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以下不属于按设定值变化分类的是()。 The following items which are not classified according to the change of set value are ()

A.定值控制系统Fixed value control system

B.程序控制系统 Program control system

C.随动控制系统 Follow-up control system

D.流量控制系统Flow control system

更多 “以下不属于按设定值变化分类的是()。 The following items which are not classified according to the change of set value are ()A.定值控制系统Fixed value control systemB.程序控制系统 Program control systemC.随动控制系统 Follow-up control systemD.流量控制系统Flow control system” 相关考题
考题 9 Which of the following items must be disclosed in a company’s published financial statements (including notes)if material, according to IAS1 Presentation of financial statements?1 Finance costs.2 Staff costs.3 Depreciation and amortisation expense.4 Movements on share capital.A 1 and 3 onlyB 1, 2 and 4 onlyC 2, 3 and 4 onlyD All four items

考题 2 Which of the following are correct?1. The balance sheet value of inventory should be as close as possible to net realisable value.2. The valuation of finished goods inventory must include production overheads.3. Production overheads included in valuing inventory should be calculated by reference to the company’s normallevel of production during the period.4. In assessing net realisable value, inventory items must be considered separately, or in groups of similar items,not by taking the inventory value as a whole.A 1 and 2 onlyB 3 and 4 onlyC 1 and 3 onlyD 2, 3 and 4

考题 When a job exceeds the date specified in its END_DATE attribute, which of the following will happen?() A. The job will be dropped automatically if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is TRUEB. The job will only be disabled if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is FALSEC. The STATE attribute of the job will be set to COMPLETED if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is FALSED. All objects referenced by the job will be dropped if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is TRUE and the value of the CASCADE attribute is TRUEE. The STATE column of the job table will be set to COMPLETED for the job

考题 Which of the following product(s)would be classified as grade E ________.A.GasolineB.Bunker CC.KeroseneD.All of the above

考题 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?__________ 查A.Social change tends to meet with more difficulty in basic and emotional aspects of society B.Disagreement with and argument about conditions tend to slow down social change C.Social change is more likely to occur in the material aspect of society D.Social change is less likely to occur in what people learned when they were young

考题 Which of the following concerning natural gas is NOT true?( ) A.It was not favored in the past. B.It is easily affected by the change of the climate. C.People are beginning to realize its value. D.It is increasingly cheaper to be liquefied.

考题 You issued the following statement:   SQL ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LANG=FRENCH_CANADA.WE8ISO8859P1;   Which parameter is NOT overridden by using the above statement?()  A、 the value of the NLS_LANGUAGE variableB、 the value of the NLS_TERRITORY variableC、 the value of the NLS_CURRENCY variableD、the character encoding scheme used by the client application

考题 You established access to menu modules using roles. While testing the application, you need access to all the menus in the SALES form module for all the roles. Which method will override the Menu Module Roles property to allow you to access all the menu items?()A、Disable the values for the Menu Module Roles property. B、Set the Use Security value in the form module Property Palette to 'True'. C、Set the Use Security value in the form module Property Palette to 'False'. D、Set the Use Security value in the menu module Property Palette to 'True'. E、Set the Use Security value in the menu module Property Palette to 'False'. 

考题 An administrator has just imported a shred Volume Group that had been created on another  system in the cluster. In order for the shred volume to be used in the cluster, what is the most important step for the administrator to take first?()   A、 Change the quorum required to false.B、 Change the Volume Group auto vary on to yes, and then vary off the Volume Group.C、 Change the auto vary on value of the Volume Group to no, and then vary off the volume group.D、 Set the Volume Group major number to the same value that the Volume Group had on the system on which it was created.

考题 A support specialist started to apply an APAR on a system by inserting the tape into the tape drive, and loaded the fix using smitty installp. The following error message is displayed: tape not in backup format   Which of the following will resolve this problem?()A、Change density setting to 2B、Set tape device to /dev/rmt0C、Set block size to 0 for variableD、Enable compression on tape device

考题 On a newly installed AIX V4 machine, which of the following default values applies to the ipforwarding network option?()A、 The ipforwarding is off by default. B、 The ipforwarding is set on by default. C、 The value is dynamically determined at boot time by DHCP. D、 The value is equal to the setting of the directed_broadcast runtime attribute.

考题 To change the read sizes on a V3 network file system server, which of the following options would need to be set?()A、rsizeB、nfs_max_read_sizeC、nfs_server_clreadD、nfs_rfc1323

考题 When a job exceeds the date specified in its END_DATE attribute, which of the following will happen?()A、The job will be dropped automatically if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is TRUEB、The job will only be disabled if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is FALSEC、The STATE attribute of the job will be set to COMPLETED if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is FALSED、All objects referenced by the job will be dropped if the value of the AUTO_DROP attribute is TRUE and the value of the CASCADE attribute is TRUEE、The STATE column of the job table will be set to COMPLETED for the job

考题 Which of the following statements is true regarding the initialization parameter DIAGNOSTIC_DEST?()   The default value is the value of the environment variable $ORACLE_HOME; if $ORACLE_HOME isn’t set  A、 then the default is set to $ORACLE_BASE The default value is the value of the environment variable $ORACLE_BASE; if $ORACLE_BASE isn’t set,B、 then it is set to $ORACLE_HOMEC、 DIAGNOSTIC_DEST is always equal to $ORACLE_HOMED、 DIAGNOSTIC_DEST is always equal to $ORACLE_BASE

考题 To enable resumable space allocation for the instance, which of the following initialization parameters should you set to a nonzero value?()A、 RESUMABLE_SPACE_TIMEB、 RESUMABLE_SPACEC、 RESUMABLE_TIMED、 RESUMABLE_TIMEOUTE、 TIME_RESUMABLE

考题 The current time zone for one of the user sessions is set to the database local time zone. For one application, the user session requires the time zone to be set to the local operating system time zone without affecting other user sessions. Which two solutions could the user implement to achieve this objective? ()A、 use the ALTER SYSTEM command to change the time zoneB、 use the ALTER SESSION command to change the time zoneC、 use the ALTER DATABASE command to change the time zoneD、 set the value for the operating system variable ORA_SDTZ on the client machineE、 set the value for the operating system variable ORA_SDTZ on the database server machine

考题 单选题To change the read sizes on a V3 network file system server, which of the following options would need to be set?()A rsizeB nfs_max_read_sizeC nfs_server_clreadD nfs_rfc1323

考题 单选题Which of the following questions is answered according to the passage?A What advantages does EMS have over the private couriers?B When was EMS set up?C How many countries have started EMS?D What items are not allowed in EMS?

考题 单选题Given the following table definition: STOCK: item VARCHAR(30) status CHAR(1) quantity INT price DEC(7,2) If items are indicated to be out of stock by setting STATUS to NULL and QUANTITY and PRICE to zero, which of the following statements would be used to update the STOCK table to indicate that all the items whose description begins with the letter "S" are out of stock?()A UPDATE stock SET (status = NULL; quantity, price = 0) WHERE item LIKE S%B UPDATE stock SET (status, quantity, price) = (NULL, 0, 0) WHERE item LIKE S%C UPDATE stock SET status = NULL, SET quantity = 0, SET price = 0 WHERE item LIKE 'S%'D UPDATE stock SET (status = NULL), (quantity = 0), (price = 0) WHERE item LIKE S%

考题 多选题You decided to increase the value for the SHARED_SERVERS parameter by using the following command:  SQL ALTER SYSTEM SET SHARED_|SERVERS=3 SCOPE=?;  Which three values can be specified for the SCOPE clause?()AALLBPFILECBOTHDNONEESPFILEFMEMORYGINSTANCEHDATABASE

考题 单选题Which of the following is most clearly similar to a cline as it is described in the second paragraph of the text?A A vegetable market in which the various items are grouped according to place of origin.B A wheat field in which different varieties of wheat are planted to yield a crop that will bring the maximum profit.C A flower stall in which the various species of flowers are arranged according to their price.D A housing development in which the length of the front struts supporting the porch of each house increases as houses are built up the hill.

考题 单选题Which of the following is true according to the passage?A The man was a heavy smoker.B The man smiled to please the guard.C The guard set the man free with permission.D The man hadn’t thought the guard would set him free.

考题 单选题Which of the following definitions can be used to define the term ‘offset ’ as a characteristic of controller action?()A The period of time in which the set point and the control point coincideB The periodic change between the set point and the control pointC The variable difference between the set point and the control pointD The constant difference between the set point and the control point

考题 多选题Using Oracle Enterprise Manager to set SGA pool values manually, for which of the following pools does Oracle EM offer advice to set the value appropriately?()ADB_CACHE_SIZEBSHARED_POOL_SIZECLARGE_POOL_SIZEDJAVA_POOL_SIZEESGA_MAX_SIZEFSORT_AREA_SIZE

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is true regarding the initialization parameter DIAGNOSTIC_DEST?()   The default value is the value of the environment variable $ORACLE_HOME; if $ORACLE_HOME isn’t setA  then the default is set to $ORACLE_BASE The default value is the value of the environment variable $ORACLE_BASE; if $ORACLE_BASE isn’t set,B  then it is set to $ORACLE_HOMEC  DIAGNOSTIC_DEST is always equal to $ORACLE_HOMED  DIAGNOSTIC_DEST is always equal to $ORACLE_BASE

考题 多选题The current time zone for one of the user sessions is set to the database local time zone. For one application, the user session requires the time zone to be set to the local operating system time zone without affecting other user sessions. Which two solutions could the user implement to achieve this objective? ()Ause the ALTER SYSTEM command to change the time zoneBuse the ALTER SESSION command to change the time zoneCuse the ALTER DATABASE command to change the time zoneDset the value for the operating system variable ORA_SDTZ on the client machineEset the value for the operating system variable ORA_SDTZ on the database server machine

考题 单选题Which value is valid for the iterate parameter in SET_TIMER built-in procedure? ()A REUSE B RECYCLE C NO_CHANGE D OCCURRENCE

考题 单选题The degree to which the viscosity of an oil will change with a change in temperature is indicated by the ().A weight designationB viscosity indexC pour pointD thermal change value