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To thoroughly pump out the bilges using a horizontally mounted centrifugal pump, the ().

pump must always be primed


volute must impart a radial and rotary motion of the water suction side


connection must guide the liquid to the lantern rings


stuffing box should not be allowed any water leakage


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更多 “单选题To thoroughly pump out the bilges using a horizontally mounted centrifugal pump, the ().A pump must always be primedB volute must impart a radial and rotary motion of the water suction sideC connection must guide the liquid to the lantern ringsD stuffing box should not be allowed any water leakage” 相关考题
考题 Will we connect the motor with the fresh water pump? No, the pump is ( )_A.in good orderB.out of orderC.works well

考题 After reading your letter , I can thoroughly understand why you are running ()patience.A、withoutB、out ofC、lack ofD、in

考题 How to pump out bilge water in the engine room?

考题 Which statement is NOT true?A.In a simple vane pump, the rotor and cam ring are exactly concentricB.Balanced vane pump has an elliptical cam ringC.Liquid in both gear pump and vane pump are forced out to the outlet.D.Balanced vane pumps can work at a higher pressure than the simple vane pump

考题 It is possible to mount a double suction centrifugal pump impeller with the vanes facing in the wrong direction. This would cause the pump ______.A.head capacity to improveB.discharge to be reversedC.efficiency to decreaseD.slippage to decrease

考题 If it becomes necessary to pump bilges while a vessel is in port, which of the following procedures should be followed?A.Pump only if the discharge is led to a shore tank or bargeB.Pump only during the hours of darknessC.Pump only on the outgoing tideD.Pump only as much as is necessary

考题 If you must pump bilges while a vessel is in port,you should pump only ______.A.If discharge is led to a shore tank or bargeB.During the hours of darknessC.On the outgoing tideD.As much as is necessary

考题 Before starting a gasoline engine on a motorboat,you should make sure for safety that ______.A.The gasoline tank is fullB.The bilges,cabins,etc.are thoroughly ventilatedC.You have fresh water on boardD.Each of the above is followed

考题 简述H-pump stroke time out报警信息的含义及处理方法。

考题 At the discharging port, tankers pump the oil ashore using ().A、shore pumpsB、her own pumpsC、large pumpsD、large tubes

考题 At the ()port, tankers pump the oil ashore using her own pumps.A、dischargingB、loadC、loadingD、charging

考题 You have joined a new organization as a Database Administrator. The Security Administrator in your organization has kept human errors, such as erroneously dropping users, tables, and important data, to a minimum by carefully granting only the necessary privileges to each user. As a result of several ongoing transactions within your database, you discover that the flashback logs are rapidly increasing in the flash recovery area. To avoid out-of-space errors, you decide to delete the flashback logs from the flash recovery area. How can you delete the flashback logs from the database if your database is up and running?()A、 Shut down the database using the SHUTDOWN command. Mount the database using the STARTUP MOUNT EXCLUSIVE command and disable Flashback Database using the ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK OFF statement.B、 Change the parameter setting in the SPFILE for the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter using the ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST=’’ SCOPE=BOTH statement while the database is up and running.C、 Shut down the database using the SHUTDOWN command. Mount the database using the STARTUP MOUNT EXCLUSIVE command. Change the parameter setting in the SPFILE for the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter using the ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST=’’ SCOPE=BOTH statement. Disable Flashback Database using the ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK OFF statement.D、 Change the parameter setting in the SPFILE for the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter using the ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST=’’ SCOPE=BOTH statement. Shut down the database using the SHUTDOWN command. Mount the database using the STARTUP MOUNT EXCLUSIVE command and disable Flashback Database using the ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK OFF statement.

考题 单选题A positive displacement pump is that where the volume of the pump chamber is alternately increased to () and then decreased to ().A draw the liquid in;force the liquid outB force the liquid out;draw the liquid inC suction;drawD deliver;outlet

考题 单选题Movement of the pump control rack in a fuel injection system using individual plunger-type pumps ()A changes the position of the fuel inlet portsB changes the length of the pump strokeC varies the quantity of fuel deliveredD varies the compression of the delivery valve spring

考题 单选题Permission is kindly () about 1000 tons of clean sea water ballast,as and when required for trimming purposes.A requested to pump outB requested pumping outC requesting to pump outD requesting pumping out

考题 单选题Before starting a gasoline engine on a motorboat,you should make sure for safety that().A the gasoline tank is fullB the bilges,cabins,etc. are thoroughly ventilatedC you have fresh water on boardD Each of the above is followed

考题 单选题In order to inspect both piston and cylinder wall thoroughly, the cylinder cover should be taken off and the piston should be ().A craned outB rolled outC lifted outD turned out

考题 单选题Which of the following machinery space operations is required to be logged in the Oil Record Book?()A Ballasting or cleaning of fuel oil tanksB Shifting suction of main fuel pump to reserve fuel oil tankC Changing out sprayer plates to adjust for steam demandD Daily inspection of engine room bilges

考题 单选题Before attempting to put out a class “C” fire involving an electric-driven centrifugal pump, you should FIRST ().A insulate your shoesB ground the fire hoseC secure its power supplyD start the fire pump

考题 单选题A positive displacement pump is that where the volume of the pump chamber is alternately () to draw the liquid in and then () to force the liquid out.A increased;decreasedB decreased;increasedC decreased;decreasedD increased;increased

考题 单选题If it becomes necessary to pump bilges while a vessel is in port, which of the following procedures should be followed?()A Pump only if the discharge is led to a shore tank or bargeB Pump only during the hours of darknessC Pump only on the outgoing tideD Pump only as much as is necessary

考题 单选题It is possible to mount a double suction centrifugal pump impeller with the vanes facing in the wrong directionThis would cause the pump ().A head capacity to improveB discharge to be reversedC efficiency to decreaseD slippage to decrease

考题 单选题If a bilge pump is able to develop vacuum, but is unable to sufficiently pump out the bilges, you would check for all of the following EXCEPT ().A the circuit breakerB for leaks in the suction pipingC relief valve is not properly seatedD the suction strainer

考题 单选题To thoroughly pump out the bilges using a horizontally mounted centrifugal pump, the ().A pump must always be primedB volute must impart a radial and rotary motion of the water suction sideC connection must guide the liquid to the lantern ringsD stuffing box should not be allowed any water leakage

考题 单选题Before using or operating any equipment, you should first () its manual thoroughly and understand its contents().A read/sufficientB consult/sufficientlyC read/sufficientlyD consult/sufficient

考题 单选题For pumping the bilges,a 54 foot long “T-Boat”,which is not a ferry,but is certificated to carry 30 passengers,must be fitted with at least().A one fixed power pump and one portable hand pumpB one fixed hand pump and one portable hand pumpC two portable hand pumpsD either A or B

考题 单选题A () pump is that where the volume of the pump chamber is alternately increased to draw the liquid in and then decreased to force the liquid out.A injectorB positive displacementC centrifugalD centripetal

考题 单选题Which of the following liquids can ordinarily be discharged overboard without being processed through an oily water separator?()A Cargo tank ballastB Segregated ballastC Engine room bilgesD Cargo pump room bilges