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名词词义题。句意:科学家们研究了颜色带给人们的影响。affect为动词,此处应填名词,故排除。effect与influence均为名词,意为“影响”,由于后文中使用了“calming effect”,因此这里最好保持一致,选B。
更多 “单选题_____A affectB effectC resultD influence” 相关考题
考题 The doctor told him smoking too much would ___________ his health and even cause lung cancer. A.affectB.effectC.affirmD.effort

考题 Public opinions are usually ________ by mass media. A. affectB. influencedC. changeD. effect

考题 We discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no () A. endB. conclusionC. resultD. judgment

考题 The rain will ________ our plan for a picnic. A.affectB.influenceC.effectD.infect

考题 以下2M误码仪的按键中,功能为测试项目的选择的是()。A.SetupB.Test MenuC.ResultD.Analyze

考题 A affectB reduceC chockD reflect

考题 I took the medicine but it didn’t have any ( ). A、affectB、causeC、answerD、effect

考题 He broke his leg on the ice. ___, he was absent from work for half a year. A、As possibleB、As followsC、As a resultD、As a whole

考题 The road accident ________ the death of two people.A、resulted inB、resulted fromC、as a resultD、in result

考题 My parents considered my friend to be a bad ______ on me.A、affectB、effectC、influenceD、control

考题 _________ of the accident last year, he had to lie in bed for 3 months. A、For a resultB、In a resultC、With a resultD、As a result

考题 Project(71)is an uncertain event or condition that,if it occurs,has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective,such as time,cost,scope,or quality.A.riskB.problemC.resultD.data

考题 The underlined word“inform”in Paragraph 2 probably means“ ”.A.affectB.changeC.disturbD.reject

考题 I don’t think the rain will__________ our plans for a picnic.A.affectB.effectC.infectD.defect

考题 If you refuse to do it,you must be ready to take the( ).A.consequence B.effect C.outcome D.result

考题 第50题答案是__________A.fault B.reason C.result D.duty

考题 _________ you are here, you should put all your heart into your work.A.Now that B.Because of C.As a result D.Since then

考题 It is probably safe to say that of all the board members, Mr. Cain has the most ( ). A. result B. effect C. influence D. conclusion

考题 Project( )is an uncertain event or condition that,if it occurs,has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective,such as time,cost,scope,or quality.A.risk B.problem C.result D.data

考题 The “cure rate”of many diseases increased dramatically after penicillin was ______ by more doctors.A.put into practice B.put into effect C.put into use D.put into operation

考题 We will take your recent illness into consideration when marking your exams.A:discount B:effect C:account D:effort

考题 A.stay outside the network of social influence B.have little contact with the source of influence C.are influenced and then influence others D.are infuenced by the initial influential

考题 ()能够将整体的渲染信息分离成单独的图像文件。A、Refine ElementsB、Fire EffectC、Render ElementsD、Render Effect

考题 As we all know, the government is now making every () to set up a harmonious society.A、effortB、effectC、measureD、performance

考题 以下2M误码仪的按键中,功能为测试结果的分析的是()。A、SetupB、TestMenuC、ResultD、Analyze

考题 以下2M误码仪的按键中,功能为设置的是()。A、SetupB、TestMenuC、ResultD、Analyze

考题 单选题A ship will always want to settle into a position where().A the pivot point and point of influence of wind in are not in alignmentB the pivot point and point of influence of wind in are in alignmentC the point of influence of wind moves depending on the profile of the ship presented to the windD the ship steams slowly in rough seas

考题 单选题在以下的变量命名中,存在错误的是()A %isOpenB %item_234C $the_resultD $true