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●The wrong IP address is (73) .







更多 “ ●The wrong IP address is (73) .(73)A. ” 相关考题
考题 ●In document windows,selected text is (73) .(73) A.copiedB.insertedC.deletedD.highlighted

考题 ● (73) are essential for the protection of data.(73)A. MemoryB. BackupsC. FilesD. Blocks

考题 ●Communication networks can be classified in terms of their physical arrangement or (73) Three common (73) are the star,bus,and ring.(73) A.structuresB.topologiesC.protocolsD.frames

考题 ● TCP/IP (73) are the standards around which the Internet was developed.(73)A. protocolsB. agreementsC. conventionsD. coordination

考题 73~74第 73 题 巴戟天具有的功效是

考题 试题(73)Tool for defining activities is(73).(73)A.Dependency DeterminationB.Precedence Diagramming methodC.Rolling Wave PlanningD.Schedule network Templates

考题 男性,41岁。654缺失,余留牙健康,如制作可摘局部义齿,基牙应选择A.73B.73|3C.73|4D.73|37E.3|45

考题 73-74第73题:

考题 73~74第 73 题 鞣质容易被氧化,是因为其

考题 CompanycomisimplementingapairofVirtualIOServerstoservicefourLPARs.Ifeachoperatingsystemimagerequires15GBofdiskspace,whatistheminimumamountofSCSIresourcenecessary?() A.TwoSCSIpathsandtwo73GBSCSIdisksB.TwoSCSIpathsandtwo36GBSCSIdisksC.FourSCSIpathsandfour73GBSCSIdisksD.TwodualportSCSIRAIDadapterswithtwo73GBSCSIdisks

考题 ●We have already covered the topic of network addresses. The first(71) in a block (in classes A,B,and C) defines the network address. In classes A,B,and C,if the hostid is all ls, the address is called a direct broadcast address. It is used by a (72) to send a packet to all hosts in a specific network. All hosts will accept a packet having this type of destination address. Note that this address can be used only as a (73)address in an lP packet. Note also that this special address also reduces the number of available hostid for each netid in classes A,B,and C.In classes A,B,and C,an address with all Is for the netid and hostid (32 bits) defines a( 74) address in the current network.A host that wants to send a message to every other host can use this address as a destination address in an IP packet. However,a router will block a packet having this type ofaddress to confine the broadcasting to the (75) network. Note that this address belongs to class E.(71) A.datagramB.functionC.addressD.service(72) A.routerB.switchC.hubD.firewall(73)A.sourceB.destinationC.localD.remote(74) A.unicastB.multicastC.broadcastD.anycast(75) A.neighborB.nextC.remoteD.local

考题 根据材料回答 73~74 题:第 73 题

考题 男性,41岁。654缺失,余留牙健康,如制作可摘局部义齿,基牙应选择A.73|B.73|3C.73|4D.73|37E.3|45

考题 Program(73)describes program's objectives, desired output, input data required, processing requirement, and documentation.A.specification B.flowchart C.structure D.address

考题 We have already covered the topic of network addresses. The first() in a block (in classes A,B,and C) defines the network address. In classes A,B,and C,if the hostid is all ls, the address is called a direct broadcast address. It is used by a.(72) to send a packet to all hosts in a specific network. All hosts will accept a packet having this type of destination address. Note that this address can be used only as a (73)address in an lP packet. Note also that this special address also reduces the number of available hostid for each netid in classes A,B,and C. In classes A,B,and C,an address with all Is for the netid and hostid (32 bits) defines a(74) address in the current network.A host that wants to send a message to every other host can use this address as a destination address in an IP packet. However,a router will block a packet having this type ofaddress to confine the broadcasting to the (75) network. Note that this address belongs to class E.A.datagram B.function C.address D.service

考题 We have already covered the topic of network addresses. The first(71) in a block (in classes A,B,and C) defines the network address. In classes A,B,and C,if the hostid is all ls, the address is called a direct broadcast address. It is used by a.(72) to send a packet to all hosts in a specific network. All hosts will accept a packet having this type of destination address. Note that this address can be used only as a (73)address in an lP packet. Note also that this special address also reduces the number of available hostid for each netid in classes A,B,and C. In classes A,B,and C,an address with all Is for the netid and hostid (32 bits) defines a() address in the current network.A host that wants to send a message to every other host can use this address as a destination address in an IP packet. However,a router will block a packet having this type ofaddress to confine the broadcasting to the (75) network. Note that this address belongs to class E.A.unicast B.multicast C.broadcast D.anycast

考题 Typically,an IP address refers to an individual host on a particular network. IP also accommodates addresses that refer to a group of hosts on one or more networks.Such addresses are referred to as multicast addresses,and the act of sending a packet from a source to the members of a (71)group is referred to as multicasting. Multicasting done (72) the scope of a single LAN segment is straight forward. IEEE 802 and other LAN protocols include provision for MAC-level multicast addresses. A packet with a multicast address is transmitted on a LAN segment.Those stations that are members of the (73)multicast group recognize the multicast address and (74)the packet.In this case,only a single copy of the packet is ever transmitted.This technique works because of the (本题)nature of a LAN:A transmission from any one station is received by all other stations on the LAN. A .multicast B. unicast C.broadcast D.multiple unicast

考题 73/78国际防止船舶造成污染公约是()A、SOLAS73/78B、ISM73/78C、MARPOL73/78D、STCW

考题 在MGWR4上配置的IP地址,从用途上可以分成().A、IP Address for SignalingB、IP Address for TrafficC、IP Address for OMD、IP Address for Backup

考题 环己烯制备实验中,要求控制分馏柱顶温度不超过73℃的原因是()。A、高于73℃时产物分解B、高于73℃时有较多水分馏出C、高于73℃时有较多醚生成D、高于73℃时有较多环己醇馏出

考题 A server has been assigned the IP address. The server is experiencing strange network connectivity related problems. Which of the following would BEST describe the problem?()A、IP address is classful.B、IP address is a subnet broadcast address.C、IP address is a subnet network address.D、IP address is classless

考题 All users within an office are wirelessly connected to a network, except one user that has a valid connection on a leased IP address in a different range. Which of the following is a possible cause of the user having a different IP address range?()A、The wireless access point is using MAC address filteringB、The user has connected to a nearby wireless access point from another officeC、The user has configured the wireless settings with the wrong encryption typeD、The wireless access point has SSID broadcast disabled

考题 希华HC-4800交换机在分机上拨()可以自报分机号和端口号A、#72#73B、#73#72C、*73*72D、*72*73

考题 A technician notices that when trying to ping a workstation by network name the workstation does not reply back over the network. The workstation is part of the domain and is able to get to the Internet. Which of the following is the cause of the problem?()A、Faulty cable on the workstationB、Wrong host name on the workstationC、Wrong WINS on the workstationD、Incorrect IP address assigned to the workstation

考题 单选题The larger of two numbers exceeds three times the smaller number by 2. The sum of twice the large and 4 times the smaller is 73. If a is the smaller number, which equation below determines the correct value of x?A 4(3a+2)+2a=73B 4 (3a+2) +2a=73C (6a+2) +4a=73D 2 (3a+2) +4a=73E 2 (3a-2) +4a=73

考题 单选题All users within an office are wirelessly connected to a network, except one user that has a valid connection on a leased IP address in a different range. Which of the following is a possible cause of the user having a different IP address range?()A The wireless access point is using MAC address filteringB The user has connected to a nearby wireless access point from another officeC The user has configured the wireless settings with the wrong encryption typeD The wireless access point has SSID broadcast disabled

考题 单选题73/78国际防止船舶造成污染公约是()A SOLAS73/78B ISM73/78C MARPOL73/78D STCW