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Opera登录界面,在 Language 选项可以设置 Opera 系统为英文或中文版本。

更多 “Opera登录界面,在 Language 选项可以设置 Opera 系统为英文或中文版本。” 相关考题
考题 Alex, a student from Australia, is very ___________ on Beijing opera. A.fondB.concernedC.keenD.interested

考题 Sydney Opera House will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon ______.A.because it is a global expression of cultural modernityB.because it is the first designed and built modern buildingC.because everyone in the world with media access knows what the Sydney Opera House looks likeD.because it is the pioneer in accomplishing such an international architectural icon

考题 Tommy enjoys to study opera.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 The opera is _____ on a true story.A: basisB: basicC: basingD: based

考题 Jim: I have a pair of tickets to opera Saturday night. Would you like to go?Cindy: I don’t think so. __________________A: I’m not too wild about opera.B: I’ m not too interested about opera.C: I’m not very excited about opera.D: I’m not very anxious about opera.

考题 Although stage plays have been set to music since the era(年代) of the ancient Greeks when the dramas of Sophocles and Aeschylus were accompanied by lyres(里拉琴) and flutes, the usually accepted date for the beginning of opera as we know it is 1600. As part of the celebration of the marriage of King Henry IV of France to the Italian aristocrat(贵族) Maria de Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Peri produced his famous Euridice, generally considered to be the first opera. Following his example, a group of Italian musicians called the Camerata began to revive(复兴) the style. of musical story that had been used in Greek tragedy.1. This passage is a summary of ____.A、opera in ItalyB、the CamerataC、the development of operaD、 Euridice.2. According to the author, Jacopo Peri wrote ____.A、Greek tragedyB、the first operaC、the opera Maria de MediciD、the opera The Camerata3. We can infer that the Camerata ____.A、was a group of Greek musiciansB、developed a new musical drama based upon Greek dramaC、was not known in ItalyD、was the name given to the court of King Henry IV4. The author suggests that Euridice was produced ____.A、in FranceB、originally by Sophocles and AeschylusC、without much successD、for the wedding of King Henry IV5. According to this passage, modern opera began in the ____.A、time of the ancient GreeksB、fifteenth centuryC、sixteenth centuryD、seventeenth century

考题 以下哪个版本的浏览器不支持媒体查询()。 A、IE 9.0B、IE 7.0C、Opera 9.0D、Chrome 21

考题 系统设置主界面的描述不正确的是()。A.一般在进人中央监控系统后,最先弹出的是“欢迎界面”B.主界面通常会提供空气调节系统、制冷系统等子系统的链接C.进人主界面一般只需要用户名就可以登录D.中央监控系统的欢迎界面通常也是登录界面

考题 让Apache2.0支持中文网页,可以在httpd.conf文件中设置以下选项( )。A、DefaultLanguage zh_cnB、Add DefaultCharest GB2312C、Language ChineseD、DocumentRoot /var/www/

考题 调控一体化的权限设置功能包含()A、可以设置各用户打开同一副图看到的内容、侧重点不同,操作权限不同B、可以设置各用户登录系统能听的报警信息不同C、各用户能打开的系统界面可以逐个配置D、各用户在登录前设置好自己的操作权限

考题 系统设置主界面的描述不正确的是()。A、一般在进人中央监控系统后,最先弹出的是“欢迎界面”B、主界面通常会提供空气调节系统、制冷系统等子系统的链接C、进人主界面一般只需要用户名就可以登录D、中央监控系统的欢迎界面通常也是登录界面

考题 进入税控发票开票软件(税控盘版),如何修改管理员口令?()A、系统维护-操作员管理B、在登录的界面可以设置C、软件主界面-修改密码图标D、税控盘口令设置

考题 以下哪个版本在开票软件登录界面,当勾选“记录密码”选项时,开票系统会提示“公共互联网环境时请取消“记住密码”选项”对话框()A、20180728B、20180625C、20180258D、20180828

考题 Internet Explorer、Firefox、Opera等软件属于()。

考题 在快审通的那个界面可以开通销售顾问的快审通权限()A、语言设置B、登录首选项C、业务伙伴D、常用金融产品

考题 登陆开票软件的操作员登录界面密码可以设置为空。

考题 让apahce2.0支持中文网页,可以在httpd.conf文件设置以下选项()。A、DefaultLanguage zh-cnB、AddDefaultCharset GB2312C、Language chineseD、DocumentRoot/var/www/

考题 opera的原意是什么?

考题 selection是对当前激活选中区(即高亮文本)进行操作,在非IE浏览器(Firefox、Safari、Chrome、Opera)下可以使用window.getSelection()获得selection对象。

考题 AD166系列机型安装网卡后进入WBB界面显示为英文的原因为()A、此系列机器WEB界面只支持英文显示机器版本问题,固件升级后显示中文B、维修模式内的销售区域未选择成中国C、浏览器问题,更换浏览器后显示中文

考题 下列()只能设置系统管理员的姓名,不可以设置其登录口令。A、系统注册时B、系统初始化时C、在操作员管理界面中D、在数据维护模块中

考题 多选题手机客户端检查是否为最新版本有哪几种方法()A登录界面-系统信息-关于中查看版本B登录全要素网格通客户端,点击右上角三个点中的“关于”查看版本C登录全要素网格通客户端,点击右上角三个点中的“设置”查看版本D登录全要素网格通客户端,点击右上角三个点中的“安全设置”查看版本

考题 单选题Which is the best title for the passage?A Sailing RoofB Traveling in SydneyC The Sydney Opera HouseD The Opening of the Opera House

考题 单选题_____ paid for the cost of the building of the Sydney Opera House.A UtzonB The publicC Queen Elizabeth IID The government

考题 单选题Jack enjoys()Peking Opera.A listen toB listeningC listenD listening to

考题 单选题The writer’s main rhetorical purpose in the essay is toA show how artists have updated La Boheme for modern audiencesB illustrate the ways in which Baz Lurhmann transformed the opera into a musicalC explain the differences between Rent and La BohemeD explore the plight of tuberculosis victimsE update puccini’s opera for today’s youth

考题 单选题The designer of the Sydney Opera House was from _____.A AmericaB AustraliaC EnglandD Denmark

考题 单选题关于QDII基金信息披露所使用的语言,正确的是(  )。A 可同时采用中文和英文披露,并以英文为主B 可同时采用中文和英文披露,并以中文为主C 只能采用英文披露,不允许披露中文版本D 只能采用中文披露,不允许披露英文版本