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燃气轮机排气温度分散度(exhaust gas temperature spread(EGT spread))


更多 “燃气轮机排气温度分散度(exhaust gas temperature spread(EGT spread))” 相关考题
考题 The effect that exhaust gas recirculation can reduce NOX formation is partly due to a reduction of the()concentration in the combustion zone and partly due to the content of water and carbon dioxide in the exhaust gas.A.OxygenB.NitrogenC.SulphurD.Freon

考题 A dry-type spark arrestor removes sparks from a diesel engine exhaust by ____.A.increasing the linear velocity of the exhaust gasesB.changing directions of exhaust gas flowC.decreasing the temperature of the exhaust gasesD.accelerating the exhaust gas through a reduced size orifice

考题 燃气轮机燃烧监视保护系统是通过监视排气温度分散度是否达到允许的排气温度分散度来实现其保护功能的。()

考题 简述燃气轮机排气分散度大的原因?

考题 用燃气轮机排气温度间接控制燃气轮机工作温度时,温控基准随()而变化。A、环境温度;B、燃气轮机排气温度;C、燃气轮机工作温度;D、压气机出口温度。

考题 当燃气轮机负荷改变时,燃气轮机压气机出口压力、温度及燃气轮机排气温度都会发生变化。

考题 以下不是燃气轮机负荷摆动的主要原因的是()。A、控制卡件损坏;B、燃料伺服阀故障;C、燃机排气温度分散度大;D、IGV故障。

考题 燃气轮机排气温度和压气机的压比,是影响燃气轮机效率的两个主要因素。提高燃气轮机排气温度,并相应降低压缩比,可使燃气轮机效率显著提高。

考题 燃气轮机排气温度高或排气温度分散度高,可能是因为火焰筒和过渡段有裂纹、燃气伺服阀故障、燃气喷嘴及单向阀故障和()。A、压气机喘振;B、燃料量不足;C、燃烧室旁路阀位置异常;D、燃气分配器工作异常。

考题 燃气轮机的排气温度允许分散度是常数。()

考题 燃机排气温度高或排气温度分散度高的原因有哪些?

考题 用燃气轮机排气温度间接控制轮机工作温度时,温控基准随()而变化。A、环境温度B、燃气轮机排气温度C、燃气轮机工作温度D、压气机出口温度

考题 通常对于同一台燃气轮机来说,当环境温度升高时,燃气轮机的()。A、烟气流量增加,排气温度升高B、烟气流量减少,排气温度升高C、烟气流量增加,排气温度降低D、烟气流量减少,排气温度降低

考题 燃气轮机功率增加到一定程度,排气温度升到(),温控系统进入控制。A、平均排气温度B、最高排气温度C、最低排气温度D、温控基准

考题 判断题燃气轮机的排气温度允许分散度是常数。()A 对B 错

考题 单选题An exhaust gas bypass is installed on a waste heat boiler in order to ().A bypass exhaust gas at high loads to prevent excessive back pressureB bypass a portion of the exhaust gas at peak loads for better efficiencyC recycle exhaust gas to the turbochargerD minimize moisture condensation in the boiler gas passages at low loads

考题 单选题Diesel engine mufflers or silencers reduce the engine exhaust noise by ()A passing the exhaust through long head pipesB diffusing exhaust vibrations through activated carbon bafflesC increasing the exhaust gas velocityD reducing the exhaust gas velocity

考题 单选题Diesel engine exhaust noise can be reduced in an exhaust muffler by ()A changing the direction of exhaust gas flowB increasing the exhaust gas velocityC changing the exhaust gas weightD increasing the exhaust gas static pressure

考题 单选题The exhaust system of a diesel engine is usually designed to remove exhaust gases and to ()A provide exhaust back pressureB prevent exhaust smoke emissionsC power a reciprocating superchargerD muffle exhaust gas noise

考题 单选题The purpose of designing some waste heat boilers with sinuous fire tubes, is to()A increase exhaust gas velocity through the boilerB reduce accumulations of carbon deposits on the heat transfer surfacesC eliminate exhaust gas pulsations and noiseD increase the rate of heat transfer to the waterside

考题 单选题A dry-type spark arrestor removes sparks from a diesel engine exhaust by()A increasing the linear velocity of the exhaust gasesB changing directions of exhaust gas flowC decreasing the temperature of the exhaust gasesD accelerating the exhaust gas through a reduced size orifice

考题 单选题通常对于同一台燃气轮机来说,当环境温度升高时,燃气轮机的()。A 烟气流量增加,排气温度升高B 烟气流量减少,排气温度升高C 烟气流量增加,排气温度降低D 烟气流量减少,排气温度降低

考题 单选题The exhaust boilers are used to recover some of () carried in the exhaust gas from the main engine.A waterB oilC heatD steam

考题 单选题Fins are installed on the generating tube surfaces in waste heat boilers to ().A prevent soot fires in the exhaust systemB prevent exhaust gas erosion of the tubesC increase the velocity of exhaust gas flowD increase the rate of heat transfer

考题 判断题燃气轮机燃烧监视保护系统是通过监视排气温度分散度是否达到允许的排气温度分散度来实现其保护功能的。()A 对B 错

考题 问答题燃机排气温度高或排气温度分散度高的原因有哪些?

考题 单选题用燃气轮机排气温度间接控制轮机工作温度时,温控基准随()而变化。A 环境温度B 燃气轮机排气温度C 燃气轮机工作温度D 压气机出口温度