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stay in marriage维持婚姻状态。endure忍受,忍耐。live生活。suffer忍受,遭受。
更多 “单选题______A endure B stay C live D suffer” 相关考题
考题 单选题______A production B storage C provide D supply

考题 单选题______A availableB enoughC sufficientD convenient

考题 单选题With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, business people __________.A have to get familiar with modern technologyB are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operationsC are attaching more importance to their overseas businessD are eager to work overseas

考题 单选题From the last paragraph, we can see that __________.A a teacher’s influence on children is always positiveB children should be encouraged to reach their own decisions by ignoring objective factsC if improperly handled, a teacher’s influence can be very harmful to the childrenD children may develop prejudices if the teacher’s attitude is wrong

考题 单选题______A direction B way C method D epoch

考题 问答题San Francisco  San Francisco, open your Golden Gate, sang the girl in the theatre. She never1 finished her song. That date was 18th April, 1906. The earth shook and the roof suddenly divided, buildings crashed2 to the ground and people rushed out into the streets. The dreadful earthquake destroyed the city that had grown up when men discovered gold in the deserts of California. But today the streets of San Francisco stretch over more than forty steep hills, rising like huge cliffs above the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean  The best way to see this splendid city, where Spanish people were the first to make their homes, is to take one of the old cable cars which run along the nine main avenues. Fares are cheap;they have not risen, I’m told, for almost a hundred years4.  You leave5 the palm trees in Union Square—the heart of San Francisco—and from the shop signs and the faces around you, you will notice that in the city live people from many nations—Austrians, Italians, Chinese and others—giving each part a special character. More Chinese live in China Town than in any other part of the world outside China. Here, with Chinese restaurants,  Chinese post-boxes, and even odd telephone-boxes that look like pagodas, it is easy to feel you are in China itself.  Fisherman’s Wharf, a place all foreigners want to see, is at the end of the ride. You get out, pause perhaps to help the other travelers to swing the cable Car on its turntable(a city custom), and then set out to find a table in one of the gay little restaurants beside the harbor. As you enjoy the fresh Pacific seafood you can admire the bright red paint of the Golden Gate Bridge in the harbor and watch the traffic crossing beneath the tall towers on its way to the pretty village of Tiberon.

考题 单选题If the author’s predictions are realized, the demand for unskilled workers will be __________.A very highB very lowC the same as todayD constantly rising

考题 单选题______A increasesB reducesC decreasesD adds

考题 单选题______A accidents B emergencies C events D incidents

考题 单选题The concept of upward social mobility has been an abiding feature of American life.A enduring B unaffected C intriguing D observing

考题 单选题______A study B discovery C research D development

考题 单选题______A considerateB considerable,C conservativeD consistent

考题 单选题______A which B that C what D how

考题 单选题______A to B in C from D beyond

考题 单选题Until about a century ago, the deep ocean floor, was completely inaccessible, hidden beneath waters averaging 3,600 meters deep.A understandableB recognizable C unreachable D unusable

考题 单选题When he fails his final examination, he is sure of a university place.A IfB In caseC Even whenD Even if

考题 单选题Fierce storms have been hampering rescue efforts and there is now little chance of finding more survivors.A disconcerting B delaying C confusing D impeding

考题 单选题______A relationship B relation C thing D matter

考题 问答题Post Hurricane Katrina  The southern United States is again being battered by a tropical storm Rita, three weeks after Hurricane Katrina. This time the warnings to leave seem to have been heeded and roads leading away from the threatened areas have been choked with traffic as more than two million people head inland. Following the devastation in New Orleans, the authorities were criticized for not doing enough for those least able to help themselves: the poor, the sick and those without transport. Though this time more provision was made to evacuate people ahead of the hurricane, but in the long term, whether there will be any real change in the US social system?  As the event of massive force, Katrina swept away an awful lot, but the ghastly failure of the authorities to prepare and to rescue those at risk seems to have done more than the physical damage. Bill Clinton is among many eminent Americans who wonder whether Katrina’s biggest impact might be psychological, political. The real question, putting is baldly, is whether there is going to be a revolution. Will the American social and economic system, which creates the wealth which pays for billionaires’ private jets and the poverty which doesn’t allow for a bus fare out of New Orleans, be addressed? It’s been tinkered with before of course, sometimes as a result of natural disasters. There were for instance plenty of buses on hand for this week’s Rita evacuation. But the system’s fundamentals, no limit on how high you can fly and little limit on how low you can fall, remain as intact as they were in the San Francisco gold rush.  As Charles Wheeler wrote, one of the tragedies of the Vietnam War had been the dismemberment of America’s infant welfare state. ‘The war, he said, stopped social reform in its tracks and today, with the budget deficit huge and growing, there is no prospect that a windfall of money released by the war can suddenly be applied to the needs of the poor in the cities. Charles was writing in 1973. America did recover. The economy was rescued. Money was made in very large amounts. But the poor still did not receive that windfall; they were never going to.  Americans are cross with the government and disappointed with the response from Washington, but they have not sat on their hands and waited for the government to sort itself out. Much the opposite, Americans have given with unbridled enthusiasm and generosity. They give money to victims of Katrina; drop off teddy bears they no longer want; dispatch cloth for which they have grown too fat etc. Hurricane Katrina has encouraged an outpouring of charity on a scale never seen before. Isn’t that something governments do? Americans don’t think so and never will. This is unquestionably a source of strength and spine in troubled times, but it is just charity that puts a dampener on revolution. Charity ameliorates, it softens blows, it pours oil on troubled waters. It does not lead to social change.  Inequality is a part of American life and so is self-reliance, nothing alters that. After the weekend’s devastation, America is little changed.

考题 单选题______A durableB excessiveC surplusD multiple

考题 问答题中国印度经贸关系取得新进展  近年来,中国印度双边关系发展顺利。2005年温家宝总理访问印度时,两国宣布建立面向和平与繁荣的战略合作伙伴关系,2005年3月,双方完成了《中印全面经贸合作五年、规划》联合研究,该规划也成为中印经贸关系发展的指导性文件。2006年是中印友好年,也是中印交往史上具有里程碑意义的一年。  近年来,两国贸易发展较快,贸易额持续保持高速增长。中印双边贸易额由2000年的29.14亿美元增长到2005年的187.03亿美元,年均增长45%。2006年,双边贸易额达到249亿美元,提前实现两国领导人确定的目标。根据中方统计,2006年印度是中国第10大贸易伙伴。根据印方统计,2005/06财年,中国已成为印度第2大贸易伙伴。  近年来,印度大力发展基础设施建设,尤其是大量私营企业积极投资,计划新建公路、桥梁、铁路、港口和电站等一批基础设施,工程承包市场巨大。中国企业在上述领域具有一定优势,经过多年开拓,中国企业在印度工程承包市场特别是现汇或业主融资项目取得重大进展。

考题 问答题The tiny Isle of Man in the Irish Sea is not known as a vanguard of technology, but this month it was to serve as the test bed for the highly acclaimed third-generation mobile phones. A subsidiary of British Telecom (BT), the British phone company, cobbled together a network and prepared to hand out prototype mobile handsets to about 200 volunteers. But problems arose in the software that keeps track of each call as it moves from one tower’s range to another’s. BT postponed the trial until late summer, after a similar delay announced a few weeks earlier by NTT DoCoMo in Japan.  What’s the big deal? Aren’t thousands of mobile calls “handed off” every day from one “cell” to another without a glitch? They are indeed. But third-generation technology, or 3G, is so radically new that it requires a rethinking of just about every aspect of how mobile phones work, from the handset to the transmission masts to the software that runs them. For this reason, 3G are a massive engineering and construction project that will take years to complete and cost hundreds of billions of dollars. The magnitude of this effort has somehow been forgotten in the mad scramble to be first out.  The handover problem is a case in point. When you talk on a conventional mobile phone, your call is beamed as a continuous stream of digital data to the nearest receiver. The technology for handing these calls off from one area to the next was worked out years ago. But a 3G phone is different it bundle up the data into little packets and sends them through the airwaves, one at a time. This creates the impression of an Internet connection’s being”always on,” which is good news. But keeping rack of these data bundles from one region to the next is a daunting engineering problem — and, more to the point, a brand-new one. NEC, the Japanese phone company that supplies BT with equipment for its Isle of Man trail, hasn’t had time to work it out.  Handset makers also have work to do. The 3G technologies have so many features; only a wonder gizmo could handle all of them, which is why none exists. The phones are not only supposed to work with 3G networks but also with the less sophisticated ( but cheaper and more useful) General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) technology already being installed on the continent and also with the current mobile phone standard, Global System for Mobile (GSM). Phones for corporate executives are also supposed to adapt to dozens of other standards around the world. Doing all this requires powerful, custom-built computer chips, which are tough to make quickly.  A device that does so many things is bound to guzzle a lot of power. Prototype 3G phones drain so much juice that they’ve been known to get uncomfortably hot. Batteries that can keep a conventional phone running for days would fizzle in a 3G handset in a matter of minutes. Engineers are searching for alternative, but at the moment the lack of a long-lasting battery is a major hurdle.  None of these problems is insurmountable, but neither will they be resolved quickly. Analysts at Forrester Research in the Netherlands predict that even in 2005, when more than half of Europe’s phones will be connected to the Internet, fewer than 15 percent of them will use 3G. That’s a measure of this technology’s complexity and immaturity.

考题 问答题中国的饮食文化  俗话说“民以食为天”。饮食文化,即围绕着人们日常工作中的食物、饮料及其食用方法所形成的文化现象,亦称饮食习俗。  从新石器时代的半坡村文化遗址中发现,早在五六千年前,中国北方的黄河流域已普遍种植粟这种农作物。同样,在距今7,000年前的河姆渡文化遗址中,也发现了南方人种植水稻的痕迹。这两个发现证明:6,000年前,南方人食大米,北方人吃小米的饮食习俗已经形成。南北方的食品风格不同。以大米为主食的南方食品较为简单,而以面粉为主食的北方食品则较为复杂。明代,又从南美传入了甜薯、土豆和玉米等农作物。  筷子是人们日常生活中最常用的一种进餐工具,已有数千年的历史。一位西方人曾说过:中国的筷子充分利用了杠杆原理,必须通过全身130多块骨头和肌肉的协调动作,才能使用筷子。筷子的发明充分显示了中国人的灵巧和智慧。

考题 问答题Don’t Blame DNA  The really critical implication of the discovery still lies with the door that geneticists have opened on the environmental influences of our behaviour, our personalities and our health, 1 and with the critical blow it strikes on the idea of biological determinism.  For the past decade, the public has witnessed a rising epidemic of tales of discoveries of genes that dispose humanity to homosexuality, to alcoholism, to political persuasion, to running ability, and to artistic taste.  But even before yesterday’s revelations by Venter, scientists had stopped believing in the gay gene. Yet belief in its existence still persists among the public. The assault on biological determinism that geneticists have now triggered will be timely, and will prove that human nature is a lot more complex and intriguing than determinists have given it credit for. Even more importantly, the discovery has critical implications for our understanding of idea of free will.  It has become increasingly fashionable for individuals particularly in the United States to blame actions and crimes on the influence of their genes. Consider the following story. A young American woman, Glenda Sue Caldwell, was convicted of killing her child and was jailed for life. Only later did she begin to display the symptoms of Huntington’s Disease, an inherited brain disorder that produces horrific delusions and uncontrolled movements. Claiming she was a victim of her genes, the woman was cleared on appeal.  Since then, several other U.S. defendants accused of violent crimes have argued that they too were innocent victims of their genes. They were not responsible for their actions. Their genes were. None of these people have yet succeeded in persuading courts of their innocence and their genes’ guilt. Most lawyers felt such an outcome was nevertheless inevitable. In other words, genetic predestination could soon have been used to excuse murder or robbery—if it had not been for this discovery that we lack the genes to thus dispose us!  Kevin Davies is the author of The Sequence, a story of the human genome race11. He said, “There has been a recent study on perfect pitch, the ability to know the absolute pitch of a musical note, that strongly suggests that is acquired through the inheritance of a single gene.”  “That may sound like a clear-cut piece of biological determinism. However, there is a crucial corollary: you have to be exposed to early musical training for the ability to materialize. 13 In other words, even in seemingly simple inherited abilities, nurture has a role to play.”  And then there is the case quoted by Venter. “Everyone talks about a gene for this and that. But it is not like that. Take the example of colon cancer. People say there is a gene that predisposes us to the disease. And certainly it runs in families. It is caused by an inherited weakness in one gene that controls DNA repair in other genes. 14 But that gene is found in cells in every part of the body. However, it is only the colon where we find all sorts of toxins and bacteria that provide the harsh circumstances that cause that gene to finally break down and for cancer to spread.”  In short, it is not a colon cancer gene but a gene that affects our ability to respond to the environment. And that, is what human nature is all about.

考题 问答题Green Gene Technology  For the past 10,000 years humans have influenced the plants they use at first unknowingly, later by design. Today’s crops have been created by a process of selection and classical breeding. More specific improvements in breeding will be possible in future.  Science has cracked the genetic information code. Green gene technology is an effective tool in crop breeding, enabling us to develop new crops even more rapidly and specifically. We can make them more efficient, optimizing their contents and valuable substances to suit the wishes and requirements of customers and the processing industry. Their metabolism can be individually modified, making them produce starch, protein and fats with special properties. Through gene transfer plants can be made more resistant to viruses, bacteria, harmful fungi and insect pests.  Genetically modified plants can be cultivated to possess improved stress behavior, with the result that they absorb water better in dry locations and can make more efficient use of soil nutrients. We can also optimize weed control. To do so, we make crops tolerant to environmentally sound and easily degradable herbicides. This is not as simple as it sounds. But we have been successful: Innovator has been on the Canadian market since 1995. This is the first oilseed rape variety to contain the glufosinate tolerance gene, facilitating the use of AgrEvo’s broad-spectrum herbicide liberty.  We are committed to green gene technology, with which we aim to make crop breeding even more efficient and environmentally friendly. Before being brought on to the market these genetically modified plants are researched and tested for years until the questions posed regarding their safety have been answered. This is a great opportunity for us to realize our vision: the use of faster methods to breed varieties which will continue to provide us with sufficient food and raw materials in future. Our fossil reserves will soon be exhausted. Experts estimate that we only have enough oil for another 43 years and natural gas for less than 60.  This means we must rethink and act accordingly, using new crop varieties to step up the move to replenishable sources of raw materials and energy. In other words, green gene technology is the key technology for sustainable agriculture.

考题 单选题______A looks B seems C says D is

考题 问答题Wild Birds Treated as Bird-flu Carriers  Avian influenza, also known as bird-flu, is dominating headlines in some parts of the world. The first cases of the deadly HSN1 swain of the virus have been confirmed in Europe and there have been new outbreaks in Asia. Bird-flu is here to stay, according to the World Health Organization, and countries are revising their procedures on how to prevent, or at the very least delay, a human pandemic. In areas where the virus has already been confirmed, like Romania, most efforts focus on trying to keep domestic birds away from wild local birds like swans, and migrating birds like geese. In the wetlands of the Danube delta thousands of hens, ducks and geese have already been slaughtered.  Some ornithologists plead that we’d better not demonize the wild birds. Bird flu began among poultry in south-east Asia, almost certainly because of the way people treat domestic birds, cramped together in small cages. They infected the wild birds, which are now bringing the virus to Europe and Africa. Poultry are catching it, and sooner or later, so will humans. It’s coming full circles. So don’t blame the birds. Blame human cruelty.  On a lake in Mined, not far from the delta capital Tulcea, two pigmy cormorants,10 domestic ducks, egrets, black-headed gulls, and swans, lots of swans. Sleeping. They shouldn’t be sleeping now. It’s the middle of the day! Perhaps they’re sick. Swans have borne the brunt of the bird-flu outbreak here so far. They were weak anyway, because of the floods which have struck Romania this Spring and Summer. Swans thrive in water not much deeper than one metre. They plunge their long necks under water to feed. With water levels unusually high, the swans have take refuge this year in fish farms, where many shallow, man-made pools offer rich pickings. But other birds, domestic and wild, gather there too-and such concentrations of birds, experts say, create a perfect environment for spreading disease. In the second confirmed bird-flu cluster in the delta,137 swans have died, on a fish farm in the village of Maliue. In the third cluster, near the Ukrainian border,15 swans have died so far.  The number may not be huge, but this is undoubtedly the tip of the avian influenza iceberg. Bird-flu is already present in Romania’s neighbors, Ukraine, Moldova, and Bulgaria. White-fronted geese can travel 500 kilometers in a single day! Scientists should concentrate on a vaccine to prevent the virus in birds, and not put all their efforts into the human version.  According to experts from the World Health Organization, the virus will remain for a long time in the region. More cases of bird-flu will be discovered, And each time, a major quarantine operation will have to be launched. To kill poultry, to closely observe those who have come into contact with sick birds, and seal off the area. People throughout this wetland region will just have to learn a new way of life. And so will their hens and ducks and geese.  Like the tale of the Sultan’s gold coin, no one can say how this story will end.

考题 单选题The word “constitute” underlined in Paragraph 1 means______.A formB talkC planD look