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反接 opposite arrival


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更多 “名词解释题反接 opposite arrival” 相关考题
考题 We should _________ (告知)you of the date of the delegation’s arrival.

考题 从电能消耗来看,下面哪个选项是最经济的?() A、能耗制动B、回馈制动C、转速反向的反接制动D、电枢反接的反接制动

考题 influx()。 A.arrival of people or thingsB.work hardC.surrounding

考题 Tensile stress is a result of two forces acting in ______.A.opposite directions on the same line,tending to pull the material apartB.opposite directions on the same line,tending to compress the objectC.opposite directions along parallel linesD.the same direction along parallel lines

考题 The indication of a slipping anchor is a(n)______.A.Decrease in mooring line lengthB.Increase in the opposite amperageC.Increase in the opposite line tensionD.Decrease in mooring line tension and amperage

考题 汉译英:“装货地;卸货地”,正确的翻译为( )。 A. place of loading; place of discharge B. place of destination; place of discharge C. place of arrival; place of loading D. place of arrival ; place of shipment

考题 汉译英:“装货港;到达日期”,正确的翻译为:() A.Port of loading ; Date of departure B.Port of discharge ; Date of departure C.Port of loading ; Date of arrival D.Port of discharge ; Date of arrival

考题 汉译英:“装货港;到达日期”,正确的翻译为:( )。 A. Port of loading ; Date of departure B. Port of discharge ; Date of departure C. Port of loading ; Date of arrival D. Port of discharge ; Date of arrival

考题 翻译:ETA estimated time of arrival

考题 翻译:Arrival Contract()

考题 what is the advantage of policing opposite to shaping?

考题 他励直流电动机改变旋转方向常采用()来完成。A、电枢反接法B、励磁绕组反接法C、电枢、励磁绕组同时反接D、断开励磁绕组,电枢绕组反接

考题 速度继电器在单向反接制动控制电路中的作用是()。A、降低电动机的转速B、降低反接制动电流C、控制反接制动开始D、控制反接制动结束

考题 TIG焊焊接铝合金时,不应用直流()接法;焊不锈钢时,应用直流()接法。()A、正接,正接B、反接,正接C、反接,反接D、正接,反接

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考题 反接 opposite arrival

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考题 三相异步电动机反接制动()A、电源反接B、倒拉反接制动C、位能作用D、变极电源反接

考题 单选题Words that are opposite in meaning are().A synonymsB hyponymsC antonymsD homophones

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考题 单选题Neap tides occur when the().A Moon is in its first quarter and third quarter phasesB Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the EarthC Moon's declination is maximum and opposite to that of the SunD Sun and Moon are in conjunction

考题 问答题翻译:DTA definite time of arrival

考题 单选题The indication of a slipping anchor is a(n)().A decrease in mooring line lengthB increase in the opposite amperageC increase in the opposite line tensionD decrease in mooring line tension and amperage

考题 问答题what is the advantage of policing opposite to shaping?

考题 填空题三相异步电动机的反接制动有()反接制动和()反接制动。

考题 多选题三相异步电动机反接制动()A电源反接B倒拉反接制动C位能作用D变极电源反接