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170 Assume that you have a network where an activity on the critical path can be crashed by two weeks. If the activity is actually crashed by two weeks, then:

A. The project's schedule will be reduced by 2 weeks.

B. The available slack on the noncritical paths will increase.

C. A new critical path may appear after the crash.

D. All of the above.

E. A and B only


更多 “ 170 Assume that you have a network where an activity on the critical path can be crashed by two weeks. If the activity is actually crashed by two weeks, then:A. The project's schedule will be reduced by 2 weeks.B. The available slack on the noncritical paths will increase.C. A new critical path may appear after the crash.D. All of the above.E. A and B only ” 相关考题
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