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Which maintenance functions can a GMDSS Radio Operator perform().

The Operator can make fine internal adjustments to the transmitter as long as the output power does not change by more than one percent


The Operator is responsible for ensuring that INMARSAT antennas are free of built-up soot and clear of obstacles


All levels of maintenance must be performed by a licensed GMDSS Radio Maintainer


The Operator may install an EPROM in order to ensure that the equipment continues to operate within legal constraints


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Which maintenance functions can a GMDSS Radio Operator perform().A The Operator can make fine internal adjustments to the transmitter as long as the output power does not change by more than one percentB The Operator is responsible for ensuring that INMARSAT antennas are free of built-up soot and clear of obstaclesC All levels of maintenance must be performed by a licensed GMDSS Radio MaintainerD The Operator may install an EPROM in order to ensure that the equipment continues to operate within legal constraints” 相关考题
考题 Which two statements are true with respect to the maintenance window? () A. A DBA can enable or disable an individual task in all maintenance windows.B. A DBA cannot change the duration of the maintenance window after it is created.C. In case of a long maintenance window, all Automated Maintenance Tasks are restarted every four hours.D. A DBA can control the percentage of the resource allocated to the Automated Maintenance Tasks in each window.

考题 What is the minimum requirement of a GMDSS operator?A.GMDSS operator licenseB.Third officer licenseC.General Radiotelephone Operator license and Radar EndorsementD.General Radiotelephone license or First or Second Class Radiotelegraph license with GMDSS Radio Officer’s endorsement

考题 Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding crane operations ________.A.Radio communications allow the crane operator to disregard the use of hand signalsB.The crane operators and signalman must be familiar with the correct hand signalsC.The forward cranes can be operated from the bridgeD.The aft cranes can be operated from the aft steering station

考题 When the GMDSS Radio Operator on watch hears“SECURITE”spoken three times he can expect to receive a message concerning ______.A.The safety of navigation or important meteorological warningsB.The safety of a vessel or a person is in jeopardyC.A vessel in need of immediate assistanceD.A coast station traffic list

考题 Which device provides the main means in the GMDSS for locating ships in distress or their survival craft ________.A.Radio direction finderB.Satellite EPIRBsC.MF/HF DSCD.VHF homing device

考题 Which maintenance functions can a GMDSS Radio Operator perform ________.A.The Operator can make fine internal adjustments to the transmitter as long as the output power does not change by more than one percentB.The Operator is responsible for ensuring that INMARSAT antennas are free of built-up soot and clear of obstaclesC.All levels of maintenance must be performed by a licensed GMDSS Radio MaintainerD.The Operator may install an EPROM in order to ensure that the equipment continues to operate within legal constraints

考题 Which message categories cannot be disabled by the GMDSS radio operator ________.A.Navigational WarningsB.Meteorological WarningsC.Search and Rescue InformationD.All of the above

考题 Which statement concerning GMDSS Radio Operator requirements is FALSE ________.A.Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators at all times while at seaB.Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed Radio Operators at all times while at sea and may elect to carry a GMDSS Radio Maintainer as wellC.Communications involving safety of life at sea do not have to be logged as long as the compulsory vessel was not involved in such communicationsD.While at sea,adjustments to,and the maintaining of,GMDSS equipment may be performed by the GMDSS Radio operator as long as the work is supervised by an onboard licensed GMDSS Radio Maintainer

考题 Which statement concerning satellite EPIRBs is TRUE ________.A.Once activated,these EPIRBs continuously send up a signal for use in identifying the vessel and for determining the position of the beaconB.The coded signal identifies the nature of the distress situationC.The coded signal only identifies the vessel's name and port of registryD.If the GMDSS Radio Operator does not program the EPIRB,it will transmit default information such as the follow-on communications frequency and mode

考题 Which statement is generally correct regarding the maintenance requirements for ships under GMDSS ________.A.Redundancy of functions of certain equipment will partially meet this requirementB.On-board maintenance provided by a person holding a GMDSS maintainer's license will partially meet the requirementsC.Shoreside maintenance and scheduled tests and inspections will partially meet this requirementD.All of the above

考题 Which statement is TRUE ________.A.GMDSS radio logs are required to contain entries pertaining to all incidents connected to radio communication service which appear to be of importance to the safety of life at seaB.All distress communications must be entered in the GMDSS radio log.C.Both of the aboveD.None of the above

考题 Which statement is TRUE ________.A.Key letters or abbreviations may not be used in GMDSS radio logbooks under any circumstanceB.Urgent communications do not need to be entered in the GMDSS radio logC.Both of the aboveD.None of the above

考题 For GMDSS,when may a compulsory vessel not be allowed to leave port ________.A.When the vessel is in an overloaded conditionB.When the vessel has arranged for both duplication of equipment AND shore-based maintenanceC.When the vessel has replaced a required piece of GMDSS-related equipment but its performance has not been verified or loggedD.When the vessel is carrying only two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators and is capable of performing all required functions

考题 Which three statements about subqueries are true?()A、A single row subquery can retrieve only one column and one row.B、A single row subquery can retrieve only one row but many columns.C、A multiple row subquery can retrieve multiple rows and multiple columns.D、A multiple row subquery can be compared by using the “” operator.E、A single row subquery can use the IN operator.F、A multiple row subquery can use the “=” operator.

考题 Which two statements are true with respect to the maintenance window?() .A、 A DBA can enable or disable an individual task in all maintenance windows.B、 A DBA cannot change the duration of the maintenance window after it is created.C、 In case of a long maintenance window,all Automated Maintenance Tasks are restarted every four hours.D、 A DBA can control the percentage of the resource allocated to the Automated Maintenance Tasks in each window

考题 单选题What is the action that a GMDSS Radio Operator should take when a DSC distress alert is received? ()A No action is necessary,as the DSC control unit will automatically switch to the NBDP follow-on communications frequencyB The operator should immediately set continuous watch on the radiotelephone frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which the distress alert was receivedC The Operator should immediately set continuous watch on VHF channel 70D The Operator should immediately set continuous watch on the NBDP frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which the distress alert was received

考题 单选题For GMDSS,which statement concerning a compulsory vessel is FALSE?()A A conditional or partial exemption may be granted,in exceptional circumstances,for a single voyage outside the sea area for which the vessel is equippedB Once a compulsory vessel's GMDSS station has been fitted and inspected,the station must be inspected only once every five yearsC All passenger vessels and all cargo vessels that are 300 Gross Tons or larger must complyD Compulsory vessels must carry at least two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators

考题 单选题Which statement is TRUE().A Key letters or abbreviations may not be used in GMDSS radio logbooks under any circumstanceB Urgent communications do not need to be entered in the GMDSS radio logC Both of the aboveD None of the above

考题 单选题Which statement is TRUE().A GMDSS radio logs are required to contain entries pertaining to all incidents connected to radio communication service which appear to be of importance to the safety of life at seaB All distress communications must be entered in the GMDSS radio logC Both of the aboveD None of the above

考题 单选题For GMDSS,when may a compulsory vessel not be allowed to leave port?()A When the vessel is in an overloaded conditionB When the vessel has arranged for both duplication of equipment AND shore-based maintenanceC When the vessel has replaced a required piece of GMDSS-related equipment but its performance has not been verified or loggedD When the vessel is carrying only two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators and is capable of performing all required functions

考题 单选题Which operator can be used with a multiple-row subquery?()A =B LIKEC BETWEEND NOT INE ISF

考题 单选题Which message categories cannot be disabled by the GMDSS radio operator().A Navigational WarningsB Meteorological WarningsC Search and Rescue InformationD All of the above

考题 单选题What are the conditions,under GMDSS,whereby a ship is NOT allowed to depart from any port? ()A The vessel is not capable of performing all required distress and safety functionsB The vessel is carrying more than the required number of qualified GMDSS radio operatorsC The vessel has a temporary waiver of its radio license and Safety CertificateD The vessel is not carrying a GMDSS radio maintainer,but has provided for shoreside maintenance plus duplication of equipment if required

考题 单选题Which statement concerning GMDSS Radio Operator requirements is FALSE().A Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators at all times while at seaB Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed Radio Operators at all times while at sea and may elect to carry a GMDSS Radio Maintainer as wellC Communications involving safety of life at sea do not have to be logged as long as the compulsory vessel was not involved in such communicationsD While at sea,adjustments to,and the maintaining of,GMDSS equipment may be performed by the GMDSS Radio operator as long as the work is supervised by an onboard licensed GMDSS Radio Maintainer

考题 多选题Which two are true about aggregate functions?()AYou can use aggregate functions in any clause of a SELECT statement.BYou can use aggregate functions only in the column list of the select clause and in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement.CYou can mix single row columns with aggregate functions in the column list of a SELECT statement by grouping on the single row columns.DYou can pass column names, expressions, constants, or functions as parameter to an aggregate function.EYou can use aggregate functions on a table, only by grouping the whole table as one single group.FYou cannot group the rows of a table by more than one column while using aggregate functions.

考题 多选题Which two statements are true with respect to the maintenance window?() .AA DBA can enable or disable an individual task in all maintenance windows.BA DBA cannot change the duration of the maintenance window after it is created.CIn case of a long maintenance window,all Automated Maintenance Tasks are restarted every four hours.DA DBA can control the percentage of the resource allocated to the Automated Maintenance Tasks in each window

考题 多选题Which three statements about subqueries are true?()AA single row subquery can retrieve only one column and one row.BA single row subquery can retrieve only one row but many columns.CA multiple row subquery can retrieve multiple rows and multiple columns.DA multiple row subquery can be compared by using the operator.EA single row subquery can use the IN operator.FA multiple row subquery can use the = operator.

考题 单选题Which statement is generally correct regarding the maintenance requirements for ships under GMDSS().A Redundancy of functions of certain equipment will partially meet this requirementB On-board maintenance provided by a person holding a GMDSS maintainer's license will partially meet the requirementsC Shoreside maintenance and scheduled tests and inspections will partially meet this requirementD All of the above