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Damage by()shall not be considered as handling damage.

exposure to inclement weather conditions




the use of improper gear


moisture caused by condensation


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更多 “单选题Damage by()shall not be considered as handling damage.A exposure to inclement weather conditionsB carelessnessC the use of improper gearD moisture caused by condensation” 相关考题
考题 We cannot agree to your ()the damage to rough handling in transitA、attributingB、attibutedC、attibuteD、attribution

考题 Written notice shall be sent to all directors, indicating all matters to be considered().A、herebyB、thereforeC、otherwiseD、thereafter

考题 The Seller shall be liable ()the Buyer () any loss or damage to the Buyer.A、to…onB、to…atC、for…forD、to…for

考题 The indemnity for damage to cargo shall be determined on the basis of the {difference} between the value of the goods before and after the damage.A.profitB.surplusC.interestD.balance

考题 A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is a reddening of the skin but no other apparent damage. Using standard MEDICAL terminology,this is a ______.A.Minor burnB.Superficial burnC.Extremity burnD.First-degree burn

考题 I would be much obliged if you could take the matter up with your Owners or Agents on the damage sustained and also request them to send their representative to us together with yours as soon as possible with a view to ascertaining the extent of the damage. This sentice is most likely appeared in a letter submitted to the ______.A.captain of a shipB.port captainC.agentD.shipchandler

考题 When the carrier is liable for the compensation in respect of loss of or damage to the goods,such compensation shall be calculated on the basis of the Merchant's net invoice cost,plus freight and insurance premium,if paid. This sentence means that ______.A.if the freight and insurance premium are paid,they shall be added to the basisB.if the freight and insurance premium are not paid,they shall be added to the basisC.the freight and insurance premium shall not be added to the basis even they are paidD.the freight and insurance premium shall be added to the basis even they are not paid

考题 The Insurance Company shall be liable for ______.A.loss or damage caused by unseaworthiness of the insured shipB.demurrage of the insured ship and other indirect expensesC.reasonable expenses for ascertaining the loss or damage within the scope of CoverD.A,B,C are all wrong

考题 The ______ shall bear the burden of proof with respect to the loss,damage or delay in delivery resulting from the other cause.A.carrierB.shipperC.consignerD.consignee

考题 In the event the Buyers do not take delivery of the Vessel within the period specified,______ the liquidated damage for each day of the delay up to the tenth(10th )day of the delay.A.the Buyers shall pay to the SellersB.the Buyers shall pay to the CharterersC.the Sellers shall pay to the BuyersD.the Sellers shall pay to the Charterers

考题 The item of ______ shall not be considered as Special Markings.A.Center of BalanceB.Hazardous Material MarkingsC.Cargo address markingsD.Precautionary and Special Handling Instructions

考题 Damage by ______ shall not be considered as handling damage.A.exposure to inclement weather conditionsB.carelessnessC.the use of improper gearD.moisture caused by condensation

考题 材料:When a ship shall have entered a port or place of refuge or shall have returned to her port or place of loading in consequence of accident,sacrifice or other extraordinary circumstances which render that necessary for the common safety,the expenses of entering such port or place shall be admitted as general average;and when she shall have sailed thence with her original cargo,or a part of it,the corresponding expenses of leaving such port or place of refuge consequent upon such entry or return shall likewise be admitted as general average.When a ship is at any port or place of refuge and is necessarily removed to another port or place because repairs cannot be carried out in the first port or place,the provisions of this Rule shall be applied to the second port or place as if it were a port or place of refuge and the cost of such removal including temporary repairs and towage shall be admitted as general average.The cost of handling on board or discharging cargo,fuel or stores whether at a port or place of loading,call or refuge,shall be admitted as general average,when the handling or discharge was necessary for the common safety or to enable damage to the ship caused by sacrifice or accident to be repaired,if the repairs were necessary for the safe prosecution of the voyage,except in cases where the damage to the ship is discovered at a port or place of loading or call without any accident or other extraordinary circumstances connected with such damage having taken place during the voyage.问题:The cost of handling on board cargo for the purpose of restowage for the common safety shall be admitted as ________.A.particular averageB.common averageC.general averageD.private averageThe repairs ________ shall not be admitted as general average.A.necessary for the common safetyB.necessary for the safe prosecution of the voyageC.of the steering gear in consequence of accident endangering the ship and/or her cargoD.of the damages discovered at a port or place of loading or call without any accident or other extraordinary circumstances________ shall not be admitted as general average.A.the expenses of entering port or place of refugeB.the corresponding expenses of leaving port or place of refugeC.the cost of removal from port or place of refuge including temporary repairs and towageD.the cost of handling on board or discharging cargo,fuel or stores solely for the purpose of restowage due to shifting during the voyageThis passage is likely extracted from ________.A.MarpolB.ISM CodeC.SOLASD.York-Antwerp Rules请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 材料:The shipper shall be deemed to have guaranteed to the carrier the accuracy at the time of shipment of the marks,number,quantity and weight,as furnished by him,and the shipper shall indemnify the carrier against all loss,damages and expenses arising or resulting from inaccuracies in such particulars.The right of the carrier to such indemnity shall in no way limit his responsibility and liability under the contract of carriage to any person other than the shipper.Unless notice of loss or damage and the general nature of such loss or damage be given before or at the time of the removal of the GOODs into the custody of the person entitled to delivery thereof under the contract of carriage,or,if the loss or damage be not apparent,within three days,such removal shall be prima facie evidence of the delivery by the carrier of the GOODs as described in the bill of lading.The notice in writing need not be given if the state of the GOODs has,at the time of their receipt,been the subject of joint survey or inspection.In any event the carrier and the ship shall be discharged from all liability in respect of loss or damage unless suit is brought within one year after delivery of the GOODs or the date when the GOODs should have been delivered. In the case of any actual or apprehended loss or damage the carrier and the receiver shall give all reasonable facilities to each other for inspecting and tallying the GOODs.问题:It can be concluded that the purpose of this clause is to protect the interest of ________.A.ship ownersB.shippersC.charterersD.the merchantThe duration of the liability of the carrier or ship in respect of loss of or damage to cargo is ________.A.one yearB.three daysC.not mentionedD.variable with the kind of cargo carried and the voyage the vessel has completedThis clause is most likely extracted from ________.A.Hague RulesB.Marpol 73/78C.SOLASD.IMDG CodeIt is provided in the clause that ________.A.the shipper shall not indemnify the carrier against all loss,damages and expenses arising or resulting from inaccuracies in particulars concerning cargoesB.the shipper shall indemnify the carrier against no loss,damage and expense arising or resulting from inaccuracies in particulars concerning cargoesC.the shipper shall not be deemed to have guaranteed to the carrier the accuracy at the time of shipment of the marks,number,quantity and weight,as furnished by himD.the shipper shall be deemed to have guaranteed to the carrier the accuracy at the time of shipment of the marks,number,quantity and weight,as furnished by him请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 Which of the following cables is the most susceptible to physical damage by rough handling?()A、CoaxialB、Fiber opticC、Cat 3 UTPD、Cat 5 UTP

考题 单选题A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is a reddening of the skin but no other apparent damage. Using standard MEDICAL terminology,this is a().A Minor burnB Superficial burnC Extremity burnD First-degree burn

考题 单选题Regulations require that tankers handling grade B liquids shall have their cargo pumps separated from all sources of vapor ignition by().A cofferdamsB empty cargo spacesC gas tight bulkheadsD areas equipped with power ventilation

考题 单选题What is considered a Serious Marine Incident? ()A an allision that results in $500 damage to a boat dockB an injury to a crewmember,passenger,or other person which requires professional medical treatment beyond first aidC grounding of a vessel on a sandbar that does not result in injuries and/or any damage to the vesselD None of the above

考题 单选题Damage by()shall not be considered as handling damage.A exposure to inclement weather conditionsB carelessnessC the use of improper gearD moisture caused by condensation

考题 单选题The advantage of container transportation is to().A provide the better working condition for stevedore and crewB take the advantage of cargo handling and keep a good maintenance of the vesselC standardize the size and package of the general cargoD reduce handling cost and damage of cargo and shorten the ship's turn round time in port

考题 单选题Draft readings shall be considered as()in the draft survey report.A incoming dataB working dataC outgoing dataD new data

考题 单选题Each fire drill shall not include().A Starting of a fire pumpB Reporting to stationsC Preparing for the duties described in the muster listD Checking of cargo handling equipment

考题 单选题Any partial loss or damage shall be()pro rata on the basis of such declared value.A adjustedB arrangedC determinedD fixed

考题 单选题Such remarks as WITHOUT RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE OR SHORTAGE will be considered()by a court.A valuableB invaluableC valuelessD priceless

考题 单选题I would be much obliged if you could take the matter up with your Owners or Agents on the damage sustained and also request them to send their representative to us together with yours as soon as possible with a view to ascertaining the extent of the damage. This sentice is most likely appeared in a letter submitted to the().A captain of a shipB port captainC agentD shipchandler

考题 单选题As matter of fact, the damage to the winches was due to().A insufficiency of packagingB inherent vice of the cargoC improper stowageD rough handling

考题 填空题What did Bill Black demand in his letter?To replace ____ and pay for the damage.

考题 问答题Practice 1  ● Your company ordered from Maximum Company 50 tables. But when the goods arrived, you found that the sides of nearly all the tables are badly scratched. The damage appears to have been caused by rough handling before dispatch.  ● You are asked to write to Mr. Cooper, sales manager of Maximum, and complain about the damage.  ● Write about 60—80 words.