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Halon gas will decompose and may form very hazardous toxic fumes when discharged ______.

A.directly on flames

B.at room temperature

C.in an extremely cold climate

D.None of the above


更多 “ Halon gas will decompose and may form very hazardous toxic fumes when discharged ______.A.directly on flamesB.at room temperatureC.in an extremely cold climateD.None of the above ” 相关考题
考题 An inert gas system installed on a tanker is designed to ______.A.aid in the stripping and cleaning of cargo tanksB.increase the rate of discharge of cargoC.force toxic and explosive fumes from a cargo tank to vent to the outside atmosphereD.lower the oxygen levels inside cargo tanks,making explosion nearly impossible

考题 According to the Chemical Data Guide,what does ethyl chloride produce when ignited?A.Toxic fumes of oxides of nitrogenB.Toxic fumes of leadC.Poisonous phosgene gasD.Poisonous chlorine gas

考题 Inerting means ______.A.The introduction of inert gas into a tank with the object of reducing the oxygen content to below 8% by volumeB.The introduction of inert gas into a gas free tank for the purpose of reducing the oxygen content to below 8% by volumeC.The introduction of inert gas into a cargo tank during cargo discharge to replace the volume of discharged cargoD.All of the above

考题 Which statement about inert gas pressures in a cargo tank is TRUE ________.A.The pressures of the inert gas in the tank may create excessive pressure at the pump while dischargingB.Gas pressures should be maintained at the highest permissible level throughout the discharging processC.High gas pressures may cause pyrophoric oxidation in the tankD.High gas pressures may cause loss of suction when stripping

考题 Which statement about the inert gas system is TRUE ________.A.Boiler soot blowers should never be used when the IG system is operatingB.The boiler will produce the best quality of flue gas for the IG system when the boiler load is very lightC.The boiler will produce the most quantity of flue gas for the IG system when the boiler load is very lightD.Flue gas with excessive oxygen content is de-oxygenated in the scrubber

考题 Cargo that gives off fumes that may contaminate other cargo is known as a(n) ______.A.delicate cargoB.dirty cargoC.toxic cargoD.odorous cargo

考题 Algae are plants that canA.live in very hot temperatures B.live in very cold temperatures C.manufacture oxygen D.all of the above

考题 The coastal area has very mild winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold.A. warm B.severe C.hard D.dry

考题 __________My room gets very cold at night.A.So is mine B.So does mine C.So mine is D.So mine does

考题 The coastal area has very mild winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold.A.warm B.severe C.hard D.dry

考题 共用题干 The SeaWhat do you know about the sea?We know that it looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it.We also know that it can be very rough when there is a strong wind.What other things do we know about it?The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big.When you look at the map of the world you will find there is more water than land.The sea covers three quarters of the world.The sea is also very deep in some places.It is not deep everywhere.Some parts of the sea are very shal-low.But in some places the depth of the sea is very great.There is one spot,near Japan,where the sea is nearly 11 kilometers deep!The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high.If that mountainwere put into the sea at that place,there would be 2 kilometers of water above it!What a deep place!If you have swum in the sea,you know that it is salty.You can taste the salt,Rivers,which fi0w into the sea.carry salt from the land into the sea.Some parts of the sea are saltier than other parts,There i、one sea,called the Dead Sea,which is very salty.It is so salty that swimmers cannot sink!Fish cannot live in theDead Sea!In most parts of the sea,there are plenty of fishes and plants.Some live near the top of the sca.Othurslive deep down.There are millions of tiny living things that float in the sea.These floating things are so smallthat it is hard to see them.Many fish live by eating them.The sea can be very cold.Divers,who go deep down in the sea,know this.On the top the water may bewarm.When the diver goes downwards,the sea becomnes colder and colder. Another thing happens.When the diver goes deeper,the water above presses down on him.It squeezes him.Then the diver has to wear clothesmade of metal.But he cannot go very deep.Some people who wanted to go very deep used a very strong diving ship!They went down to the deepest part of the sea in it.They went down to a depth of eleven kilometers!Divers have to use a very strong diving ship when they want to go down to the deepest part of the seamainly because it is extremely cold there.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

考题 The coastal area has very mild winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold.A. Warm B. severe C. hard D. dry

考题 I was busy with my paper when I heard someone()in the room above.Amoving onBmoving offCmoving upDmove about

考题 单选题If you came into contact with nitrobenzene while disconnecting the cargo hose,you should be aware that it is().A highly toxic when absorbed through the skinB a blood poisonC a nerve poisonD All of the above

考题 单选题Being extremely _____ to cold, I don’t like to live in very cold places.A sensitiveB sensibleC senselessD sensational

考题 单选题The principal personnel hazard unique to Halon extinguishers is().A displacement of oxygenB skin irritationC inhaling toxic vaporsD eye irritation

考题 问答题Most people would describe water like a colorless liquid. They         (1) _______would know that in very cold conditions it becomes a solid calledice and that when heating on a fire it becomes a vapor called steam.       (2) _______However, water, they would say, is a liquid. We have learned thatwater consists of molecules composed with two atoms of hydrogen          (3) _______and one atom of oxygen, which we describe by the formula H2O.This is equally true of the solid called ice and the gas called steam.Chemically there is no difference between the gas, the liquid, andthe solid, all of which is made up of molecules with the formula H2O.       (4) _______This is true of other chemical substances; most of them can exist asgases or as liquids or as solids. We may normally think of iron as asolid, but if we will heat it in a furnace, it will melt and become a       (5) _______liquid, and at very high temperatures it will become a gas. Nothingvery permanent occurs when a gas changes into a liquid or a solid.Everyone knows that ice, which has been made by freezing water,can be melted again by warmed and that steam can be condensed           (6) _______on a cold surface to become liquid water. In fact, it is only becausewater is so a familiar substance that different names are used for        (7) _______the solid, liquid and gas. Most substances are only familiar with         (8) _______us in one state, because the temperatures requiring to turn them         (9) _______into gases are very high, or the temperatures necessary to turn theminto solids are so low. Water is an exception in this respect, whichis another reason why its three states have given three different        (10) _______names.

考题 单选题According to the Chemical Data Guide,what does ethyl chloride produce when ignited?()A Toxic fumes of oxides of nitrogenB Toxic fumes of leadC Poisonous phosgene gasD Poisonous chlorine gas

考题 单选题Halon gas will decompose and may form very hazardous toxic fumes when discharged().A directly on flamesB at room temperatureC in an extremely cold climateD None of the above

考题 单选题After a fire has been extinguished in a closed space, personnel may safely enter the space when ().A smoke density has been decreased sufficiently to see the bulkhead opposite the compartments entranceB a lifeline and explosion proof flash light are usedC all smoke and toxic fumes are removed and an adequate oxygen supply is presentD overhaul has been completed to remove any possible source of re-ignition

考题 单选题Inerting means().A the introduction of inert gas into a tank with the object of reducing the oxygen content to below 8% by volumeB the introduction of inert gas into a gas free tank for the purpose of reducing the oxygen content to below 8% by volumeC the introduction of inert gas into a cargo tank during cargo discharge to replace the volume of discharged cargoD All of the above

考题 单选题An inert gas system installed on a tanker is designed to().A aid in the stripping and cleaning of cargo tanksB increase the rate of discharge of cargoC force toxic and explosive fumes from a cargo tank to vent to the outside atmosphereD lower the oxygen levels inside cargo tanks, making explosion nearly impossible

考题 单选题What is the MOST important consideration when determining how to fight an electrical fire?()A Whether the fire is in machinery or passenger spacesB Danger of shock to personnelC The amount of toxic fumes created by the extinguisherD Maintaining electrical power

考题 单选题Some chloronated flourocarbon refrigerants may decompose into a toxic irritating gas if it is ().A stored at temperatures below 60 degrees FahrenheitB charged into a system having copper fittingsC allowed to mix with compressor oilD exposed to an open flame or hot surface

考题 单选题Why should you wear a self-contained breathing apparatus before entering the engine room after the fixed CO2 system has been discharged to combat a major fire?()A Because carbon dioxide dilutes the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere and may cause asphyxiationB Because carbon dioxide breaks down in a fire into carbon monoxide which may cause blood poisoning in the person breathing this gasC Because carbon dioxide is a colorless and odorless gas that becomes highly toxic in the presence of high temperatures and will quickly incapacitate a person exposed to this gasD This action is unnecessary as carbon dioxide is not poisonous nor toxic but is a relatively harmless gas

考题 单选题The deck water seal of the inert gas system().A cools the inert gas and prevents soot from entering the cargo tanksB acts as an emergency system shutdown when the inlet pressures exceed the safe working pressure in the hazardous zoneC prevents the backflow of hydrocarbon gasses into nonhazardous areasD relieves sudden large overpressures in the system

考题 单选题Water is a very effective fire extinguishing agent because it()A will remove all the toxic fumes from the airB has the greatest cooling abilityC will leave no harmful residueD completely removes combustible vapors from the air