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下面关于ENG VALVE CLOSE灯的说法正确的是()

  • A、这是发动机梁活门的指示灯
  • B、活门打开时该灯灭
  • C、活门打开时该灯明亮
  • D、活门打开时该灯暗亮


更多 “下面关于ENG VALVE CLOSE灯的说法正确的是()A、这是发动机梁活门的指示灯B、活门打开时该灯灭C、活门打开时该灯明亮D、活门打开时该灯暗亮” 相关考题
考题 If the head pressure of a reciprocating refrigeration compressor is excessiveA.the relief valve should open before the high pressure cutoutB.the relief valve should open and allow the excess refrigerant to flow to the receiverC.the high pressure cutout switch should operate before the relief valve opensD.you should close the discharging valve

考题 关于统计推断,下面说法正确的是

考题 The fitting at the end of a cargo line in a tank that allows suction to be taken close to the bottom of a tank is a ______.A.Suction endB.StrainerC.Bell-mouthD.Vacuum valve


考题 关于草坪灯,下面说法正确的是()。A、草坪灯比较低矮,造型多样B、放置在广场周边或草坪边缘作装饰照明,创造夜间景色的氛围C、草坪灯应尽量避免眩光的产生D、力求产生均匀平淡的光照感应

考题 下面关于色温的说法正确的是()A、色温与物体的表面温度相等B、色温与温度的大小相反C、日出日落时的色温比中午前后的太阳色温高D、日光灯比白炽灯的色温要高

考题 If the hatch cover does not move, ()should be checked.A、the open valveB、the stop valveC、the steam valveD、the close valve

考题 下面关于电客车外部照明说法正确的是()。A、尾灯和运行灯为LED灯B、外部照明系统由头灯、尾灯和运行灯组成C、尾灯和运行灯由110V电源供电D、头灯由24V电源供电

考题 有交流电对ENG/APU火警/过热位测试时,飞机上哪些指示和警告()A、P7板:火警灯,主警告灯,系统警告牌的OVHT/DET灯B、P8板:APU/ENG灭火手柄灯C、发动机过热灯、火警铃D、以上都对

考题 下面关于门的说法正确的是()A、前后登机门大小一样B、前后勤务门大小一样C、紧急出口门没关好并锁定有灯警告D、门警告灯在前乘务员面板

考题 当A/THR衔接且起作用时()A、推力手柄控制ENG且FCU上的A/THR接通灯亮;B、推力手柄控制ENG但FCU上的A/THR接通灯不亮;C、推力系统控制ENG但FCU上的A/THR接通灯不亮;D、推力系统控制ENG且FCU上的A/THR接通灯亮。

考题 下面关于固定着陆灯的说法正确的是()。A、灯的角度不能调节B、控制电门位于P7板C、可通过3个调节螺帽改变灯的角度D、共有四个固定着陆灯

考题 下面关于P5-13电表及电瓶和厨房电源面板上“ELEC”灯或“电瓶释放”灯的说法不正确的是()A、“ELEC”灯只有飞机在地面时才会亮B、“ELEC”灯为琥珀色C、“电瓶释放”灯在APU停车时就亮D、“电瓶释放”灯在APU起动时会亮


考题 可以使右系统指示灯上的ENG灯亮的故障灯有几个()A、6B、7C、8D、9

考题 点火工作时,有什么指示?A、白色的工作灯B、绿色的ENG IGNITION信号灯C、MFD上有关于点火的信息D、PFD上有关于点火的信息

考题 ENG VALVE CLOSED灯熄灭,意味着()A、活门开B、活门关C、活门在转换位D、活门故障

考题 点火工作时,有什么指示?A、白色的工作灯B、绿色的ENG IGNITION信号灯C、MFD上有关于点火的信息

考题 单选题Each inert gas system gas main must have an automatic shut down valve at the outlet of the gas production plant. This valve must close automatically upon().A cargo pump failureB blower failureC deck seal low water levelD low inert gas temperature

考题 多选题下面关于电客车外部照明说法正确的是()。A尾灯和运行灯为LED灯B外部照明系统由头灯、尾灯和运行灯组成C尾灯和运行灯由110V电源供电D头灯由24V电源供电

考题 单选题If the hatch cover does not move, ()should be checked.A the open valveB the stop valveC the steam valveD the close valve

考题 单选题If the head pressure of a reciprocating refrigeration compressor is excessive, ().A the relief valve should open before the high pressure cutoutB the relief valve should open and allow the excess refrigerant to flow to the receiverC the high pressure cutout switch should operate before the relief valve opensD you should close in on the suction valve

考题 单选题If the valve tappets in a diesel engine are set at greater clearances than those specified by the engine manufacturer, those valves will ()A open late and close earlyB open late and close lateC fail to open when the engine is coldD fail to open at normal operating temperature

考题 单选题Excessive valve lash in an auxiliary diesel engine will cause the valves to open()A later and close soonerB sooner and close laterC sooner and close soonerD later and close later

考题 单选题The simplest method to use for determining if a centrifugal pump is operating as designed, is to ().A closely observe the pump discharge temperatureB close off the discharge valve, and watch for a rise in pressureC momentarily close off the suction valve, and watch for a rise in pressureD use a clamp on ammeter and compare the readings to past records

考题 单选题If the engine is naturally aspirated, or is a small high-speed type with a centrifugal turbocharger, the period of valve overlap(),ie when both valves are(), will be and the exhaust valve will close some 10°top dead canter().A open;short;afterB closed;short;afterC open;long;beforeD closed;long;before

考题 多选题关于草坪灯,下面说法正确的是()。A草坪灯比较低矮,造型多样B放置在广场周边或草坪边缘作装饰照明,创造夜间景色的氛围C草坪灯应尽量避免眩光的产生D力求产生均匀平淡的光照感应