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A pyrometer is an instrument used to measure the temperature of the diesel engine()



fuel oil


cooling water


cylinder liner


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更多 “单选题A pyrometer is an instrument used to measure the temperature of the diesel engine()A exhaustB fuel oilC cooling waterD cylinder liner” 相关考题
考题 refers to the parts of the computer that you can ,see and touch. It is used for the purpose of(69).A.SoftwareB.HardwareC.HardshipD.Instrument

考题 Which of the listed devices is used to measure pressure and convert it to an electrical signal?A.TransducerB.ReducerC.TransformerD.Rectifier

考题 ________ is a device used to measure atmospheric pressure.A.BarometerB.ThermometerC.ChronometerD.Speedometer

考题 A sling psychrometer is a(n) ______.A.type of cargo gearB.instrument used in celestial navigationC.instrument used to measure relative humidityD.instrument used to measure specific gravity

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考题 An aneroid barometer is an instrument ______.A.used to measure the speed of windB.in which the pressure of air is measuredC.that tells which direction a storm is coming fromD.used to measure the height of waves

考题 An isotherm is ______.A.a line on a weather map connecting equal points of both temperature and pressureB.an instrument that measures the climatological effects of temperatureC.a line connecting points of equal barometric pressure on a weather mapD.a line connecting points of equal temperature on a weather map

考题 单选题A compound gage is used to measure ().A temperature and pressureB humidity and temperatureC pressure and vacuumD pressure and humidity

考题 单选题Which of the following condition is likely to develop if the thermocouple element of a pyrometer becomes coated with excessive amounts of combustion by-products?()A Indicated exhaust pressure readings will increaseB Pyrometer responses will be retardedC Indicated cylinder temperature readings will increaseD Indicated firing pressure readings will increase

考题 单选题Which of the listed devices is used to measure pressure and convert it to an electrical signal?()A TransducerB ReducerC TransformerD Rectifier

考题 单选题A microbarograph is a precision instrument that provides a().A charted record of atmospheric temperature over timeB charted record of atmospheric pressure over timeC graphic record of combustible gases measured in an atmosphereD graphic record of vapor pressure from a flammable/combustible liquid

考题 单选题The type of gauge most commonly used to measure pressure is the ().A bimetallic typeB diaphragm typeC bourdon tube typeD resistance-temperature type

考题 单选题The ()is used to measure power.A ammeterB voltmeterC wattmeterD frequency meter

考题 单选题An aneroid barometer is an instrument().A used to measure the speed of windB in which the pressure of the air is measuredC that tells which direction a storm is coming fromD used to measure the height of waves

考题 单选题Which instrument is most useful in forecasting fog().A A barometerB An anemometerC A sling psychrometerD A pyrometer

考题 单选题Which instrument is used to predict the approach of a low pressure system().A AnemometerB FathometerC BarometerD Thermometer

考题 单选题A pyrometer is an instrument commonly used to measure()A cylinder pressureB flame intensityC exhaust gas temperatureD crankshaft axial alignment

考题 单选题What does a pyrometer measure on a diesel engine? ()A Water temperatureB Water pressureC Exhaust temperatureD Air box pressure

考题 单选题Which instrument is used to measure the relative humidity of air?()A HydrometerB HygrometerC SpectrometerD Barometer

考题 单选题A hand held instrument used to measure distances between objects and the ship is a().A vernierB psychrometerC hygrometerD stadimeter

考题 单选题A manometer is used to measure ().A pressureB temperatureC volumeD specific gravity

考题 单选题The most common instrument used to measure diesel engine exhaust pressure is the ()A pyrometerB bourdon gaugeC pneumercatorD manometer

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is correct concerning the viscosity of lubricating oil?()A Viscosity will increase as temperature increasesB Viscosity is a measure of a fluid s internal resistance to flowC Viscosity will decrease as temperature decreasesD Viscosity is not dependent on temperature

考题 单选题Which of the general advantages listed does the electrical pyrometer have over the mechanical pyrometer?()A When heated, it will move proportional to the amount the metal has lengthened or expandedB The pointer associated with the pyrometer scale can be made to also measure engine RPMC It can be utilized in exhaust manifolds and heat exchangers interchangeablyD It can indicate temperature at a distant point from the source heat

考题 单选题A sling psychrometer is a(n)().A type of cargo gearB instrument used in celestial navigationC instrument used to measure relative humidityD instrument used to measure specific gravity

考题 单选题What monitoring device best indicates the load being carried by a diesel engine?()A Lube oil pressure gaugeB Jacket water temperature gaugeC TachometerD Exhaust pyrometer

考题 单选题When two different metals are joined to form a closed circuit and exposed to different temperatures at their junctions () which can be used to measure temperature.A a current will flowB a power will developC a heat will flowD a pressure will produce