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The separating effect of oil separator is not very good, the reason may be()

too little seal water


improper gravity disc


oil discharging pump not working very well


low water level of the working water


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更多 “单选题The separating effect of oil separator is not very good, the reason may be()A too little seal waterB improper gravity discC oil discharging pump not working very wellD low water level of the working water” 相关考题
考题 The requirement to carry an Oil Record Book does not apply to a ship that ______.A.is not equipped to discharge overboard any oil or oily mixtureB.is on an international voyage to a country that is a party to MARPOLC.has an International Oil Pollution Prevention CertificateD.has an oily water separator of sufficient capacity for the oil wastes generated

考题 单选题If oil density were greater than water’s, the oil separator ().A did workB would work wellC didnt workD wouldnt work

考题 单选题The following measures can be used to improve oily water separator’s separating effect except ()A overhauling every two yearB working at intervalsC renewing filtration materialD pumping bilge water from different layers respectively

考题 单选题If separating effect is not good, which measure should be taken ()A working at intervals and properly heatingB warming up to 70℃, increase water supply flowC improving impulse of water supplyD reducing water supply flow

考题 单选题I remember ()the oil separator the day before yesterday But it failed again.A to repairB to be repairedC repairingD being repaired

考题 单选题The oil () in the discharging water from oil water separator exceeds 15 PPM without alarm, because the coil was burnt out.A filterB holeC pollutionD content

考题 单选题In a complete oil/water separator, more oil will separate out onto the underside of these plates and travel outwards until it is free to rise into the oil collecting space Whats the meaning of "it" in the sentence above?()A a separatorB oilC waterD an oil collecting space

考题 单选题The ()is not a component of an oil separator.A sliding bowl bottomB gravity discC separating discD scum valve

考题 单选题The younger motorman as well as the others () to operate the oil separator.A has learntB have learntC learnD are learning

考题 单选题Which of the following is wrong about operation of oily water separator?()A filled with clean water before operationB keep air cushion in oil collecting space during runningC check oil level during runningD clean inner separator with low pressure stream

考题 单选题If found oil when we open low oil level plug of separator, it indicates ()A the separator is overloadB the monitor equipment of separator failsC the discharge pump of separator can not workD the temperature of oil water is low

考题 单选题When oily water separator is operating, which measure () is wrong.A pay attention to operating parametersB renew and clean separating units in timeC check oil level in separator to prevent overloadD check separating effect, if it is bad, flush with large capacity water pump

考题 单选题When finish work on the oil separator, you should()firstly.A cut off the powerB cut off the oil inletC open guide water valveD close oil outlet value

考题 单选题In an oily water separator the oil will travel () to the oil collecting spaces.A upwardsB downwardsC outwardsD forwards

考题 单选题As to the piston cooling, of the following, which statement is not true?()A Because the piston is exposed to very high temperature, it must be cooledB The lower the piston cooling temperature is, the better it isC Both water and lube oil can be used as coolantD One of the piston cooling methods is vibration cooling, with better effect

考题 单选题()can cause oil flow from sludge outlet of self cleaning separator.A Too much sludge accumulated in separator bowlB Diameter of gravity disc too largeC High level tank lack of waterD Oil input too rapidly

考题 单选题A centrifuge of which the bowl is arranged as the upper and lower parts separate discharges the sludge()A by opening the separator manuallyB by separating the lower part from the upper part automaticallyC by separating the upper part from the lower part automaticallyD continuously

考题 单选题The remaining oil/water mixture now flows down into the fine separating compartment and moves slowly between the() in the Turbulo separator.A catch platesB swash platesC cover platesD bedplates

考题 单选题In engines with system, the lubricating oil can be added to the engine through the filling hole in the crankcase cover, by using a hand oil can, or through the separator pipe()A lubricating oilB dry sumpC circulated tankD wet sump

考题 单选题Here some oil in the oily water separator, as a result of its lower (), will separate and rise into the oil collection space.A temperatureB viscosityC densityD velocity

考题 单选题What’s the advantage of oily water separator that meets the requirement of MEPC 60(33) over MEPC 107(49)?()A more economicB larger capacity on oil treatmentC less costiveD more capable of separating emulsified oil

考题 单选题The separating effect of oil separator is not very good, the reason may be()A too little seal waterB improper gravity discC oil discharging pump not working very wellD low water level of the working water

考题 单选题When separating the lube oil without additive, it is usually cleaned with hot water; the aim is to remove () from it.A acidB sludgeC mechanical impurityD salinity

考题 单选题When separating lube oil separator, the optimal separating quantity is()of the rated quantity on name plate.A 100%B 1/2C 1/5D 1/3

考题 单选题When separating fuel oil in oil separator, the separating quantity is() of the real quantity.A 100%B 80%C 1/2D 1/3

考题 单选题If separating effect is not good, we can improve it by ()A flushing separator with hot waterB increasing water supply flowC heat oily water properlyD opening manual oil discharge value

考题 单选题() is the breakdown of surface tension between oil droplets in an oil water mixture which causes them to join and increase in size.A WearB ContaminatingC CoalescenceD Coarse separating

考题 单选题The requirement to carry an Oil Record Book does not apply to a ship that().A is not equipped to discharge overboard any oil or oily mixtureB is on an international voyage to a country that is a party to MARPOLC has an International Oil Pollution Prevention CertificateD has an oily water separator of sufficient capacity for the oil wastes generated