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All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT _____.

I heard that be joined the army.


They have no idea at all where he has gone.


The thought came to him that Mary had probably fallen ill.


Several years later, word came that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them.


更多 “单选题All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT _____.A I heard that be joined the army.B They have no idea at all where he has gone.C The thought came to him that Mary had probably fallen ill.D Several years later, word came that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them.” 相关考题
考题 My grandfather was a completely different person before he had a stroke. He worked as a chief accountant, and he worked really long hours. People used to say that he was a workaholic. When he came home, he was always tired and this used to make him irritable. He didn't use to be sociable at all. He used to spend a lot of time alone working in the garden. I used to be frightened of him as a child. He used to shout at us all the time. Then, suddenly he became ill, and then the doctors told him he had to give up work. He changed almost overnight. His attitude to lots of things changed. He relaxed and spent time with his grandchildren. When he died, I think he was a really happy, relaxed man.(1). My grandfather used to ().A、drink a lotB、work very hardC、be the manager(2). He was () when he came home.A、 very pleasantB、excitedC、easy to get angry(3). When I was a child, I ().A、 liked him very muchB、I hated himC、was afraid of him(4). Doctors asked him to ()after he had a stroke.A、 stop workingB、change his attitudeC、work less(5). When he died, he ().A、 was feeling worriedB、was irritableC、was a happy man

考题 ---- Could you please tell Jim that I will call him later?---- Sure. I’ll tell him when he __________.A. comes B. came C. has come D. will come

考题 3 Mary Hobbes joined the board of Rosh and Company, a large retailer, as finance director earlier this year. Whilst shewas glad to have finally been given the chance to become finance director after several years as a financialaccountant, she also quickly realised that the new appointment would offer her a lot of challenges. In the first boardmeeting, she realised that not only was she the only woman but she was also the youngest by many years.Rosh was established almost 100 years ago. Members of the Rosh family have occupied senior board positions sincethe outset and even after the company’s flotation 20 years ago a member of the Rosh family has either been executivechairman or chief executive. The current longstanding chairman, Timothy Rosh, has already prepared his slightlyyounger brother, Geoffrey (also a longstanding member of the board) to succeed him in two years’ time when he plansto retire. The Rosh family, who still own 40% of the shares, consider it their right to occupy the most senior positionsin the company so have never been very active in external recruitment. They only appointed Mary because they feltthey needed a qualified accountant on the board to deal with changes in international financial reporting standards.Several former executive members have been recruited as non-executives immediately after they retired from full-timeservice. A recent death, however, has reduced the number of non-executive directors to two. These sit alongside anexecutive board of seven that, apart from Mary, have all been in post for over ten years.Mary noted that board meetings very rarely contain any significant discussion of strategy and never involve any debateor disagreement. When she asked why this was, she was told that the directors had all known each other for so longthat they knew how each other thought. All of the other directors came from similar backgrounds, she was told, andhad worked for the company for so long that they all knew what was ‘best’ for the company in any given situation.Mary observed that notes on strategy were not presented at board meetings and she asked Timothy Rosh whether theexisting board was fully equipped to formulate strategy in the changing world of retailing. She did not receive a reply.Required:(a) Explain ‘agency’ in the context of corporate governance and criticise the governance arrangements of Roshand Company. (12 marks)

考题 We advised him to give up smoking,_______a lot of exercise. A、I'm afraid not. Because I have an appointment with my dentist tonightB、Of course not. I have no idea doC、No, I can'tD、That's all set

考题 第二节完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It was a busy morning,about 8:30,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital .I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for all appointment(约会)at 9:30 The nurse had him take a 36 in the waiting area, 37 him it would be at least 40 Minutes 38 someone would be able to see him I saw him 39 his watch and decided, since I was 40 busy—my patient didn’t 41 at the appointed hour, I would examine his wound .While taking care of his wound.I asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment The gentleman said no and told me that he 42 to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his 43 .He told me that she had been 44 for a while and that she had a special disease I asked if she would b e 45 if he was a bit late. He replied that she 46 knew who he was,that she had not been able t0 47 him for five years now. I was 48 , and asked him,“And you 49 go every morning,even though she doesn’t know who you are?” He smiled and said.“She doesn’t know me but I know who she is” I had to hold back 50 as he left. Now I 51 that in marriages,true love is 52 of all that is The happiest people don’t 53 have the best of everything;they just 54 the best of everything they have 55 isn’t about how to live through the storm,but how to dance in the rain.36 A breath B.test C seat D break

考题 ---Good evening. I _______ to see Miss Mary.---Oh, good evening. I’m sorry, but she is not in.A.have come B.come C.came D.had come

考题 共用题干 1.Two former lovers are to get married next month after reuniting on Facebook 27 years after their romance first ended.2.Paul Eaton,56,and Dawn Pitman,48,first met when he stayed at her mother's bed and breakfast hotel in 1982.The couple enjoyed an 18-month romance before going their separate ways because Ms. Pitman,then 21,thought she was too young to settle down.3.They both met other partners and had children in the following years,but never forgot about each other,then in 2008,water board worker Mr. Eaton joined social networking website Facebook, where he saw some pictures of Ms.Pitman on holiday and got in touch.The mother-of-one,a care worker from Exmouth,Devon,said,"I went to America on holiday and my niece Rachel put all these pictures on Facebook.The irony was that I told her to put them off because I felt it was an invasion of privacy and she said she would get them around to it when she had time.If I hadn't been on Facebook,he would not have contacted me and we would have never got back together."4.Ms.Pitman later mentioned,"I did think of him quite a lot over the years and wondered what happened to him. He hasn't changed a bit.He's the same old laid back,easygoing Paul I knew all those years ago."Mr. Eaton,a father-of-two from Bransley,South Yorkshire said:"It was totally a chance thing. I had only been on Facebook for one day.I just typed Dawn's name in and I hoped for the best.It was a bit scary when I contacted her. I thought she might be married and would have a dozen kids."5.The couple met up again on New Year's Eve 2008 and were amazed to discover the intervening years had been kind to each other."It was a real shock,"Mrs.Pitman said,"We both saw each other and he was exactly the same as I remember and that's what he said about me.He hadn't changed a bit.I knew then he was the one for me."6.Mr. Eaton added:"We just knew instantly as soon as we met up again.We didn't even have to discuss it or propose.When we knew each other all those years ago,I was a white van man and Dawn had a sports car. I still got a white van and Dawn still has a sports car. Some things never change.She always said that we would see each other again.I just didn't think it would be 27 years."The couple are due to get married in Exmouth on March 20.Paragraph 6______A:How Facebook Works.B:The Old Romance Between Mr. Eaton and Ms.Pitman.C:Ms.Pitman's Holiday in America.D:How the Couple Found Each Other.E:The Happy Ending.F: The Meeting After 27 Years.

考题 共用题干 1.Two former lovers are to get married next month after reuniting on Facebook 27 years after their romance first ended.2.Paul Eaton,56,and Dawn Pitman,48,first met when he stayed at her mother's bed and breakfast hotel in 1982.The couple enjoyed an 18-month romance before going their separate ways because Ms. Pitman,then 21,thought she was too young to settle down.3.They both met other partners and had children in the following years,but never forgot about each other,then in 2008,water board worker Mr. Eaton joined social networking website Facebook, where he saw some pictures of Ms.Pitman on holiday and got in touch.The mother-of-one,a care worker from Exmouth,Devon,said,"I went to America on holiday and my niece Rachel put all these pictures on Facebook.The irony was that I told her to put them off because I felt it was an invasion of privacy and she said she would get them around to it when she had time.If I hadn't been on Facebook,he would not have contacted me and we would have never got back together."4.Ms.Pitman later mentioned,"I did think of him quite a lot over the years and wondered what happened to him. He hasn't changed a bit.He's the same old laid back,easygoing Paul I knew all those years ago."Mr. Eaton,a father-of-two from Bransley,South Yorkshire said:"It was totally a chance thing. I had only been on Facebook for one day.I just typed Dawn's name in and I hoped for the best.It was a bit scary when I contacted her. I thought she might be married and would have a dozen kids."5.The couple met up again on New Year's Eve 2008 and were amazed to discover the intervening years had been kind to each other."It was a real shock,"Mrs.Pitman said,"We both saw each other and he was exactly the same as I remember and that's what he said about me.He hadn't changed a bit.I knew then he was the one for me."6.Mr. Eaton added:"We just knew instantly as soon as we met up again.We didn't even have to discuss it or propose.When we knew each other all those years ago,I was a white van man and Dawn had a sports car. I still got a white van and Dawn still has a sports car. Some things never change.She always said that we would see each other again.I just didn't think it would be 27 years."The couple are due to get married in Exmouth on March 20.He's the same old laid back,easygoing Paul I knew______.A:got in touchB:an invasion of privacyC:too young to settle downD:her candlesE:met upF: all those years ago

考题 共用题干 1.Two former lovers are to get married next month after reuniting on Facebook 27 years after their romance first ended.2.Paul Eaton,56,and Dawn Pitman,48,first met when he stayed at her mother's bed and breakfast hotel in 1982.The couple enjoyed an 18-month romance before going their separate ways because Ms. Pitman,then 21,thought she was too young to settle down.3.They both met other partners and had children in the following years,but never forgot about each other,then in 2008,water board worker Mr. Eaton joined social networking website Facebook, where he saw some pictures of Ms.Pitman on holiday and got in touch.The mother-of-one,a care worker from Exmouth,Devon,said,"I went to America on holiday and my niece Rachel put all these pictures on Facebook.The irony was that I told her to put them off because I felt it was an invasion of privacy and she said she would get them around to it when she had time.If I hadn't been on Facebook,he would not have contacted me and we would have never got back together."4.Ms.Pitman later mentioned,"I did think of him quite a lot over the years and wondered what happened to him. He hasn't changed a bit.He's the same old laid back,easygoing Paul I knew all those years ago."Mr. Eaton,a father-of-two from Bransley,South Yorkshire said:"It was totally a chance thing. I had only been on Facebook for one day.I just typed Dawn's name in and I hoped for the best.It was a bit scary when I contacted her. I thought she might be married and would have a dozen kids."5.The couple met up again on New Year's Eve 2008 and were amazed to discover the intervening years had been kind to each other."It was a real shock,"Mrs.Pitman said,"We both saw each other and he was exactly the same as I remember and that's what he said about me.He hadn't changed a bit.I knew then he was the one for me."6.Mr. Eaton added:"We just knew instantly as soon as we met up again.We didn't even have to discuss it or propose.When we knew each other all those years ago,I was a white van man and Dawn had a sports car. I still got a white van and Dawn still has a sports car. Some things never change.She always said that we would see each other again.I just didn't think it would be 27 years."The couple are due to get married in Exmouth on March 20.Mr. Eaton joined social networking website Facebook,where he saw some pictures of Ms.Pit-man on holiday and______.A:got in touchB:an invasion of privacyC:too young to settle downD:her candlesE:met upF: all those years ago

考题 共用题干 1.Two former lovers are to get married next month after reuniting on Facebook 27 years after their romance first ended.2.Paul Eaton,56,and Dawn Pitman,48,first met when he stayed at her mother's bed and breakfast hotel in 1982.The couple enjoyed an 18-month romance before going their separate ways because Ms. Pitman,then 21,thought she was too young to settle down.3.They both met other partners and had children in the following years,but never forgot about each other,then in 2008,water board worker Mr. Eaton joined social networking website Facebook, where he saw some pictures of Ms.Pitman on holiday and got in touch.The mother-of-one,a care worker from Exmouth,Devon,said,"I went to America on holiday and my niece Rachel put all these pictures on Facebook.The irony was that I told her to put them off because I felt it was an invasion of privacy and she said she would get them around to it when she had time.If I hadn't been on Facebook,he would not have contacted me and we would have never got back together."4.Ms.Pitman later mentioned,"I did think of him quite a lot over the years and wondered what happened to him. He hasn't changed a bit.He's the same old laid back,easygoing Paul I knew all those years ago."Mr. Eaton,a father-of-two from Bransley,South Yorkshire said:"It was totally a chance thing. I had only been on Facebook for one day.I just typed Dawn's name in and I hoped for the best.It was a bit scary when I contacted her. I thought she might be married and would have a dozen kids."5.The couple met up again on New Year's Eve 2008 and were amazed to discover the intervening years had been kind to each other."It was a real shock,"Mrs.Pitman said,"We both saw each other and he was exactly the same as I remember and that's what he said about me.He hadn't changed a bit.I knew then he was the one for me."6.Mr. Eaton added:"We just knew instantly as soon as we met up again.We didn't even have to discuss it or propose.When we knew each other all those years ago,I was a white van man and Dawn had a sports car. I still got a white van and Dawn still has a sports car. Some things never change.She always said that we would see each other again.I just didn't think it would be 27 years."The couple are due to get married in Exmouth on March 20.The irony was that I told her to put them off because I felt it was______.A:got in touchB:an invasion of privacyC:too young to settle downD:her candlesE:met upF: all those years ago

考题 共用题干 1.Two former lovers are to get married next month after reuniting on Facebook 27 years after their romance first ended.2.Paul Eaton,56,and Dawn Pitman,48,first met when he stayed at her mother's bed and breakfast hotel in 1982.The couple enjoyed an 18-month romance before going their separate ways because Ms. Pitman,then 21,thought she was too young to settle down.3.They both met other partners and had children in the following years,but never forgot about each other,then in 2008,water board worker Mr. Eaton joined social networking website Facebook, where he saw some pictures of Ms.Pitman on holiday and got in touch.The mother-of-one,a care worker from Exmouth,Devon,said,"I went to America on holiday and my niece Rachel put all these pictures on Facebook.The irony was that I told her to put them off because I felt it was an invasion of privacy and she said she would get them around to it when she had time.If I hadn't been on Facebook,he would not have contacted me and we would have never got back together."4.Ms.Pitman later mentioned,"I did think of him quite a lot over the years and wondered what happened to him. He hasn't changed a bit.He's the same old laid back,easygoing Paul I knew all those years ago."Mr. Eaton,a father-of-two from Bransley,South Yorkshire said:"It was totally a chance thing. I had only been on Facebook for one day.I just typed Dawn's name in and I hoped for the best.It was a bit scary when I contacted her. I thought she might be married and would have a dozen kids."5.The couple met up again on New Year's Eve 2008 and were amazed to discover the intervening years had been kind to each other."It was a real shock,"Mrs.Pitman said,"We both saw each other and he was exactly the same as I remember and that's what he said about me.He hadn't changed a bit.I knew then he was the one for me."6.Mr. Eaton added:"We just knew instantly as soon as we met up again.We didn't even have to discuss it or propose.When we knew each other all those years ago,I was a white van man and Dawn had a sports car. I still got a white van and Dawn still has a sports car. Some things never change.She always said that we would see each other again.I just didn't think it would be 27 years."The couple are due to get married in Exmouth on March 20.After an 18一month romance the couple split up because Ms. Pitman thought she was______.A:got in touchB:an invasion of privacyC:too young to settle downD:her candlesE:met upF: all those years ago

考题 I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible,but( )fully occupied the whole of last week.A.were B.had been C.have been D.was

考题 A student went to college after41all his school examinations. There he put his name downfor world geography,42after the first day, he did not go to43any more. The teachernoticed that this student was44absent and thought that he had changed to45class. He wasvery46when he saw the boy's name on the list of students47wanted to take the geographyexamination48the end of the year. The teacher had prepared a difficult examination paper, which covered49he had taught,and he was eager to see50this student answered the questions. He expected that his answerwould be very51 ; but when he examined his paper carefully, he found only one small mistakein them.52this surprised him very much, he went through the paper53, but was still notable to find54one mistake, so he sent55the student to question him about his work. When the student had56the room, the teacher said to him, "I know that you came to my classonly once on the first day and that you have been absent from all the others. Yet I have found onlyone small mistake in your paper.57is that? " "Oh, I'm sorry about that mistake, sir," answered the student."After the examination, Irealized58! ought to have written. I would not have made that mistake59 I had not beenconfused by your60lecture." 阅读以上短文,回答161-180题。 第41题答案是__________A.having B.taking C.passing D.failing

考题 共用题干 第三篇The IcemanOn a September day in 1991,two Germans were climbing the mountains between Austria and Italy.High up on a mountain pass,they found the body of a man lying on the ice.At that height(10,499 feet,or 3,200 meters),the ice is usually permanent, but 1991 had been an especially warm year. The mountain ice had melted more than usual so the body had come to the surface.It was lying face downward. The skeleton(骨架)was in perfect condition , except for a wound in the head.There were still skin on the bones and the remains of some clothes.The hands were still holding the wooden handle of an ax and on the feet there were very simple leather and cloth boots. Nearby was a pair of gloves made of tree bark(树皮)and a holder for arrows.Who was this man? How and when had he died? Everybody had a different answer to these ques- tions.Some people thought that it was from this century,perhaps the body of a soldier who died in World War I,since several soldiers had already been found in the area.A Swiss woman believed it might be her father,who had died in those mountains twenty years before and whose body had never been found.The scientists who rushed to look at the body thought it was probably much older,maybe even a thousand years old.With modern dating techniques,the scientists soon learned that the iceman was about 5,300 years old.Born in about 3300 B.C.,he lived during the Bronze Age in Europe.At first scientists thought he was probably a hunter who had died from an accident in the high mountains.More recent evidence,however, tells a different story.A new kind of X-ray shows an arrowhead still stuck in his shoulder. It left only a tinyhole in his skin,but it caused internal damage and bleeding. He certainly died from this wound,and not from the wound on the back of his head.This means that he was probably in some kind of a battle.It might have been part of a larger war,or he might have been fighting bandits.He might even have been a bandit himself.By studying his clothes and tools,scientists have already learned a great deal from the iceman about the times he lived in.We may never know the full story of how he died,but he has given us important clues to the history of those distant times.All the following are assumptions once made about the iceman EXCEPT__________.A:he was a Swiss woman's long-lost fatherB:he came from ItalyC:he was a soldier in World War ID:he was born about a thousand years ago

考题 共用题干 第二篇The IcemanOn a September day in 1991,two Germans were climbing the mountains between Austria and Italy. High up on a mountain pass,they found the body of a man lying on the ice.At that height(10,499 feet,or 3,200 meters),the ice is usually permanent,but 1991 had been an especially warm year. The mountain ice had melted more than usual and so the body had come to the surface.It was lying face downward. The skeleton(骨架)was in perfect condition , except for a wound in the head.There was still skin on the bones and the remains of some clothes.The hands were still holding the wooden handle of an ax and on the feet there were very simple leather and cloth boots.Nearby was a pair of gloves made of tree bark(树皮)and a holder for arrows.Who was the man?How and when had he died?Everybody had a different answer to these questions. Some people thought that it was from this century,perhaps the body of a soldier who died in World War Ⅰ, since several soldiers had already been found in the area.A Swiss woman believed it might be her father,who had died in those mountains twenty years before and whose body had never been found.The scientists who rushed to look at the body thought it was probably much older,maybe even a thousand years old.With modem dating techniques,the. scientists soon leamed that the iceman was about 5,300 years old. Bom in about 3300 B.C.,he lived during the Bronze Age in Europe.At first scientists thought he was proba- bly a hunter who had died in an accident in the high mountains.More recent evidence,however,tells a differ- ent story.A new kind of X-ray shows an arrowhead still stuck in his shoulder. It left only a tiny hole in his skin,but it caused internal damage and bleeding. He almost certainly died from this wound,and not from the wound on the back of his head.This means that he was probably in some kind of a battle.It might have been part of a larger war,or he might have been fighting bandits. He might even have been a bandit himself.By studying his clothes and tools,scientists have already leamed a great deal from the iceman about the times he lived in.we may never know the full story of how he died,but he has given us important clues to the history of those distant times.All the following are assumptions once made about the iceman EXCEPT__________.A:he was a soldier in World War ⅠB:he came from ItalyC:he was a Swiss woman's long-lost fatherD:He was born about a thousand years ago

考题 Seven years have passed I came to America.A.since B.from C.for D.when

考题 共用题干 第一篇The IcemanOn a September day in 1991,two Germans were climbing the mountains between Austria and Italy.Highup on a mountain pass,they found the body of a man lying on the ice.At that height(10,499 feet,or 3,200meters),the ice is usually permanent,but 1991 had been an especially warm year. The mountain ice hadmelted more than usual and so the body had come to the surface.It was lying face downward. The skeleton(骨架)was in perfect condition, except for a wound in the head.There was still skin on the bones and the remains of some clothes.The hands were still holding the wooden handle of an ax and on the feet there were very simple leather and cloth boots.Nearby was a pair of gloves made of tree bark(树皮)and a holder for arrows.Who was this man?How and when had he died?Everybody had a different answer to these questions.Some people thought that it was from this century,perhaps the body of a soldier who died in World War Ⅰ ,since several soldiers had already been found in the area. A Swiss woman believed it might be her father,whohad died in those mountains twenty years before and whose body had never been found.The scientists who rushed to look at the body thought it was probably much older,maybe even a thousand years old.With modern dating techniques,the scientists soon learned that the Iceman was about 5,300 years old. Born in about 3300 B.C.,he lived during the Bronze Age in Europe.At first scientists thought he was probablya hunter who had died in an accident in the high mountains.More recent evidence,however,tells a different story.A new kind of X-ray shows an arrowhead still stuck in his shoulder. It left only a tiny hole in his skin, but it caused internal damage and bleeding. He almost certainly died from this wound,and not from the wound on the back of his head.This means that he was probably in some kind of a battle.It might have been part of a larger war,or he might have been fighting bandits.He might even have been a bandit himself.By studying his clothes and tools,scientists have already learned a great deal from the Iceman about the times he lived in.We may never know the full story of how he died,but he has given us important clues to the history of those distant times.All the following are assumptions once made about the Iceman EXCEPT________.A:he was a soldier in World War ⅠB:he was a Swiss woman's long-lost fatherC:he came from ItalyD:he was born about a thousand years ago

考题 All the following sentences areconditional sentence except ___________.A.Given another chance, I' 11 make full useof it. B.He will succeed if he only does his best. C.So sudden was the attack that we had notime to escape. D.Should you need my help again, just giveme a ring.

考题 共用题干 第二篇The IcemanOn a September day in 1991,two Germans were climbing the mountains between Austria and Italy.High up on a mountain pass,they found the body of a man lying on the ice. At that height(10,499 feet,or 3,200 meters),the ice is usually peiianerIt,but 1991 had been an especially warm year. The mountain ice had melted more than usual and so the body had come to the surface.It was lying face downward. The skeleton(骨架)was in perfect condition , except for a wound in the head.There was still skin on the hones and the remains of some clothes.The hands were still holding the wooden handle of an ax and on the feet there were very simple leather and cloth boots.Nearby was a pair of gloves made of tree bark(树皮)and a holder for arrows.Who was this man?How ahd when had he died?Everybody had a different answer to these questions.Some people thought that it was from this century,perhaps the body of a soldier who died in World War I, since several soldiers had already been found in the area. A Swiss woman believed it might be her father,who had died in those mountains twenty years before and whose body had never been found.The scientists who rushed to look at the body thought it was probably much older,maybe even a thousand years old.With modern dating techniques,the scientists soon learned that the Iceman was about 5,300 years old. Born in about 3300 B.C.,he lived during the Bronze Age in Europe.At first scientists thought he was proba- bly a hunter who had died in an accident in the high mountains.More recent evidence,however,tells a different story.A new kind of X-ray shows an arrowhead still stuck in his shoulder. It left only a tiny hole in his skin,but it caused internal damage and bleeding. He almost certainly died from this wound,and not from the wound on the back of his head.This means that he was probably in some kind of a battle.It might have been part of a larger war,or he might have been fighting bandits.He might even have been a bandit himself.By studying his clothes and tools,scientists have already learned a great deal from the Iceman about the times he lived in.We may never know the full story of how he died,but he has given us important clues to the history of those distant times.All the following are assumptions once made about the Iceman EXCEFF__________.A:he was a soldier in World War ⅠB:he was a Swiss woman's long-lost fatherC:he was born about a thousand years agoD:he came from Italy

考题 单选题—How are you feeling?—I have been feeling better since _____.A the doctor has comeB the doctor will comeC the doctor had comeD the doctor came

考题 单选题I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible, but I fully ______ occupied the whole of last week.A wereB had beenC have beenD was

考题 单选题All living creature are thought to ______ an organism that came into being three billion years ago.A descend toB descend onC descend intoD descend from

考题 单选题In the sentence “The thought came to him that maybe the enemy had fled the city”, the italicized part is _____.A the appositive clauseB the attributive clauseC the object clauseD the subject clause

考题 单选题All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT _____.A The fact that he didn’t see Tom yesterday is true.B The suggestion that we go to picnic on Sunday was agreed to by most people.C There’s a feeling in me that we’ll never know what a UFO is—not ever.D This is why we can’t get the support of the people.

考题 单选题All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT _____.A The question is whether we can make good preparation in such a short time.B One of the men held the view that what the book said was right.C Word has come that some American guests will come for a visit to our college next week.D I have the information that he’ll come soon.

考题 单选题All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT _____.A I have no idea when he will return.B What you said yesterday is right.C We are all for your proposal that the discussion be put off.D The news that our athletes won another gold medal was reported in yesterday’s newspaper.

考题 单选题All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT _____.A I heard that be joined the army.B They have no idea at all where he has gone.C The thought came to him that Mary had probably fallen ill.D Several years later, word came that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them.

考题 单选题I have no idea where last Sunday's newspaper is; _____ all probability it has been thrown away.A forB onC atD in