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The most important principle in the cargo stowage is ______.

A.To avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on board

B.To ensure the safety of the ship and cargo

C.To reject the damaged cargo during loading operation

D.To prevent the spontaneous combustion of the coal and grain


更多 “ The most important principle in the cargo stowage is ______.A.To avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on boardB.To ensure the safety of the ship and cargoC.To reject the damaged cargo during loading operationD.To prevent the spontaneous combustion of the coal and grain ” 相关考题
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考题 The actual amount of cargo loaded depends upon______.A.the broken stowage listedB.the broken stowage calculatedC.the broken stowage givenD.the actual broken stowage

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考题 The derrick to be laid down on deck,cargo blocks,span tackles,guide rollers and all moving parts of derrick to be dismantled,cleaned and greased with special grease.This sentence is most possibly found in ________.A.Chief Mate's remark on stowage planB.Store list made by Chief EngineerC.Collision Report made by MasterD.Repair List

考题 The tentative cargo plan ________ .A.eliminates confusion with the final stowage planB.shows the approximate amount of cargo to be loaded in each holdC.expedites the total operationD.requires an unproportional number of gang hours of work to discharge the cargo

考题 Why are most break bulk vessels built with the transverse framing system rather than the longitudinal system?A.The transverse system is more resistant to hog and sag stressesB.The numerous longitudinal frames cause excessive broken stowageC.The transverse system provides better support to the varying cargo densities on a break bulk vessel.D.The deep web frames interfere with the stowage of break bulk cargo

考题 ______ refers to the stowage of cargo in a block of two or more adjoining cargo holds with the cargo holds adjacent to the block of loaded cargo holds empty.A.Alternate hold loading conditionB.Block hold loading conditionC.Part hold loading conditionD.Homogeneous hold loading condition

考题 Bags are usually stowed in between the bulk grain ______.A.To ventilate the holdB.To separate the cargoC.To replace shifting boardsD.To facilitate stowage

考题 Such information as cargo characteristics;stowage factor,angle of repose,amounts and special properties,shall be provided to ship by ______.A.the cargo terminalB.the competent authorityC.ownerD.recommended institutes

考题 Cargo handlers should take the following precautions with the exception of ______ to avoid damage from shifting.A.Keep the loads as close to the rail or deck as possibleB.If cargo is likely to settle,make provisions to secure it after it has settledC.Thoroughly secure and shore all cargo so that it cannot moveD.hen stowing cargo,avoid leaving empty paces

考题 A cargo that has a stowage factor over 40 is know as a ______.A.hygroscopic cargoB.measurement cargoC.stowage cargoD.weight cargo

考题 A half-height container is used ______.A.to carry cargos of low densityB.when stowage space is limitedC.to carry cargos such as steel products or drumsD.to double the stowage capacity of the vessel

考题 Manifest and cargo plan are the two most important shipping papers required for ______.A.discharging planningB.safety inspectionC.entry reportD.provision order

考题 单选题What is an example of a fundamental objective of cargo stowage?()A Load so the trim does not exceed 3 feet by the sternB Make maximum use of existing dunnageC Separate wet and dry cargoes into separate holdsD Prevent overcarriage by block stowage

考题 单选题Cargo handlers should take the following precautions with the exception of()to avoid damage from shifting.A Keep the loads as close to the rail or deck as possibleB If cargo is likely to settle,make provisions to secure it after it has settledC Thoroughly secure and shore all cargo so that it cannot moveD hen stowing cargo,avoid leaving empty paces

考题 单选题Under the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of 1936,a vessel will be liable for damage to cargo when the damage arises out of().A poor stowage of cargo in a containerB fire caused by lightningC overloadingD inherent vice

考题 单选题Regulations concerning the stowage,lashing,and securing of timber deck cargoes aboard general cargo vessels may be found in the().A International Cargo Bureau RegulationsB Load Line RegulationsC Rules and Regulations for Cargo and Miscellaneous VesselsD vessel's classification society rules and regulations

考题 单选题A venetian vent or rice ventilator is used in stowage of which cargo?().A Bagged cargoB Bulk grainC Bulk riceD Refrigerated goods

考题 单选题The tentative cargo plan().A eliminates confusion with the final stowage planB shows the approximate amount of cargo to be loaded in each holdC expedites the total operationD requires an unproportional number of gang hours of work to discharge the cargo

考题 单选题By the stowage factor, when given a certain volume of space, we know().A the space of the shipB the space of one holdC what kind of cargo can be stowedD how much cargo can be stowed

考题 单选题A cargo that has a stowage factor over 40 is known as a().A hygroscopic cargoB measurement cargoC stowage cargoD weight cargo

考题 单选题According to the stowage factor of the cargo,my ship will()take 350 more metric tons of cargo.A couldB canC be able toD should

考题 单选题A survey of refrigerated cargo,to certify that proper methods of stowage were utilized,can be conducted by the().A ABSB Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationC MSAD National Cargo Bureau

考题 单选题The most important principle in the stowage is().A to ensure the safety of the ship and protect the cargo from being damagedB to avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on boardC to reject the damaged cargo during loadingD to prevent the spontaneous combustion of coal and grain

考题 单选题Filler cargo refers to().A durable packagesB small piecesC the cargo in which the voids appearD the cargo suitable for stowage in void spaces

考题 单选题Manifest and cargo plan are the two most important shipping papers required for().A provision orderB discharging planningC annual repairD outward clearance

考题 单选题The most important principle in the cargo stowage is().A to avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on boardB to ensure the safety of the ship and cargoC to reject the damaged cargo during loading operationD to prevent the spontaneous combustion of the coal and grain