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The fitting that allows a boom to move freely both vertically and laterally is called the ______.



C.spider band



更多 “ The fitting that allows a boom to move freely both vertically and laterally is called the ______.A.swivelB.lizardC.spider bandD.gooseneck ” 相关考题
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考题 A band or collar on the top end of a boom to which the topping lift,midships guy,and outboard guys are secured,is called the ______.A.collar bandB.guy bandC.pad eye collarD.spider band

考题 Which fitting is used to connect the boom to the mast?A.Clevis pinB.Gunter-lugC.GooseneckD.Transom

考题 How should you signal the crane operator to lower the boom and raise the load ________.A.Extend arm and point finger in the direction to move the boomB.Extend arm with thumb pointing downward and flex fingers in and outC.With forearm vertical and forefinger pointing up,move hand in small horizontal circlesD.With arm extended downwards and forefinger pointing down,move hand in small horizontal circles

考题 The fitting at the end of a cargo line in a tank that allows suction to be taken close to the bottom of a tank is a ______.A.Suction endB.StrainerC.Bell-mouthD.Vacuum valve

考题 A deck fitting,used to secure line or wire rope,consisting of a single body with two protruding horns is called a ______.A.BittB.BollardC.CapstanD.Cleat

考题 How should you signal the crane operator to raise the boom?_________.A.Extend arm with the thumb pointing up and flex the fingers in and outB.Place both fists in front of the body with the thumbs pointing upwardC.With forearm vertical and forefinger pointing up,move hand in small horizontal circlesD.Extend arm with fingers closed and point thumb upward

考题 In a twin screw ship going half-ahead,both screws turning outboard and the rudder amidships no current or wind, the vessel will ______.A.Move bodily to portB.Move bodily to starboardC.Move in a zig-zag motionD.Steer a fairly straight course

考题 单选题How should you signal the crane operator to raise the boom?().A Extend arm with the thumb pointing up and flex the fingers in and outB Place both fists in front of the body with the thumbs pointing upwardC With forearm vertical and forefinger pointing up,move hand in small horizond circlesD Extend arm with the fingers closed and thumb upward

考题 单选题Which fitting is used to connect the boom to the mast? ()A Clevis pinB Gunter-lugC GooseneckD Transom

考题 单选题Securing cargo by running timbers from an upper support down to the cargo,either vertically or at an angle,is called().A bracesB dunnageC shoresD toms

考题 单选题A single fitting installed in a pipeline that either blanks off the pipe or allows a full flow passage of a liquid through the pipe is referred to as a().A blind flangeB pivot couplingC quick-release couplingD spectacle flange

考题 单选题A band or collar on the top end of a boom which the topping lift, midships guy, and outboard guys are secured, is called the().A collar bandB guy bandC pad eye collarD spider band

考题 单选题The process of lowering a boom to a horizontal position and onto its deck support is called().A spotting a boomB collaring a boomC cradling a boomD toppling a boom

考题 单选题Which statement is TRUE concerning the gooseneck().A It is a sailing maneuver which brings the vessel's head through the windB It connects the boom to the mast and allows the boom to swing freelyC It is a sailing condition where there is a loss of air flow over the sailsD None of the above

考题 单选题How should you signal the crane operator to swing?().A With both arms extended out and palms to down, move arms back and forthB With arm ertended downwards and forefinger pointing down,move hand in small horizontal creclesC Extend arm and point finger in the direction to move boomD Place both fists in front of the body with the thumbs pointing outward

考题 单选题How should you signal the crane operator to lower the boom and raise the load().A Extend arm and point finger in the direction to move the boomB Extend arm with thumb pointing downward and flex fingers in and outC With forearm vertical and forefinger pointing up,move hand in small horizontal circlesD With arm extended downwards and forefinger pointing down,move hand in small horizontal circles

考题 单选题The fitting that allows a boom to move freely both vertically and laterally is called the ().A swivelB lizardC spider bandD gooseneck

考题 单选题Which CLI keyboard sequence allows you to move the cursor to the beginning of the line?()A Ctrl+eB Ctrl+pC Ctrl+wD Ctrl+a

考题 单选题When liquid is free to move transversely in a tank, the effect is called().A Free communicationB Free fensityC Free surfaceD Negative GM

考题 单选题The hinge fitting used to attach the boom to the mast is the().A gooseneckB stepC swivelD pintle

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考题 单选题Vertically below the deckline is a circle whose outside diameter is 300mm.It is called the().A the deck lineB Plimsoll discC Plimsoll lineD summer load line

考题 单选题A deck fitting,used to secure line or wire rope,consisting of a single body with two protruding horns is called a().A bittB bollardC capstanD cleat

考题 单选题Placing a lashing across a hook to prevent a fitting from slipping out of the hook is called ().A fakingB flemishing downC mousingD worming