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The company makes it possible _____ the market information with its partners.





to share




句意:公司让与合伙人分享市场信息成为可能。本题考查固定搭配。make it possible for sb.to do sth.是固定搭配,表示“让某人做某事成为可能”。因此C项正确。
更多 “单选题The company makes it possible _____ the market information with its partners.A shareB sharingC to shareD shared” 相关考题
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考题 CUSTOMER REFERRAL From: Bob SmithTo: Tompson Harris 10:12 AM, Monday, Dec. 21, 2015 Dear Mr. Harris, Thank you for your cooperation for our business in the recent years. With your great help and support, we have tripled our products in the last three years. And the profits of our company increases steadily. Now, we have enlarged and consolidated our domestic market and European market. Next step we intend to explore the North American market, especially Canada’s and USA’s. However, we do not have good connections in this region. Therefore, we shall be very obliged if you could kindly introduce us to some of your reliable partners in North America who are interested in our products. We look forward to your early reply. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Yours sincerely, Bob Smith Project manager1. How does Bob begin with his email()A. With a self-introduction.B. With his company’s current situation.C. With presenting thanks for help and support.2. What’s the current situation of Bob’s company()A. Very good.B. Not so good.C. Just so so.3. What are the market areas of Bob’s company()A. Domestic and Asian market.B. Domestic and North American market.C. Domestic and European market.4. What is the recent plan of Bob’s company()A. To enlarge the domestic and European market.B. To explore the North American market.C. To withdraw from European market and strengthen the North American market.5. What is the purpose of the email()A. To give best wishes for the coming Christmas and New Year.B. To ask for the introduction of some business partners in North America.C. To consolidate the business relationship.

考题 You may get consumers who want very high quality services satisfied, but at a higher price. And the people who want no-frills service and cheap product will also get it at the other end of the market. So competition allows a range of variety to occur in a market. The benefit to society of competition is that it makes a major contribution to the fundamental economic issue, which is the scarcity of productive resources. It means that on the production side, there is maximum pressure to conserve the use of those scarce productive resources. On the demand side it also rations consumer demand appropriately, and it also tends to mean that the variety of consumer needs can be met.1. From the first paragraph of the passage we can know that usually there are ()kinds of consumers who may get satisfied in a market.A. twoB. threeC. four2. What does “it” in the first sentence of paragraph 2 refer to()A. fundamental economic issueB. the scarcity of productive resourcesC. The benefit of competition3. The sentence in paragraph 1“So competition allows a range of variety to occur in a market” means ().A. competition makes the market supply various products and servicesB. competition makes a lot of things occur in a marketC. competition makes different things occur in a market4. On the demand side competition also ()appropriately.A. meets consumer needsB. makes consumer rationalC. makes consumer satisfied5. The best title of this passage is ().A. Fundamental Economic IssueB. The Benefit of CompetitionC. Consumer Demand and Market

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考题 资料:Anything that affects the smooth flow of information is known as noise. This might be, for example, the language used,an in appropriate use of technology or the different levels of skill and knowledge of the sender and receiver. For example, every day in the press and on TV, consumers are bombarded with often confusing or contradictory information about the health benefits or risks associated with different foods. Consumers may not have enough understanding or information to judge between conflicting messages. It is therefore not surprising that many people do not hear these messages and switch off. A company has to overcome a considerable amount of direct noise caused by the earlier negative press articles. By not responding to these immediately or correcting with facts, consumers are confused and the company loses credibility with the press and the public. To achieve its vision and encourage consumers to eat turkey all year round, BM Company needs to give people more information in a way they can easily understand. It has there closed to highlight key facts about the products as the foundation for many of its messages. Why do some companies lose credibility with the public? A.because the companies respond to the negative press article slowly. B.because the companies fail to be in good relationships with the press. C.because the market is so grueling and they don't perform well. D.not mentioned

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