You are proceeding to a distress site.The survivors are in liferafts.What will make your ship more visible to the survivors().A Steering a sinuous courseB Steering a zig-zag courseC Turning on all available deck lights at nightD Dumping debris over the side to make a trail to your vessel

考题 单选题The phrase “When built” in the Certificate of Vessel’s Nationality definitely means().A When was your vessel builtB At what time is your vessel buildingC When is your vessel builtD At what time you built your vessel

考题 单选题Which vessel would display a cone,apex downward().A A fishing vessel with outlying gearB A vessel proceeding under sail and machineryC A vessel engaged in diving operationsD A vessel being towed

考题 单选题The phrase “When built” in the Certificate of Vessel’s Nationality means().A when was your vessel builtB at what time is your vessel buildingC when is your vessel builtD at what time you built your vessel

考题 单选题After jacking down your liftboat you have an unexpected list.You find that the only cause of this list must be a flooded leg.Your next course of action should be to().A Jack the vessel back up to a safe heightB Proceed on to your next destination since the list is unimportantC Pump out all ballast to gain reserve buoyancyD Notify the Coast Guard

考题 单选题As you approach Old River Control Structure Light you see a flashing amber light. You should().A navigate as close to the left descending bank as safety permitsB navigate as close to the right descending bank as safety permitsC turn into the inflow channel as the bypass is now openD slow your engine speed to not more than 5 mph