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The dispersion of a non-zero dispersion shifted fiber is 6 ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and 10 ps/nm*km at 1610 nm. What is the minimum dispersion compensation required if an L-Band DWDM signal travels through 200 km of fiber and has a dispersion tolerance of 1800 ps/nm?()

A. none

B. -600 ps/nm

C. -200 ps/nm

D. +200 ps/nm

E. +600 ps/nm


更多 “ The dispersion of a non-zero dispersion shifted fiber is 6 ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and 10 ps/nm*km at 1610 nm. What is the minimum dispersion compensation required if an L-Band DWDM signal travels through 200 km of fiber and has a dispersion tolerance of 1800 ps/nm?()A. noneB. -600 ps/nmC. -200 ps/nmD. +200 ps/nmE. +600 ps/nm ” 相关考题
考题 If the dispersion of a given fiber is 17ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and zero at 1310 nm, then what is the accumulated dispersion of an ITU wavelength after it travels 200 km?() A.0 ps/nmB.340 ps/nmC.200 ps/nmD.3400 ps/nmE.More information is needed.

考题 Why are the 1300 nm and 1550 nm regions of the fiber spectrum primarily used for optical communications?() A. They are both regions of lowest loss.B. They are both regions of low reflections.C. They are both regions of low index of refraction.D. They are both regions of low chromatic dispersion.E. They are both regions of low Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD).

考题 A 2.5 Gb/s (OC-48 or STM-16) optical signal with a dispersion tolerance of 1200 ps/nm goes through fiber with 18ps/nm*km of dispersion. How many 15216-DCU-350 equivalents are needed for enough compensation after traveling 100 km?()A.noneB.oneC.twoD.threeE.four

考题 Ifthedispersionofagivenfiberis17ps/nm*kmat1550nmandzeroat1310nm,thenwhatistheaccumulateddispersionofanITUwavelengthafterittravels200km?() A.0ps/nmB.340ps/nmC.200ps/nmD.3400ps/nmE.Moreinformationisneeded.

考题 Thedispersionofanon-zerodispersionshiftedfiberis6ps/nm*kmat1550nmand10ps/nm*kmat1610nm.WhatistheminimumdispersioncompensationrequiredifanL-BandDWDMsignaltravelsthrough200kmoffiberandhasadispersiontoleranceof1800ps/nm?()A.noneB.-600ps/nmC.-200ps/nmD.+200ps/nmE.+600ps/nm

考题 G.655光纤在1550nm处色散系数为()A、0.3—0.4dB/kmB、0.19—0.25dB/kmC、0.1---6.0ps/km.nmD、17--20ps/km.nm

考题 G652光纤的衰耗及色散指标可选()A、1310nm窗口衰耗为0.33dB/km、色散为零,1550nm窗口衰耗为0.19dB/km、色散为17ps/(nm•km)B、1310nm窗口衰耗为0.19dB/km、色散为17ps/(nm•km),1550nm窗口衰耗为0.19dB/km、色散为零C、1310nm窗口衰耗为0.33dB/km、色散为零,1550nm窗口衰耗为0.33dB/km、色散为17ps/(nm•km)D、1310nm窗口衰耗为0.19dB/km、色散为17ps/(nm•km),1550nm窗口衰耗为0.33dB/km、色散为17ps/(nm•km)

考题 If the dispersion of a given fiber is 17ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and zero at 1310 nm, then what is the accumulated dispersion of an ITU wavelength after it travels 200 km? ()A、 0 ps/nmB、 340 ps/nmC、 200 ps/nmD、 3400 ps/nmE、 More information is needed.

考题 G.652光纤在1550nm处衰减系数为()A、0.3—0.4dB/kmB、0.17—0.25dB/kmC、0.1---6.0ps/km.nmD、17--20ps/km.nm

考题 G.655光纤色散系数理论值为5ps/nm/km,实际我们通常采用()。A、5ps/nm/kmB、6ps/nm/kmC、9ps/nm/kmD、10ps/nm/km

考题 G652光纤零散波长在1288-1339nm范围时,最大色散系数应不大于()A、2.5ps/(nm.km)B、3ps/(nm.km)C、3.5ps/(nm.km)D、4ps/(nm.km)

考题 对于G.655光纤,每公里光纤的色散为()。A、20ps/nm.kmB、6ps/nm.kmC、100ps/nm.kmD、150ps/nm.km

考题 G652光纤零散波长在1550nm范围时,最大色散系数应不大于()A、8ps/(nm.km)B、10ps/(nm.km)C、16ps/(nm.km)D、18ps/(nm.km)

考题 G.652常规单模光纤在1.31um色散为()A、0ps/nm.kmB、17~22ps/nm.kmC、-1~3.5ps/nm.kmD、1~6ps/nm.km

考题 在G.652光纤中传输1550nm窗口的色散系数为()。A、17ps/(nm.km)B、10ps/(nm.km)C、7ps/(nm.km)

考题 DCM表示是什么器件?()A、色散位移光纤。(Dispersion-shifted fiber)B、非色散位移光纤。(Non-dispersion-shifted fiber)C、色散补偿模块。(Dispersion compensation module)D、偏振模色散。(Polarization mode dispersion)

考题 G.652光纤色散系数理论值为17ps/nm/km,实际我们通常采用()。A、17ps/nm/kmB、18ps/nm/kmC、20ps/nm/kmD、22ps/nm/km

考题 The dispersion of a non-zero dispersion shifted fiber is 6 ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and 10 ps/nm*km at 1610 nm. What is the minimum dispersion compensation required if an L-Band DWDM signal travels through 200 km of fiber and has a dispersion tolerance of 1800 ps/nm?()A、noneB、-600 ps/nmC、-200 ps/nmD、+200 ps/nmE、+600 ps/nm

考题 A 2.5 Gb/s (OC-48 or STM-16) optical signal with a dispersion tolerance of 1200 ps/nm goes through fiber with 18ps/nm*km of dispersion. How many 15216-DCU-350 equivalents are needed for enough compensation after traveling 100 km?()A、noneB、oneC、twoD、threeE、four

考题 Why are the 1300 nm and 1550 nm regions of the fiber spectrum primarily used for optical communications?()A、They are both regions of lowest loss.B、They are both regions of low reflections.C、They are both regions of low index of refraction.D、They are both regions of low chromatic dispersion.E、They are both regions of low Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD).

考题 G.655光纤色散工程计算值是:()A、20ps/nm.kmB、6ps/nm.kmC、17ps/nm.kmD、4ps/nm.km

考题 单选题If the dispersion of a given fiber is 17ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and zero at 1310 nm, then what is the accumulated dispersion of an ITU wavelength after it travels 200 km?()A 0 ps/nmB 340 ps/nmC 200 ps/nmD 3400 ps/nmE More information is needed.

考题 单选题The dispersion of a non-zero dispersion shifted fiber is 6 ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and 10 ps/nm*km at 1610 nm.  What is the minimum dispersion compensation required if an L-Band DWDM signal travels through 200 km of fiber and has a dispersion tolerance of 1800 ps/nm?()A  noneB  -600 ps/nmC  -200 ps/nmD  +200 ps/nmE  +600 ps/nm

考题 单选题If the dispersion of a given fiber is 17ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and zero at 1310 nm, then what is the accumulated dispersion of an ITU wavelength after it travels 200 km? ()A  0 ps/nmB  340 ps/nmC  200 ps/nmD  3400 ps/nmE  More information is needed.

考题 单选题单模光纤在信号波长处的材料色散和波导色散分别为20ps/(nm.km)和-15ps/(nm.km),则光纤总色散为()A 35ps/(nm.km)B 25ps/(nm.km)C 5ps/(nm.km)D 0ps/(nm.km)

考题 单选题Why are the 1300 nm and 1550 nm regions of the fiber spectrum primarily used for optical communications?()A They are both regions of lowest loss.B They are both regions of low reflections.C They are both regions of low index of refraction.D They are both regions of low chromatic dispersion.E They are both regions of low Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD).

考题 单选题A 2.5 Gb/s (OC-48 or STM-16) optical signal with a dispersion tolerance of 1200 ps/nm goes through fiber with 18ps/nm*km of dispersion.  How many 15216-DCU-350 equivalents are needed for enough compensation after traveling 100 km?()A  noneB  oneC  twoD  threeE  four

考题 单选题The dispersion of a non-zero dispersion shifted fiber is 6 ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and 10 ps/nm*km at 1610 nm. What is the minimum dispersion compensation required if an L-Band DWDM signal travels through 200 km of fiber and has a dispersion tolerance of 1800 ps/nm?()A noneB -600 ps/nmC -200 ps/nmD +200 ps/nmE +600 ps/nm