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Vessels must not “exceed” a speed of 8 knots in this area.().

sail at




proceed at


steam over


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更多 “单选题Vessels must not “exceed” a speed of 8 knots in this area.().A sail atB exceptC proceed atD steam over” 相关考题
考题 Vessels transiting the Canal must have their gangways and derricks ________A.readjustedB.removedC.loweredD.rigged in

考题 Rule 14 describes the action to be taken by vessels meeting head-on. Which of the following conditions must exist in order for this rule to apply?______.A.Both vessels must be power-driven.B.They must be meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses.C.The situation must involve risk of collision.D.All of the above

考题 The bow thruster generally is ineffective at ______.A.over 3 knots headwayB.at any speed asternC.at any speed aheadD.over 1 knot sternway

考题 In Beaufort Scale,the wind force 7 with speed of 28-33 knots is defined as ________ .A.Moderate galeB.Near galeC.Strong galeD.Whole gale

考题 According to Regulations, a power driven auxiliary steering gear for a vessel capable of a 12 knot service speed, must be able to meet the rudder movement requirements at which of the minimum vessel speeds listed below?A.6 knotsB.7 knotsC.9 knotsD.12 knots

考题 If your vessel is the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation ______.A.you must keep your course and speedB.you may change course and speed as the other vessel must keep clearC.the other vessel must keep her course and speedD.both vessels must keep their course and speed

考题 单选题If your vessel is the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation().A You must keep your course and speedB You may change course and speed as the other vessel must keep clearC The other vessel must keep her course and speedD Both vessels must keep their course and speed

考题 单选题()are increasingly used as main engine on merchant vessels, because they have a high Hp/Weight ratio.A Slow speed diesel enginesB Medium-speed diesel enginesC Steam enginesD Gasoline engines

考题 单选题The () of the diesel oil must not exceed 120 degree Fahrenheit.A temperatureB pressureC acid valueD viscosity

考题 单选题A flashing red light displayed at a single lock means that the lock().A is ready to use but vessels must stand clearB is ready to use and vessels may approachC cannot be made ready immediately and vessels shall stand clearD cannot be made ready immediately but vessels may approach

考题 单选题A fully loaded motor-propelled lifeboat must be capable of attaining a speed of at least().A 3 knots in smooth waterB 6 knots in smooth waterC 3 knots in rough waterD 6 knots in rough water

考题 单选题Two vessels are approaching each other near head on. What action should be taken to avoid collision?().A The first vessel to sight the other should give wayB The vessel making the slower speed should give wayC Both vessels should alter course to starboardD Both vessels should alter course to port

考题 单选题While steaming slowly in the harbor,no ship is () to exceed the speed limited.A assumedB appreciatedC promisedD permitted

考题 单选题The bow thruster generally is ineffective at().A over 3 knots headwayB at any speed asternC at any speed aheadD over 1 knot sternway

考题 单选题For GMDSS,which statement concerning a compulsory vessel is FALSE?()A A conditional or partial exemption may be granted,in exceptional circumstances,for a single voyage outside the sea area for which the vessel is equippedB Once a compulsory vessel's GMDSS station has been fitted and inspected,the station must be inspected only once every five yearsC All passenger vessels and all cargo vessels that are 300 Gross Tons or larger must complyD Compulsory vessels must carry at least two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators

考题 单选题At 0630 you increase speed to 12.0 knots. At 0645 Race Rock Light bears 294°pgc. At 0700 Race Rock Light bears 293°pgc. Based on this,you should().A alter course to portB maintain course and speedC alter course to starboardD maintain course and reduce speed

考题 单选题Power-driven vessels must keep out of the way of sailing vessels except().A in a crossing situationB when they are making more speed than the power-driven vesselC when the sailing vessel is overtakingD on the Inland Waters of the United States

考题 单选题You are underway at 5 knots and see on your radar a contact 10 miles directly astern of you. 12 minutes later,the contact is 8 miles directly astern of you. What is the estimated speed of the contact? ()A Dead in the waterB 1 knotC 10 knotsD 15 knots

考题 单选题According to Regulations, a power driven auxiliary steering gear for a vessel capable of a 12 knot service speed, must be able to meet the rudder movement requirements at which of the minimum vessel speeds listed below?()A 6 knotsB 7 knotsC 9 knotsD 12 knots

考题 单选题According to Regulations, a power driven auxiliary steering gear for a vessel capable of a 20 knot service speed, must be capable of producing a rudder movement at which of the minimum speeds listed below?()A 7 knotsB 10 knotsC 15 knotsD 20 knots

考题 单选题Vessels must navigate()caution in this area.A inB byC onD with

考题 单选题The maneuvering information required to be posted in the wheelhouse must be based on certain conditions.Which of the following is NOT one of these conditions()A The hull must be cleanB There must be calm weather – wind 10 knots or less and a calm seaC There must be no currentsD The depth of the water must be at least one and one-half times the draft

考题 单选题Fuel oil transfer systems used onboard diesel propelled vessels are required to have ().A two fuel oil transfer pumps provided where one is to be independent of the main engineB two fuel oil transfer pumps, with a combined capacity exceeding the maximum consumption of the main engineC engine driven transfer pumps and only used in constant speed applicationsD the capacity of the engine driven pump exceed the consumption rate of the engine to which it is attached

考题 单选题In Beaufort Scale,the wind force 7 with speed of 28-33 knots is defined as().A Moderate galeB Near galeC Strong galeD Whole gale

考题 单选题There is a vessel in position 120.0E 24.5N on course 120 degrees and speed 12.5 knots()is not complying with traffic regulations.A thisB whoC whichD it

考题 单选题Which statement is TRUE concerning a vessel equipped with operational radar?().A She must use this equipment to obtain early warning of risk of collisionB The use of a radar excuses a vessel from the need of a look-outC The radar equipment is only required to be used in restricted visibilityD The safe speed of such a vessel will likely be greater than that of vessels without radar

考题 单选题When one of two vessels()is required to keep out of the way the other must keep her course and speed.A In sight of anotherB Sights the anotherC Not in sight of the otherD In sight of one another