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Loading cargo operation in hold No.3 stopped owing to ______.

A.gangs employed

B.windlass trouble

C.gangs unavailable

D.shortage of navigational charts


更多 “ Loading cargo operation in hold No.3 stopped owing to ______.A.gangs employedB.windlass troubleC.gangs unavailableD.shortage of navigational charts ” 相关考题
考题 The cargo in Hold No.3 is to ________ firstA.be dischargedB.dischargedC.dischargeD.being discharged

考题 Cargo transfer operations on a tank vessel need NOT be stopped when ______.A.a tug comes alongside while the tanker is loading grade D and E cargoesB.a large,fresh oil spill is discovered immediately adjacent to the side of the tankerC.there is an electrical storm in the vicinityD.there is a fire on the dock or on a nearby vessel

考题 For the purposes of cargo oil containment,the fixed container under the manifold of an eight-inch loading line must hold a minimum of ______.A.three barrelsB.four barrelsC.six barrelsD.eight barrels

考题 Sweat damage will occur in a cargo hold containing machinery parts when ______.A.the outside air is colder than the cargo.B.the air temperature of the hold is higher than the outside air temperature.C.the dew point of the hold is higher than the temperature of the cargo.D.the dew point of the outside air is lower than the temperature of the cargo

考题 ______ is known as a long hatch during loading operation.A.The largest hatch of a shipB.The hatch that is double riggedC.The hatch where a disproportionate amount of cargo is stowedD.The hatch where the most cargo is stowed

考题 In most cases,the mere reception or dumping down of the cargo on the ship ______ involve completion of loading,because the operation of loading involves all that is required to put the cargo in a condition in which it can be carried.A.is notB.has notC.do notD.does not

考题 In terms of vessel manning,a watch is the ______.A.direct performance of deck or engine operations in a scheduled and fixed rotationB.performance of maintenance work necessary for the vessel's safe operation,on a daily basisC.performance of lookout dutiesD.direct performance of cargo loading and discharge operations only

考题 I wish to advise you that during the loading operation at about 7:30 p.m.yesterday one case containing Glass Goods marked “DEF” was ______ to slip off the net sling and fell a distance of about 40 feet into the Lower Hold.A.doneB.causedC.allowedD.followed

考题 ______ refers to the stowage of cargo in a block of two or more adjoining cargo holds with the cargo holds adjacent to the block of loaded cargo holds empty.A.Alternate hold loading conditionB.Block hold loading conditionC.Part hold loading conditionD.Homogeneous hold loading condition

考题 During the planning stage of cargo operations,stress and displacement calculations should be carried out at incremental steps commensurate with the number of _____ and loading sequence of the proposed operation.A.coefficient of loadingB.stowage factorsC.ordersD.pours

考题 You are scheduled to load a bulk shipment of steel turnings.Which statement is TRUE ________.A.The primary hazard of this cargo is that it is subject to spontaneous heating and ignitionB.The shipping papers should describe this cargo as Waste,Steel BoringsC.After loading,you may not sail if the temperature in each hold of steel turnings exceeds 54℃D.This cargo may not be transported in bulk unless a special permit is issued by the competent authorities

考题 ______ is not one of the more commonly adopted solid bulk cargo distributions.A.Alternate hold loading conditionB.Block hold loading conditionC.Part hold loading conditionD.Inhomogeneous hold loading condition

考题 单选题In most cases,the mere reception or dumping down of the cargo on the ship()involve completion of loading,because the operation of loading involves all that is required to put the cargo in a condition in which it can be carried.A is notB has notC do notD does not

考题 单选题Loading cargo operation in hold No.3 stopped owing to().A gangs employedB windlass troubleC gangs unavailableD shortage of navigational charts

考题 单选题In hat h No.3 the cargo()bulk is peaked.A inB onC withD for

考题 单选题A ship is responsible for the cargo loaded or unloaded().A only when the cargo is within its railB after the cargo is checked by tallymenC as soon as the cargo loading or unloading beginsD during the time when loading or unloading is going on

考题 单选题Cargo transfer operations on a tank vessel need NOT be stopped when().A a tug comes alongside while the tanker is loading gradeB and E cargoes B. a large,fresh oil spill is discovered immediately adjacent to the side of the tankerC there is an electrical storm in the vicinityD there is a fire on the dock or on a nearby vessel

考题 单选题While loading cargo,a white trimming light on the starboard side comes on. This indicates that().A the vessel has a list of about 1` to starboardB the chutes should be directed to the starboard sideC the chutes in No. 1 hold should be directed to the starboard sideD a severe list to starboard has developed and all loading should cease

考题 单选题The ship will be responsible for the cargo loaded or unloaded().A only when the cargo is within its railB during the time when loading or ynloading is going onC after the cargo is checked by tallymenD as soon as loading or discharging begins

考题 单选题All the ()in hold No.3 should be bagged.A sweepB sweepingC sweepingsD dunnage

考题 单选题The foreman says that the stevedores stopped working owing to the()of the winch.A breakdownB breaked downC broken downD broke down

考题 单选题()is known as a long hatch during loading operation.A The largest hatch of a shipB The hatch that is double riggedC The hatch where a disproportionate amount of cargo is atowedD The hatch where the most cargo is stowed

考题 单选题For the purposes of cargo oil containment,the fixed container under the manifold of an eight-inch loading line must hold a minimum of().A three barrelsB four barrelsC six barrelsD eight barrels

考题 单选题In terms of vessel manning,a watch is the().A direct performance of deck or engine operations in a scheduled and fixed rotationB performance of maintenance work necessary for the vessel's safe operation,on a daily basisC performance of lookout dutiesD direct performance of cargo loading and discharge operations only

考题 单选题Cargo transfer operations on a tanker need NOT be stopped when().A a tug comes alongside while the tanker is loading grade D and E cargoesB a large,fresh oil spill is discovered immediately adjacent to the side of the tankerC there is an electrical storm in the vicinityD there is a fire on the dock or on a nearby vessel

考题 单选题我们正在装危险货。()A We are loading flammable cargo.B We are loading dangerous cargo.C We are discharging flammable cargo.D We are discharging dangerous cargo.

考题 单选题In Hatch No.3 the cargo()bulk is peaked.A inB onC withD for