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Nancy was surprised that they have ______. They seemed to be a happy couple.

A.split up
B.broken down
C.fallen through
D.knocked out


A选项,句意:南希对他们的离婚表示十分惊讶,因为他们似乎是一对快乐的夫妇。split up意为“分裂,离婚”,综上,A选项正确。
B选项,break down意为“(精神方面)垮 掉;(健康)变得衰弱;崩溃”,故排除。
C选项,fall through意为“失败;成为泡影”故排除。
D选项,knock out意为“使筋疲力尽”,故排除。
故正确答案为A 项。
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