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Uncharted lights,fog signals and radar beacon transmissions may be()near the station.









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更多 “单选题Uncharted lights,fog signals and radar beacon transmissions may be()near the station.A encounteredB metC contactedD seen” 相关考题
考题 Uncharted lights and radar beacon transmissions may be ________ near the station.A.encounteredB.metC.contactedD.seen

考题 A mobile offshore drilling unit under tow is approaching a fog bank. When should fog signals be started?A.When the towing vessel enters the fogB.When the drilling rig enters the fogC.When the towing vessel can no longer be seen from the rigD.Immediately

考题 The description Racon beside an illustration on a chart would mean a ______.A.radar conspicuous beaconB.circular radiobeaconC.radar transponder beaconD.radar calibration beacon

考题 The fog is lifted,so ______ the radar.A.closeB.openC.switch offD.switch on

考题 A vessel may use any sound or light signals to attract the attention of another vessel as long as ______.A.white lights are not usedB.red and green lights are not usedC.the signal cannot be mistaken for a signal authorized by the RulesD.the vessel signals such intentions over the radiotelephone

考题 The articulated light is superior to other types of buoys because ______.A.The radar reflectors reflect better signalsB.Fog horn signals travel farther to seaC.It is equipped with strobe lightsD.It has a reduced watch circle

考题 It may be found that,in certain circumstances,Radar Beacon can cause unwanted interference particularly ______.A.At close rangeB.At end on situationC.At head on situationD.At crossing situation

考题 In radar plotting C.P.A is the abbreviation of ______.A.crossing point to approachB.fog or steady rainC.closest point to approachD.close point to approach

考题 单选题A mobile offshore drilling unit under tow is approaching a fog bank. When should fog signals be started? ()A When the towing vessel enters the fogB When the drilling rig enters the fogC When the towing vessel can no longer be seen from the rigD Immediately

考题 单选题You are underway in thick fog. You have not determined if risk of collision exists. Which statement is TRUE?().A Your speed must be reduced to bare steeragewayB A look-out is not required if the radar is onC Fog signals are only required when a vessel is detected by radarD The radar should always be kept on a short-range scale

考题 单选题The international number,location and/or name,geographical co-ordinates,characteristics and intensity,elevation in metres,range in sea miles and description of structure of a light can be found in().A Ocean Passages for the WorldB Admiralty List of Radio SignalsC IALA Maritime Buoyage SystemD Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals

考题 单选题A vessel may use any sound or light signals to attract the attention of another vessel as long as().A white lights are not usedB red and green lights are not usedC the signal cannot be mistaken for a signal authorized by the RulesD the vessel signals such intentions over the radiotelephone

考题 单选题What is the use of the books of Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals? Their use is to ().A Mention signal stations and ice,storm,traffic and port signalsB Give the international numbers of lightsC Give the correction of the lights and fog signalsD Give the information on the lights and fog signals

考题 单选题Mariners are warned that fog signals should()be relied upon implicity.A alwaysB neverC sonetimesD sometime

考题 单选题It may be found that,in certain circumstances,radar beacon emissions can cause()with the normal radar display,particularly at close range.A unwanted interferenceB unexpected figuresC abnormal dataD unwanted information

考题 单选题Full details of all lights and fog signals are shown on().A large scale chartB small scale chartC ocean chartD routing chart

考题 单选题Section V of the ADMIRALTY NOTICES TO MARINERS is().A Reprints of Radio Navigational WarningsB Amendments to Admiralty Sailing DirectionsC Amendments to Admiralty Lists of Lights and Fog SignalsD Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals

考题 单选题Which statement concerning the operation of radar in fog is TRUE?()A Radar ranges are less accurate in fogB Navigation buoys will always show up on radarC A sandy beach will show up clearer on radar than a rocky cliffD Small wooden boats may not show up on radar

考题 单选题The fog is lifted, so()the radar.A close upB switch onC openD switch off

考题 单选题The fog is lifted, so()the radar.A closeB openC switch offD switch on

考题 单选题The fog is too thick. Don’t()the radar.A switch onB switch offC closeD open

考题 单选题()gives listings of all lighthouses,lightships,lit floating marks(over 8m in height),fog signals and lights of navigational significance.A Ocean Passages for the WorldB Admiralty List of Radio SignalsC IALA Maritime Buoyage SystemD Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals

考题 单选题You are underway in thick fog.You have not determined if risk of collision exists.Which statement is true?()A Your speed must be reduced to bare steerage waysB A look-out is not required if the radar is onC The radar should always be kept on a short-range scaleD Fog signals are only required when a vessel is detected by radar

考题 单选题Uncharted lights, fog signals and radar beacon transmissions may be()near the station.A encounteredB metC contactedD seen

考题 单选题If there is any doubt as to the proper operation of a radar,which statement is TRUE?().A Only a radar expert can determine if the radar is operatingB All radars have indicator lights and alarms to signal improper operationC A radar range compared to the actual range of a known object can be used to check the operation of the radarD The radar resolution detector must be energized to check the radar

考题 单选题Radar makes it possible for us()in dense fog.A to be sailingB sailingC sailD to sail

考题 单选题The Coast Radio Stations are found in().A Admiralty List of Lights and Fog SignalsB Admiralty Maritime CommunicationsC Admiralty List of Radio SignalsD Admiralty Digital List of Lights

考题 单选题When navigating in thick fog with the radar on,you should().A station the look-out in the wheelhouse to keep a continuous watch on the radarB secure the sounding of fog signals until a vessel closes within five milesC station a look-out as low down and far forward as possibleD keep the radar on the shortest available range for early detection of approaching vessels