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Legman Capital Purchases Josee Group
Leafman Capital, a leading Canadian investment firm, announced today that it has completed its long-anticipated acquisition of Josee Group, a Paris-based hotel company. The deal has an esti-mated value of 350 million euros, according to Leafman Capital executives.
The sale of the French-owned Josee Group to a Canadian firm has caused a great deal of con-troversy in France, the Josee Group owns 26 historic hotels in and around Paris, including the fa-mous Hotel Jean-Claude, which had hosted numerous prominent nineteenth-century French authors and political figures. Joseph Leafman, owner of Leafman Capital, announced that his firm would strive to retain the important historic heritage of the Hotel Jean-Claude but would make necessary renovations to modernize the heating and plumbing systems. In addition to the Hotel Jean-Claude,the Josee Group owns smaller hotels across France, including the Parisian Gateway and the Hotel Fanon, both considered among the finest examples of French architecture in the neoclassic style.
Mr. Leafman said that his firm purchased the Josee Group as a means of diversifying its port-folio. He also plans to make additional purchase in Europe, which may include luxury hotels in Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland. Other assets recently purchased by Leafman Capital include high-rise apartment and office buildings in Thailand and the Philippines.

According to the article, why has the sale of the Josee Group been considered controversial?

A.It was sold for less than its estimated value
B.Historic French properties were being sold to a foreign firm
C.Employees of the Josee Group are expected to lose their jobs
D.The sale was not made public until it had been finalized


更多 “根据以下内容,回答207-209题。 Legman Capital Purchases Josee Group Leafman Capital, a leading Canadian investment firm, announced today that it has completed its long-anticipated acquisition of Josee Group, a Paris-based hotel company. The deal has an esti-mated value of 350 million euros, according to Leafman Capital executives. The sale of the French-owned Josee Group to a Canadian firm has caused a great deal of con-troversy in France, the Josee Group owns 26 historic hotels in and around Paris, including the fa-mous Hotel Jean-Claude, which had hosted numerous prominent nineteenth-century French authors and political figures. Joseph Leafman, owner of Leafman Capital, announced that his firm would strive to retain the important historic heritage of the Hotel Jean-Claude but would make necessary renovations to modernize the heating and plumbing systems. In addition to the Hotel Jean-Claude,the Josee Group owns smaller hotels across France, including the Parisian Gateway and the Hotel Fanon, both considered among the finest examples of French architecture in the neoclassic style. Mr. Leafman said that his firm purchased the Josee Group as a means of diversifying its port-folio. He also plans to make additional purchase in Europe, which may include luxury hotels in Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland. Other assets recently purchased by Leafman Capital include high-rise apartment and office buildings in Thailand and the Philippines. According to the article, why has the sale of the Josee Group been considered controversial?A.It was sold for less than its estimated value B.Historic French properties were being sold to a foreign firm C.Employees of the Josee Group are expected to lose their jobs D.The sale was not made public until it had been finalized” 相关考题
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