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An important difference between presupposition and entailment is that presupposition,unlike entailment,is not vulnerable to negation. That is to say, if a sentence is negated, the original presupposition is still true.


更多 “An important difference between presupposition and entailment is that presupposition,unlike entailment,is not vulnerable to negation. That is to say, if a sentence is negated, the original presupposition is still true.” 相关考题
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考题 Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)Directions, There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.6. I know the difference between these two words. So ______ they.A. knowB. willC. doD. does

考题 By presupposition, we refer to a meaning taken as given which does not therefore need to be asserted.()

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考题 .What can we infer from the last sentence of the text?A. Happiness comes from peaceful life in the country.B. Health is more important than money.C. The harmony between man and nature is important.D. Good old days will never be forgotten.

考题 The height of tide is the ______.A.depth of water at a specific time due to tidal effectB.difference between the depth of the water and the area's tidal datumC.difference between the depth of the water and the high water tidal levelD.difference between the depth of the water at high tide and the depth of the water at low tide

考题 Which of the following is an entailment of the utterance "Annie broke the window" A.Annie was careless. B.Annie was disruptive. C.Annie did something to the window. D.It is Annie who broke the window.

考题 Questioning plays an important role for the classroom teaching. Which of the following questions does not belong to comprehensive questions? A.What is the main idea of this paragraph? B.Can you tell the difference between the two terms? C.Can you retell the text we have learned last week? D.Can you paraphrase the sentence in your own words?

考题 Questioning plays an important role for the classroom teaching. Which of the following questions does not belong to comprehension questions?A.What is the main idea of this paragraph B.Can you tell the difference between the two terms C.Can you retell the text we have learned last week D.Can you paraphrase the sentence in your own words

考题 The sense relation between“John plays the piano”and“John plays a musical instrument” is ( ) A.synonymy B.antonymy C.entailment D.presupposition

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考题 An important difference between presupposition and entailment is that presupposition,unlike entailment,is not vulnerable to negation. That is to say, if a sentence is negated, the original presupposition is still true.A对B错

考题 Something important has come up.This sentence means something important happens unexpectedly.

考题 what is the difference between the HSRP and VRRP?

考题 What does the command show | compare rollback 1 display?()A、the difference between the current candidate configuration and the candidate configuration from one commit agoB、the difference etween the current active configuration and the active configuration from the one commit agoC、the difference between the current active configuration and the active configuration from one commit agoD、the difference between the current candidate configuration and the archived configuration from one commit ago

考题 What is an important difference between the Cisco Small Business Support Center and the Cisco Small Business Support Community?()A、 telephone support during business hoursB、 fast access to technical informationC、 access by partners and customersD、 real-time collaboration

考题 A major difference between archiving and backing up data is that data backups:()A、contain data removed from the server.B、contain data that still resides on the server.C、are stored with the servers.D、are stored securely.

考题 What does the command show compare rollback 1 display?()A、the difference between the current candidate configuration and the candidate configuration from one commit agoB、the difference between the current active configuration and the current candidate configurationC、the difference between the current active configuration and the active configuration from one commit agoD、the difference between the current candidate configuration and the archived configuration from one commit ago

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考题 单选题Why does the author say that the important part of this research began when two Harvard researchers were brought in?A Until then the research had been poorly conducted.B They took a multifaceted approach.C The results of the original research did not make sense.D Harvard had a good reputation in conducting research.

考题 单选题What is an important difference between the Cisco Small Business Support Center and the Cisco Small Business Support Community?()A  telephone support during business hoursB  fast access to technical informationC  access by partners and customersD  real-time collaboration

考题 单选题A major difference between archiving and backing up data is that data backups:()A contain data removed from the server.B contain data that still resides on the server.C are stored with the servers.D are stored securely.

考题 单选题The sentence in lines 17-22 (The often inchoate,.modern humans) primarily describes ______.A how our minds rationalize rudimentary informationB why humans value intuitive thinkingC how scientists investigate psychological claimsD what parts of the brain are involved in rational thoughtE the vast difference between our modern minds and the minds of our ancestors

考题 单选题What does the command show | compare rollback 1 display?()A the difference between the current candidate configuration and the candidate configuration from one commit agoB the difference etween the current active configuration and the active configuration from the one commit agoC the difference between the current active configuration and the active configuration from one commit agoD the difference between the current candidate configuration and the archived configuration from one commit ago

考题 单选题From the passage, we can draw a conclusion that _____.A family has deep influence on a personB compliments are very important to a personC one should treasure the relationship between othersD when facing tough time, one should never say die

考题 判断题An important difference between presupposition and entailment is that presupposition,unlike entailment,is not vulnerable to negation. That is to say, if a sentence is negated, the original presupposition is still true.A 对B 错

考题 单选题Which of the following is an entailment of utterance “Annie broke the window”?A Annie was carelessB Annie was disruptiveC Annie did something to the windowD It is Annie who broke the window