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Transcendentalism exalted reason over feeling, individual expression over the restraints of law and custom.



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更多 “判断题Transcendentalism exalted reason over feeling, individual expression over the restraints of law and custom.A 对B 错” 相关考题
考题 The most common non-behavioral reason for projects being completed behind schedule and over budget is:ASelecting the wrong person as the project managerBSelecting the wrong person as the sponsorCAccepting a high-risk projectDIll-defined requirementsEAll of the above

考题 As a project is carried out and slack time is consumed on individual tasks, the slack left over for the remaining tasks is:A.Insignificant.B.Reduced.C.Unchanged.D.Increased.E.Doubled.

考题 67 As a project is carried out and slack time is consumed on individual tasks, the slack left over for the remaining tasks is:A. Insignificant.B. Reduced.C. Unchanged.D. Increased.E. Doubled

考题 38 The most common non-behavioral reason for projects being completed behind schedule and over budget is:A. Selecting the wrong person as the project managerB. Selecting the wrong person as the sponsorC. Accepting a high-risk projectD. Ill-defined requirementsE. All of the above

考题 ● The most common non-behavioral reason for projects being completed behind schedule and over budget is:A Selecting the wrong person as the project managerB Selecting the wrong person as the sponsorC Accepting a high-risk projectD Ill-defined requirementsE All of the above

考题 ● As a project is carried out and slack time is consumed on individual tasks, the slack left over for the remaining tasks is:A Insignificant.B Reduced.C Unchanged.D Increased.E Doubled.

考题 The happiness feeling_______individual’sattitude towards life. A.believe inB.turn toC.stick toD.depend on

考题 The money market is a dealer market where, over the telephone or through electronic systems, ______.A.a broker receives commission to act as an agentB.the investors are trading on a central trading floorC.firms buy and sell securities in their own accounts, at their own riskD.individual investors can trade on the exchange

考题 下面是一个Applet程序,其功能是绘制三维矩形以使该矩形面凹下,并将图像放入凹下的矩形面中。请改正程序中的错误(有下划线的语句),使程序能输出正确的结果。注意:不改动程序的结构,不得增行或删行。源程序文件代码清单如下:import java.awt.*;import java.applet.*;import java.awt.image.*;import java.util.*;import java.net.*;/*<applet code="ex01_3.class"width=800 height=400></applet>*/public class ex01_3 extends Applet{private Image IMG nClick=over(this) title=放大;public void init(){URL url=getCodeBase();IMG nClick=over(this) title=放大=getImage(url,"ex01_3.gif");MediaTracker mt=new MediaTracker();mt.addImage(IMG nClick=over(this) title=放大,1);try{mt.waitForAll();} catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}setBackground(Color.black);}public void paint(Graphics g){int thick=3,x=10,y=10;g.drawImage(IMG nClick=over(this) title=放大,x,y);g.setColor(Color.lightGray);int w = IMG nClick=over(this) title=放大.getWidth(this);int h = IMG nClick=over(this) title=放大.getHeight(this);for(int i=0;i<thick;i++)g.draw3DRect(x,y,w+(a*i),true);}}ex01 3.html<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>ex01_3</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><applet code="ex01_3.class"width=800 height=400></applet></BODY></HTML>

考题 What does an asset mean on the balance sheet?A.It means all the assets recorded in a period of time.B.It means the sum of all the individual asset amounts added over time.C.It means the individual dollar amount.D.It means accounting information expressed in special terms.

考题 The engineer ______ the watch to the relieving officer if there is reason to believe that the latter is obviously not capable of carrying out the watch-keeping duties effectively.A.shall take overB.shall not take overC.shall hand overD.shall not hand over

考题 共用题干 Culture ShockCulture shock is the loss of emotional balance,disorientation(茫然失措),or confusion that a person feels when moving from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one.When it is a common experience,the degree to which it occurs will vary from one person to another. Individual personality, previous cross-cultural experience,and language proficiency all affect a person's ability to interact socially in the new culture.The basic cause of culture shock is the abrupt loss of all that is familiar, leading to a sense of isolation.When an individual enters a strange culture,all or most of those familiar signs and hints are removed. He or she is like a fish out of water. No matter how broad-minded or good-willed he may be,a series of properties have been knocked from under him.This may be followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety.People react to the frustration in much the same way.First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort:"The ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad."Another aspect of culture shock is regression(倒退).The home environment suddenly assumes a tremendous importance,and everything becomes irrationally glorified.All difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered.It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality.Common symptoms of culture shock include the following extremes.These are excessive concerns over delays and other minor frustrations;fear of being cheated,robbed or injured; sleeplessness or a desire to sleep more;and a great longing to go home.Underlying all these is the uncomfortable feeling of not really belonging,of being an outsider.Culture shock is basically caused by feeling desperately homesick.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

考题 Alexander Pope was the representative writer of ( ). A.Transcendentalism B.Romanticism C.Modemism D.Neo-Classicism

考题 Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of those who()transcendentalism.AsupportedBwas indifferent toCattackedDhad nothing to do with

考题 Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of those who()transcendentalism.A、supportedB、was indifferent toC、attackedD、had nothing to do with

考题 Transcendentalism exalted reason over feeling, individual expression over the restraints of law and custom.

考题 Which of the following answers is the least likely reason for an engineer to choose to use route redis tribution?()A、To exchange routes between merged companiesB、To give separate control over routing to different parts of one companyC、To support multiple router vendorsD、To knit together an OSPF area if the area becomes discontiguous

考题 Which is not a reason that Internet Service Providers prefer to use PPP over Ethernet (PPoE)?()A、access control and billing can be done on a per-user, rather than a per-site basisB、supports Link Fragmentation and Interleaving C、provides the ability to connect a network of hosts over a simple bridging access deviceD、provides a consistent means of authenticating users (RADIUS for example)

考题 单选题()is the main reason that reduces the power advantage of a two-stroke engine over a same size four-stroke one to about()A Inefficient scavenging;twiceB Inefficient scavenging;1~8 timesC Fewer strokes in a circle;twiceD Fewer strokes in a circle;1~8 times

考题 单选题The primary reason for placing covers over storage batteries is to().A Prevent the accumulation of explosive gasesB Protect the hull from leaking electrolyteC Prevent movement of the battery in rough watersD Protect against accidental shorting across terminals

考题 单选题In the eyes of the author, the greatest trouble with the US society may lay in ______.A the non-existence of consensus on the forms of the society should takeB the lack of divergence over the common organizations of social lifeC the non-acceptance of a society based on individual diversityD the pervasive distress caused by national morale decline

考题 单选题The officer in charge of the engineering ()the watch to the reliving officer if there is reason to believe that the latter is obviously not capable of carrying out the watch-keeping duties effectively.A shall take overB shall not take overC shall hand overD shall not hand over

考题 单选题Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of those who()transcendentalism.A supportedB was indifferent toC attackedD had nothing to do with

考题 单选题It could be inferred from the last paragraph that _____.A culture exercises an influence over social interrelationshipB courteous convention and individual interest are interrelatedC various virtues manifest themselves exclusively among friendsD social interrelationships equal the complex set of cultural conventions

考题 单选题What is a primary differentiator between pSeries eWLM (Enterprise Workload Manager) and WLM (Workload Manager)?()A pSeries eWLM can create classes while pSeries WLM can create tiers.B pSeries eWLM can create tiers while pSeries WLM can create classes.C pSeries eWLM is implemented over multiple O/S images while pSeries WLM is implemented within an individual O/S image.D pSeries eWLM is implemented within an individual O/S image while pSeries WLM is implemented over multiple O/S images.

考题 单选题The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall not hand over the watch to the relieving officer if().A there is reason to believe that the latter is not capable of carrying out the watchkeeping duties effectivelyB the ship is fitted with automatic steeringC there is daylight or darknessD at no time shall the bridge be left unattended

考题 单选题The phrase “consumer goodwill” underlined in Paragraph 4 most possibly refers to the.A other extreme losses in tax revenueB pleasant feeling the consumers may haveC good consumption the market may sustainD confidence consumers have over the goods