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I’d like to start by _____ myself to countries where English is the main language.









更多 “单选题I’d like to start by _____ myself to countries where English is the main language.A controllingB containingC restrainingD restricting” 相关考题
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考题 – May I suggest the sales start on or about October 1st? – () A、What do you mean by that?B、I like sales people in your department.C、That’s a great idea!

考题 " english is interesting, _____ i didn’t like it at first." A. orB. soC. butD. and

考题 —This is _Focus Advertising Agency_. How may I help you? —() A.Excuse me, I’d like to buy a pair of sports shoes.B.Hi, there. I’m glad to introduce myself to you.C.I need some information on the advertising rates of your magazines.

考题 Third culture kid is a term in English that is used to describe children who have grown up in a different culture to that of their parents. There are great things about experiencing such a unique childhood. Third culture kids can also face many challenges.I was born in England, to English parents. When I was two years old my dad got a new job in Poland. Since then I have lived in four other countries around the world. Although I have a British passport,I sometimes dont feel very English at all!One of the best things about moving around a lot when 1 was younger experiencing many diverse cultures and countries. I was able to try different foods, learn different languages, experience different traditions and meet people from different backgrounds. I am also lucky to have friends all over the world that 1 keep in regular contact with.However, it wasnt always easy. It often felt like I had only just settled in to the new school city and culture before my parents told me we were moving again. Leaving my friends behind was damaging as a child. I have lost touch with many people 1 was very close to because one of us moved country. It was also very disorientating to have an English passport, but not feel very English at all. Because 1 had no access to English culture, returning 4home, often felt like visiting a foreign country. Happily, now l feel more at home in England—although the question, “where are you from?” still confuses me!26. A third culture kid may have a ____.A.dull experienceB.special childhoodC.strong accentD.traditional lifestyleThe author experienced different traditions by the following EXCEPT ____.A.trying foods of other countriesB.moving around a lotC.doing different jobsD.making international friendsThe author found it not always easy to ____.A.make new friendsB.find a new schoolC.have new teachersD.adapt to new situationsThe word disorientating (Para.4) probably means ____.A.excitingB.confusingC.surprisingD.frighteningThe author doesn't feel very English because he ____.A.does not have a British passportB.was not born in EnglandC.spent more time in other countriesD.has many foreign friends请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 I have never been to Italy, but that is the country__________ .A. where I most like to visitB. I'd most like to visitC. I like to visit it mostD. which I like to visit it

考题 —You've been busy, haven't you? —_______A.I was busy last week.B.Yes, I've been working hard on my paper.C.I will get busy with my English studies.D.I'd like to get busy like our teachers.

考题 -- Ivydale Guesthouse. Can I help you?--- ____A. Salad, pleaseB. Yes, please. I'd like to make a reservationC. I'll go there myself

考题 “ english is interesting, _____ i didn’t like it at first.“ A. orB. andC. butD. so

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考题 Good morning, Sunshine Community Center ! May I help you?()A. I'd like to book one air ticket.B. I'm glad to introduce myself to you.C. I need a plumber to repair the water pipe in my kitchen.

考题 What starting salary do you expect? ()A. I'd like to start on Monday next week.B. I expect to get a salary increase.C. I'd like to start at ¥5,000 a month.

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考题 When introducing yourself to someone you don't know at a party, what would you say?()A、Hi, I'm**B、May I introduce myself to you and at the same time I make your acquaintance?C、Hi, I'd like to meet you.D、Hi, I'm .Do you know many people here?

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考题 I′d like to live somewhere__________the sun shines all year long.A.which B.of which C.where D.at where

考题 This is not typical of English,but is a feature of the Chinese language.A:particular B:characteristic C:remarkable D:idiomatic

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考题 单选题— ______  —Yes, yes, I do. I have a coffee machine, and I like to treat myself to fresh coffee at breakfast.  —And start off the day well.A Would you like something to drink?B Help yourself to some coffee.C What would like to drink, Coke or Sprite?D Do you make fresh coffee yourself?

考题 单选题Customer: I think I’ll have the tomato soup to start._____ Waiter: Right. And would you like croutons in your soup? Customer: No, thank you. Waiter: How would you like your steak? Rare, medium or well done?A And I’d like some teaB And I’d also like a steak.C And perhaps some orange juice. D And I’d like to order now.

考题 单选题—I’d like to get two seats for the show tomorrow.—Where would you like to sit?—_____A May I sit here?B Do you have the money?C How much are the middle seats?D Can I pay by card?

考题 单选题I wish I _____ myself better in English, but I _____.A will express; won’tB could express; can’tC would express; won’tD can express; can’t

考题 单选题My tutor frequently reminds me to ______ myself of every chance to improve my English.A availB informC assureD notify

考题 单选题I wish I ______ myself better in English, but I ______ .A will express; won’tB could express; can’tC would express; won’t D can express; can’t

考题 单选题A: If you like, I can help you paint the room tomorrow.  B: ______A Thanks a lot. But I think I can manage it myself.B No. Don’t worry about that.C I don’t like it. Thanks anywayD I’m sorry. That’s not necessary.