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更多 “ YouworkastheenterpriseexchangeadministratoratXxx.XxxisusingMicrosoftExchangeServer2010astheirmessagingsolution.HowcanyoutoconfigureOutlookWebApp(OWA)toblockXxxemployeesfromchangingpasswords?() A.YoumustuseIPBlocklist.B.YoumustchangethepropertiesoftheOWAvirtualdirectory.C.YoumustuseanOutlookWebAppMailboxpolicy.D.Youmustsetuprecipientfiltering. ” 相关考题
考题 YouhaveahostedExchangeorganization.AllserversintheorganizationhaveExchangeServer2010ServicePack1(SP1)installed.YouneedtopreventausernamedUser1fromusingOutlookWebApp(OWA)toaccesshismailbox.Whatshouldyoudo?()A.FromthepropertiesofUser1’smailbox,modifythemailboxsettings.B.FromthepropertiesofUser1’smailbox,modifythemailboxfeatures.C.CreateanewOWAmailboxpolicy.D.ModifythedefaultOWAmailboxpolicy.

考题 YourcompanynamedContoso,Ltd.hasaWebservernamedWEB1.TheWebserverrunsWindowsServer2008.ThefullyqualifieddomainnameofWEB1isweb1.contoso.com.ThepublicDNSserverhasanaliasrecordnamedowa.contoso.comthatmapstoweb1.contoso.com.UsersaccessWEB1fromtheInternetbyusinghttp://owa.contoso.com.Thenewcompanysecuritypolicystatesthattheowa.contoso.comsitemustbeavailableforInternetusersonlythroughsecureHTTP(HTTPS)protocol.Thesecuritypolicyalsostatesthatusersmustnotgetsecuritywarningswhentheyconnecttothesite.Youneedtorequestacertificatefromapubliccertificationauthority(CA).WhichCommonNameshouldyouuse?()

考题 YouhaveanExchangeServer2010organizationandanActiveDirectoryRightsManagementServices(ADRMS)server.AllusersaccesstheirmailboxesbyusingOutlookWebApp(OWA).Youneedtoplanasecuritysolutionfortheorganizationtomeetthefollowingrequirements:.Securemessagesbyusingadministrator-definedtemplates.Ensurethate-mailmessagessentbyuserscanbestoredinanencryptedformatWhatshouldyouincludeintheplan?()A.alegalholdB.DomainSecurityC.OutlookProtectionRulesD.Secure/MultipurposeInternetMailExtensions(S/MIME)

考题 YouhaveanExchangeServer2010organization.Youplantodeployapublicfolderaccesssolutiontomeetthefollowingrequirements:.Usersinthelegaldepartmentmustbeabletosende-mailmessagestopublicfolders.UsersinthelegaldepartmentmustnotbeabletoreaddocumentsinthepublicfoldersbyusingOutlookWebApp(OWA)Youneedtorecommendchangestopublicfolderaccessthatmeetthecompanyrequirements.Whatshouldyourecommend?()A.mail-enabledpublicfoldersandEditorpermissionsB.mail-enabledpublicfoldersandContributorpermissionsC.OWAsegmentationandReviewerpermissionsD.OWAsegmentationandSendAspermissions

考题 YouhaveanExchangeServer2010organization.Youneedtorecommendastoragesolutionthatmeetsthefollowingrequirements:.Providesuserswithanalternatelocationforstoringe-mailmessages.ProvidesuserswithaccesstothealternatelocationbyusingOutlookWebApp(OWA)Whatshouldyourecommend?()A.journalrulesB.managedfoldersC.personalarchivesD.personalfolders(.pst)

考题 YouhaveanExchange2010organization.YourcompanyssecuritypolicystatesthatallconnectionstoOutlookWebApp(OWA)mustusesmartcardauthentication.Youneedtorecommendasolutiontomeetthesecuritypolicyrequirements.Whichtwopossiblewaystoachievethisgoalshouldyourecommend?()A.Requirecertificate-basedauthenticationforallInternet-facingClientAccessservers.B.RequireWindowsIntegratedAuthenticationforallInternet-facingClientAccessservers.C.DeployanEdgeTransportserver,andthendisableWindowsIntegratedAuthentication.D.DeployaserverthatrunsMicrosoftInternetSecurityandAcceleration(ISA)Server,andthenenable Kerberosconstraineddelegation.

考题 YouhaveanExchangeServer2010organization.YournetworkisseparatedfromtheInternetbyafirewall.YouneedtoidentifytheportsthatmustbeopenedonthefirewalltoallowclientsfromtheInternettousethefollowingconnectionsmethods:.OutlookAnywhere.OutlookWebApp(OWA).ExchangeActiveSync.IMAP4overSecureSocketsLayer(SSL)WhichTCPportsshouldyouidentify?()A.25,443and993B.26,443and995C.25,80,143,and3269D.80,143,443,and389

考题 YouhaveanExchangeServer2010organization.UsersonthenetworkuseHTTPStoconnecttoOutlookWebApp(OWA).TheClientAccessserverusesacertificateissuedbyaninternalcertificationauthority(CA).Youplantodeployane-mailencryptionsolutionforallusers.Youneedtoensurethatuserscansendandreceiveencryptede-mailmessagesbyusingS/MIMEfromOWA.Whatshouldyoudo?()A.IssueacertificatetoeachuserB.InstructallOWAuserstoimportarootCAcertificateC.ModifytheauthenticationsettingsoftheOWAvirtualdirectoryD.ConfiguretheClientAccessServertouseacertificateissuedbyathird-partyCA

考题 YouhaveanExchangeServer2010organization.YouneedtopreventusersfromchangingtheirpasswordbyusingOutlookWebApp(OWA).Whatshouldyoudo?() A.CreateaGroupPolicyObject.B.CreateanOutlookWebAppMailboxpolicy.C.ModifytheauthenticationsettingsoftheOWAvirtualdirectory.D.ModifytheauthenticationsettingsoftheIISADMPWDvirtualdirectory.

考题 You have an Exchange Server 2010 server.You need to prevent users from accessing public folders by using Outlook Web App (OWA).Your solution must not prevent users from accessing public folders by using Office Outlook. Which two actions should you perform?()A、Create a managed folder mailbox policy.B、Modify the properties of the OWA virtual directory.C、Modify the default Outlook Web App Mailbox policy.D、Modify the properties of the public folder database.

考题 You work as the enterprise exchange administrator at TestKing.com. TestKing.com makes use of Microsoft Exchange Server messaging solution. The TestKing.com network consists of a single Active Directory domain named testking.com. TestKing.com is configured to run in an Exchange Server 2010 environment. You have received instructions from the CIO to deploy a public access solution. To accomplish this task you need to ensure that the admin department is able to send e-mail messages to public folders as well as prohibiting themfrom using Outlook Web App (OWA) to read any document in the public folders. What should you do?()A、This can be achieved by using OWA segmenttation and Send As permissions.B、This can be achieved by using using mail-enabled public folders and Editor permissions.C、This can be achieved by using  using mail-enabled public folders and Contributor permissions.D、This can be achieved by using OWA segmentation and Reviewer permissions.

考题 You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization.You need to prevent users from changing their password by using Outlook Web App (OWA).What should you do?()A、Create a Group Policy Object.B、Create an Outlook Web App Mailbox policy.C、Modify the authentication settings of the OWA virtual directory.D、Modify the authentication settings of the IISADMPWD virtual directory.

考题 You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization.  You plan to deploy a public folder access solution to meet the following requirements: .Users in the legal department must be able to send e-mail messages to public folders  .Users in the legal department must not be able to read documents in the public folders by using OutlookWeb App (OWA) You need to recommend changes to public folder access that meet the company requirements. What should you recommend?()A、mail-enabled public folders and Editor permissionsB、mail-enabled public folders and Contributor permissionsC、OWA segmentation and Reviewer permissionsD、OWA segmentation and Send As permissions

考题 You work as the enterprise exchange administrator at Company.com.The Company.com network consists of a single Active Directory domain named Company.com.Company.com has an Exchange Server 2010 organization.A new Company.com policy prohibits the users from changing their password by using Outlook Web App (OWA).However, they can use Windows to change their passwords.What should you do?()A、The best option is to configure the settings on the Segmentation tab, in the properties of the OWA virtual directory so that the users comply with the Company.com policy.B、The best option is to configure the settings on the Account tab, in the properties of the user accounts so that the users comply with the Company.com policy.C、The best option is to configure the settings on the Mailbox Features tab, in the properties of the mailboxes so that the users comply with the Company.com policy.D、The best option is to configure the settings on the Authentication tab, in the properties of the OWA virtual directory so that the users comply with the Company.com policy.

考题 Your company named Contoso, Ltd. has a Web server named WEB1.   The Web server runs Windows Server 2008. The fully qualified domain name of WEB1 is web1.contoso.com. The public DNS server has an alias record named owa.contoso.com that maps to web1.contoso.com. Users access WEB1 from the Internet by using http://owa.contoso.com.  The new company security policy states that the owa.contoso.com site must be available for Internet users only through secure HTTP (HTTPS) protocol. The security policy also states that users must not get security warnings when they connect to the site.  You need to request a certificate from a public certification authority (CA). Which Common Name should you use?()A、Contoso, Ltd.B、owa.contoso.comC、WEB1D、web1.contoso.com

考题 Contoso,Ltd.公司有一台名为WEB1的Web服务器。该Web服务器运行Windows Server 2008。WEB1的完全限定域名是web1.contoso.com。公共DNS服务器上有一条名为owa.contoso.com的别名记录映射到 web1.contoso.com。用户使用 http://owa.contoso.com 从 Internet上访问WEB1。新的公司安全策略规定,owa.contoso.com网站只能通过安全HTTP(HTTPS)协议供Internet用户访问。安全策略还规定,用户在连接到网站时,决不能得到安全警告。您需要向公共证书颁发机构(CA)申请证书。应该使用哪个通用名称?()A、Contoso,LtdB、owa.contoso.comC、WEB1D、web1.contoso.com

考题 You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization.Users on the network use HTTPS to connect to Outlook Web App (OWA).The Client Access server uses a certificate issued by an internal certification authority (CA).You plan to deploy an e-mail encryption solution for all users. You need to ensure that users can send and receive encrypted e-mail messages by using S/MIME from OWA.What should you do?()A、Issue a certificate to each userB、Instruct all OWA users to import a root CA certificateC、Modify the authentication settings of the OWA virtual directoryD、Configure the Client Access Server to use a certificate issued by a third-party CA

考题 You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization.  Your companys security policy states that users must not be able to encrypt e-mail messages by usingOutlook Web App (OWA).  You need to recommend a client access solution that meets the requirements of the security policy.  What should you include in the solution?()A、managed folder mailbox policiesB、multiple OWA virtual directoriesC、OWA segmentationD、WebReady Document Viewing

考题 Your network contains two Active Directory sites named Site1 and Site2. Only Site1 can be accessed from the Internet. You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization.  You deploy a Client Access server in Site1 and enable Windows Integrated Authentication for OutlookWeb App (OWA).  In Site2, you deploy a Mailbox server and a Client Access server.  You need to configure the Exchange organization to meet the following requirements: .Allow users to access their mailboxes from the Internet by using OWA  .Prevent authentication prompts from displaying when users connect to OWA by using domain- joinedcomputers that are connected to the internal network  What should you do?()A、Modify the Exchange virtual directory on the Client Access server in Site1.B、Modify the Exchange virtual directory on the Client Access server in Site2.C、Modify the OWA virtual directory on the Client Access server in Site1.D、Modify the OWA virtual directory on the Client Access server in Site2.

考题 单选题Contoso,Ltd.公司有一台名为WEB1的Web服务器。该Web服务器运行Windows Server 2008。WEB1的完全限定域名是web1.contoso.com。公共DNS服务器上有一条名为owa.contoso.com的别名记录映射到 web1.contoso.com。用户使用 http://owa.contoso.com 从 Internet上访问WEB1。新的公司安全策略规定,owa.contoso.com网站只能通过安全HTTP(HTTPS)协议供Internet用户访问。安全策略还规定,用户在连接到网站时,决不能得到安全警告。您需要向公共证书颁发机构(CA)申请证书。应该使用哪个通用名称?()A Contoso,LtdB owa.contoso.comC WEB1D web1.contoso.com

考题 单选题Company.com network consists of a single Active Directory domain named Company.com.Company.com has an Exchange Server 2010 organization.the Company.com employees connect to outlook web app (owa) by using https.Company.com also contains a client access server named -ex11 that make use a certificate issued that is acquired by the internal certification authority (ca).you need to make sure that the employees can use s/mime from owa to send and receive encrypted e-mail messages.What should you do?()A You should consider changing the OWA virtual directory’s authentication settings.B You should consider issuing the employees a certificate.C You should consider using a third-party ca for -ex11.D You should consider importing a root CA certificate for each employee.

考题 单选题You have a hosted Exchange organization.All servers in the organization have Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) installed.You need to prevent a user named User1 from using Outlook Web App (OWA) to access his mailbox. What should you do?()A From the properties of User1’s mailbox, modify the mailbox settings.B From the properties of User1’s mailbox, modify the mailbox features.C Create a new OWA mailbox policy.D Modify the default OWA mailbox policy.

考题 单选题You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization.You need to prevent users in the organization from changing passwords by using Outlook Web App.The solution must not prevent users from changing passwords by using Windows. What should you do? ()A From the properties of the user accounts, configure the settings on the Account tab.B From the properties of the mailboxes, configure the settings on the Mailbox Features tab.C From the properties of the OWA virtual directory, configure the settings on the Segmentation tab.D From the properties of the OWA virtual directory, configure the settings on the Authentication tab.

考题 单选题Your network contains Exchange Server 2010 servers.  All users access their mailboxes by using Outlook Web App (OWA). Your companys compliance policy states the following: .All e-mail messages that contain customer contracts must be stored for three years .Users must be able to classify e-mail messages that relate to customer contracts .Users must be able to move e-mail messages to any folder  You need to recommend a solution that supports the requirements of the compliance policy.  What should you recommend?()A Managed Folder mailbox policiesB an OWA mailbox policyC Personal Archives and an Archive policyD Retention Policy Tags and a Retention Policy

考题 单选题You work as the enterprise exchange administrator at Xxx .Xxx is using Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 as their messaging solution.How can you to configure Outlook Web App (OWA) to block Xxx employees from changing passwords?()A You must use IP Block list.B You must change the properties of the OWA virtual directory.C You must use an Outlook Web App Mailbox policy.D You must set up recipient filtering.

考题 单选题You configure Outlook Web App (OWA) to require SSL.A user named User1 reports that when she connects to OWA, she receives a Web site security certificate warning message.You need to prevent User1 from receiving the warning message when she connects to OWA. What should you do?()A On User1’s computer, install the erver’s root certificate into the Trusted Root CertificatioAuthorities store.B On the Client Access server, install the server’s root certificate into the Trusted RooCertification Authorities store.C From the Exchange Management Console (EMC), assign an Outlook Web App mailbox policy to User1.D From the Exchange Management Console (EMC), open owa (Default Web Site) Properties. Configure the logon format to use the user principal name (UPN).

考题 单选题Your network contains two Active Directory sites named Site1 and Site2. Only Site1 can be accessed from the Internet. You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization.  You deploy a Client Access server in Site1 and enable Windows Integrated Authentication for OutlookWeb App (OWA).  In Site2, you deploy a Mailbox server and a Client Access server.  You need to configure the Exchange organization to meet the following requirements: .Allow users to access their mailboxes from the Internet by using OWA  .Prevent authentication prompts from displaying when users connect to OWA by using domain- joined computers that are connected to the internal network  What should you do?()A Modify the Exchange virtual directory on the Client Access server in Site1.B Modify the Exchange virtual directory on the Client Access server in Site2.C Modify the OWA virtual directory on the Client Access server in Site1.D Modify the OWA virtual directory on the Client Access server in Site2.