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Practice 10  Glaciers in Antarctica are melting faster and across a much wider area than previously thought, a development that threatens to raise sea levels worldwide and force millions of people to flee low-lying areas. Researchers once believed that the melting was limited to the Antarctic Peninsula, a narrow tongue of land pointing toward South America. But satellite data and automated weather stations now indicate it is more widespread. The melting also extends all the way down to what is called west Antarctica. By the end of the century, the accelerated melting could cause sea levels to climb by 3 to 5 feet-levels substantially higher than predicted by a major scientific group just two years ago. Making matters worse, the ice shelves that hold the glaciers back from the sea are also weakening.  For years, the continent at the bottom of the world seemed to be the only place on the planet not experiencing climate change. Previous research indicated that temperatures across much of Antarctica were staying the same or slightly cooling. The big surprise was exactly how much glaciers are melting in western Antarctica, a vast land mass on the Pacific Ocean side of the continent that is next to the South Pole and includes the Antarctic Peninsula. The glaciers are slipping into the sea faster because the floating ice shelf that would normally stop them—usually 650 t0980 feet thick—is melting. And the glaciers' discharge is making a significant contribution to increasing sea levels.  Together, all the glaciers in west Antarctica are losing a total of around 114 billion tons per year because the melting is much greater than the new snowfall. That's equivalent to the current mass loss from the whole of the Greenland ice sheet, New research found that melting glaciers will add at least 7 inches to the world's sea level—and that's if carbon dioxide pollution is quickly capped and then reduced.


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更多 “问答题Practice 10  Glaciers in Antarctica are melting faster and across a much wider area than previously thought, a development that threatens to raise sea levels worldwide and force millions of people to flee low-lying areas. Researchers once believed that the melting was limited to the Antarctic Peninsula, a narrow tongue of land pointing toward South America. But satellite data and automated weather stations now indicate it is more widespread. The melting also extends all the way down to what is called west Antarctica. By the end of the century, the accelerated melting could cause sea levels to climb by 3 to 5 feet-levels substantially higher than predicted by a major scientific group just two years ago. Making matters worse, the ice shelves that hold the glaciers back from the sea are also weakening.  For years, the continent at the bottom of the world seemed to be the only place on the planet not experiencing climate change. Previous research indicated that temperatures across much of Antarctica were staying the same or slightly cooling. The big surprise was exactly how much glaciers are melting in western Antarctica, a vast land mass on the Pacific Ocean side of the continent that is next to the South Pole and includes the Antarctic Peninsula. The glaciers are slipping into the sea faster because the floating ice shelf that would normally stop them—usually 650 t0980 feet thick—is melting. And the glaciers' discharge is making a significant contribution to increasing sea levels.  Together, all the glaciers in west Antarctica are losing a total of around 114 billion tons per year because the melting is much greater than the new snowfall. That's equivalent to the current mass loss from the whole of the Greenland ice sheet, New research found that melting glaciers will add at least 7 inches to the world's sea level—and that's if carbon dioxide pollution is quickly capped and then reduced.” 相关考题
考题 Icebergs are parts of glaciers that break off, () into water, float about awhile, and finally melt. A、mobileB、driftC、shiftD、rotate

考题 melting time range

考题 The cold and dry climate of Antarctica ______ it one of the toughest places on Earth to live.A、producesB、manufacturesC、doesD、makes

考题 Antarctica is the most ______ continent on the planetA、isolatedB、generatedC、acceleratedD、congratulated

考题 1.I don't have a partner __________volleyball __________.A. to practice;/B. practice; withC. to practice; withD. practice;/

考题 20. The car is running _______' It seems to be flying.A. more and fasterB. faster and moreC. fast and fastD. faster and faster

考题 Which of the following statements about meaningful practice in grammar teaching is NOT true? A.Meaningful practice aims at form accuracy. B.Meaningful practice focuses on the production and comprehension of meaning. C.There is no clear cut between mechanical and meaningful practice. D.Practice based on prompts is usually considered as meaningful practice.

考题 共用题干 The Cold PlacesThe Arctic is a polar region.It surrounds the North Pole.Like Antarctica,the Arctic is a land of ice and snow. Antarctica holds the record for a low temperature reading一125 degrees Fahrenheit below zero.Reading of 85 degrees below zero is common in both the Arctic and Antarctica. Winter temperatures average 30 degrees below zero in the Arctic. At the South Pole the winter average is about 73 degrees below zero.One thing alone makes it almost impossible for men to live in Antarctica and in parts of the Arctic.This one thing is the low temperature一the killing chill of far North and the polar South.To survive,men must wear the warmest possible clothing. They must build windproof shelters. They must keep heaters going at all times.Not even for a moment can they be unprotected against the below-zero temperatures.Men have a way of providing for themselves.Polar explorers wrap themselves in warm coats and furs.The cold makes life difficult. But the explorers can stay alive.What about animals?Can they survive?Do we find plants?Do we find life in the Arctic and in Antarctica?Yes,we do.There is life in the oceans.There is life on land.Antarctica,as we have seen,is a cold place indeed.But this has not always been the case. Expedition scientists have discovered that Antarctica has not always been a frozen continent. At one time the weather in Antarctica may have much like our own.Explorers have discovered coal in Antarctica. This leads them to believe that Antarctica at one time was a land of swamps and forests.Heat and moisture must have kept the trees in the forests alive.At one time,the weather in Antarctica was so warm and damp that trees grew there.A:Right B:Wrong C: Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 The Cold PlacesThe Arctic is a polar region.It surrounds the North Pole.Like Antarctica,the Arctic is a land of ice and snow. Antarctica holds the record for a low temperature reading一125 degrees Fahrenheit below zero.Reading of 85 degrees below zero is common in both the Arctic and Antarctica. Winter temperatures average 30 degrees below zero in the Arctic. At the South Pole the winter average is about 73 degrees below zero.One thing alone makes it almost impossible for men to live in Antarctica and in parts of the Arctic.This one thing is the low temperature一the killing chill of far North and the polar South.To survive,men must wear the warmest possible clothing. They must build windproof shelters. They must keep heaters going at all times.Not even for a moment can they be unprotected against the below-zero temperatures.Men have a way of providing for themselves.Polar explorers wrap themselves in warm coats and furs.The cold makes life difficult. But the explorers can stay alive.What about animals?Can they survive?Do we find plants?Do we find life in the Arctic and in Antarctica?Yes,we do.There is life in the oceans.There is life on land.Antarctica,as we have seen,is a cold place indeed.But this has not always been the case. Expedition scientists have discovered that Antarctica has not always been a frozen continent. At one time the weather in Antarctica may have much like our own.Explorers have discovered coal in Antarctica. This leads them to believe that Antarctica at one time was a land of swamps and forests.Heat and moisture must have kept the trees in the forests alive.Despite the hostile environment,both animals and plants can be found in the oceans and on land in polar areas.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 When the glaciers( )after the last ice age,the five Great Lakes of North America were formed.A.advanced B.evaporated C.thawed D.exploded

考题 资料:A high-precision NASA radar instrument left a NASA airport in Southern California for Iceland on January 28 to create detailed maps of how glaciers move in the dead of winter. This will help scientists around the world better understand some of the most basic processes involved in melting glaciers, which are major contributors to rising sea levels. NASA used the same airborne instrument in June 2012 to map the summer flows of two Icelandic ice caps. The ice caps — large areas of permanent snow and ice cover — encompass multiple glaciers flowing in different directions and at different speeds. By mapping the same ice caps now, in winter, when the surface remains frozen all day, and then comparing the winter and summer velocities, the researchers will be able to isolate the effects of melt water. Above is a view of a small part of the Hofsjkull ice cap, which encompasses several glaciers. The fan at upper left is part of a glacier called Mlaj?kull. For more on the research, see this NASA press release. What does the underlined word permanent (paragragh 2) mean?A.Freeze easily. B.Move quickly. C.Long-lasting. D.Extremely cold.

考题 资料:A high-precision NASA radar instrument left a NASA airport in Southern California for Iceland on January 28 to create detailed maps of how glaciers move in the dead of winter. This will help scientists around the world better understand some of the most basic processes involved in melting glaciers, which are major contributors to rising sea levels. NASA used the same airborne instrument in June 2012 to map the summer flows of two Icelandic ice caps. The ice caps — large areas of permanent snow and ice cover — encompass multiple glaciers flowing in different directions and at different speeds. By mapping the same ice caps now, in winter, when the surface remains frozen all day, and then comparing the winter and summer velocities, the researchers will be able to isolate the effects of melt water. Above is a view of a small part of the Hofsjkull ice cap, which encompasses several glaciers. The fan at upper left is part of a glacier called Mlaj?kull. For more on the research, see this NASA press release. What is the mission of the NASA radar instrument?A.To investigate the climate change. B.To make maps about moving glaciers. C.To measure the rising sea levels. D.To slow the melting process of glaciers

考题 In the heart of Patagonia area, glaciers rise in the midst of mountain capes and alpine meadows, close enough to hike right up to and ( ).A.touched B.touch C.touching D.being touched

考题 资料:A high-precision NASA radar instrument left a NASA airport in Southern California for Iceland on January 28 to create detailed maps of how glaciers move in the dead of winter. This will help scientists around the world better understand some of the most basic processes involved in melting glaciers, which are major contributors to rising sea levels. NASA used the same airborne instrument in June 2012 to map the summer flows of two Icelandic ice caps. The ice caps — large areas of permanent snow and ice cover — encompass multiple glaciers flowing in different directions and at different speeds. By mapping the same ice caps now, in winter, when the surface remains frozen all day, and then comparing the winter and summer velocities, the researchers will be able to isolate the effects of melt water. Above is a view of a small part of the Hofsjkull ice cap, which encompasses several glaciers. The fan at upper left is part of a glacier called Mlaj?kull. For more on the research, see this NASA press release. How can the scientists figure out the effects of melting water?A.By melting the frozen iceberg in winter. B.By observing the snow's moving directions. C.By isolating ice from water in sunlines. D.By comparing the glaciers moving speeds.

考题 The history of the exploration of Antarctica recounts many tales of perseverance and suffering.A:endurance B:skill C:generosity D:disturbance

考题 Like the island continent of Antarctica,Australia is located entirely in()Athe Northern HemisphereBthe Southern HemisphereCthe North PoleDthe South Pole

考题 Like the island continent of Antarctica,Australia is located entirely in()A、the Northern HemisphereB、the Southern HemisphereC、the North PoleD、the South Pole

考题 融解温度(melting temperature, Tm)

考题 Which of the following is required to install Windows XP? ()A、USB 1.0 or higherB、100Mb or faster network interfaceC、10GB or more free hard drive spaceD、SVGA or better video graphicsE、233Mhz or faster processor

考题 单选题The purpose of this passage is to ______.A frighten people with the rapid melting of the Greenland ice sheetB urge people to take some measures to curb the melting of the Greenland ice sheetC promote people’s environmental protection consciousnessD let people know the time the Greenland ice sheet will take to melt

考题 多选题Which of the following is required to install Windows XP? ()AUSB 1.0 or higherB100Mb or faster network interfaceC10GB or more free hard drive spaceDSVGA or better video graphicsE233Mhz or faster processor

考题 单选题Antarctica is the most()continent on the planet.A isolatedB generatedC acceleratedD congratulated

考题 问答题Practice 3Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the topic “The pace of life nowadays is much faster than it was in the past and there is plenty of evidence to show that this causes people a lot of stress. What are some ways of alleviating stress?” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

考题 问答题Tanya can swim faster than Jack but slower than Sally. Harry usually swims faster than Jack, sometimes swims faster than Tanya, but never swims faster than Sally. Who is the slowest swimmer?

考题 问答题John runs faster than Bob but slower than Tom. Bill usually runs faster than Bob, sometimes runs faster than John, but never faster than Tom. Who is the fastest runner?

考题 名词解释题融解温度(melting temperature, Tm)

考题 单选题Prolonged and unseasonable frosts produce frost rings in deciduous trees, which grow in moderate climates. Frost rings do not appear in any of the fossilized deciduous trees that have been found in Antarctica. Hence, it is unlikely that such frosts occurred in Antarctica at the time the fossilized trees lived.  Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?A There are fossilized nondeciduous trees from Antarctica that bear frost rings.B Deciduous trees are more likely to bear frost rings than are other tree varieties.C The process of fossilization does not completely obscure frost rings in deciduous trees.D Present-day deciduous trees are more sensitive to changes in temperature than were the deciduous trees of ancient Antarctica.E Prolonged and unseasonable frosts that might have occurred in Antarctica when the now-fossilized trees were still living did not always produce frost rings in deciduous trees.