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at last




above all


at once


at last最终,最后。
更多 “单选题_____A at lastB neverC above allD at once” 相关考题
考题 单选题It was from the earliest time _____ men began to study the natural phenomena and heavenly bodies.A whenB whereC thatD how

考题 单选题If only I _____ how to operate a computer as you do!A had knownB would knowC should knowD knew

考题 单选题Parents and children often disagree about what is important or right because _____.A they have different styles of lifeB they hate each otherC parents think that their children are troublemakersD they are in a society of rapidly changing social and moral values

考题 单选题_____A farB fartherC longD distant

考题 单选题I remember _____ to the zoo by my father when I was little.A being takenB takingC have been takenD to have taken

考题 单选题I wonder how many years ago _____.A did your father retireB your father retiredC has your father retiredD your father has retired

考题 单选题_____A spokeB typedC introducedD chatted

考题 单选题—The old man wouldn’t stay at home for a rest even if it rained.—_____. He would feel sick if he stayed home for one day.A So would my grandpaB So wouldn’t my grandpaC Neither would my grandpaD Nor wouldn’t my grandpa

考题 单选题She didn’t come to the party last Sunday. _____, she must have made the party more exciting.A If she cameB Would she comeC Had she comeD Did she come

考题 单选题_____A yetB notC andD or

考题 单选题_____A sayB describeC mentionD write

考题 单选题A new house _____ at the corner of the road.A is buildingB is being builtC been builtD be building

考题 单选题I won’t apply for the job. I hear that they’re quite _____ about their personnel.A particularB especiallyC specialD peculiar

考题 单选题_____A speedilyB smoothlyC easilyD readily

考题 单选题If you don’t go to his birthday party next Friday, _____.A so do IB so will IC nor do ID nor will I

考题 单选题Here is some _____ advice to any young businessman.A variableB worthwhileC worthyD value

考题 单选题I don’t think it’s important, _____?A doesn’tB is itC do ID isn’t

考题 单选题If you do your best it doesn’t matter _____ people think of you.A thatB whatC whichD if

考题 单选题People are contributing to the industrial and agricultural _____ in China.A structureB instructionC constructionD direction

考题 单选题_____A butB andC becauseD though

考题 单选题If you do your best it doesn’t matter _____ people think of you.A thatB whatC whichD if

考题 单选题_____A hurtingB damagingC wreckingD destroying

考题 单选题_____A civilizationB cultureC writingD book

考题 单选题Many people are still in _____ habit of writing silly things in _____ public places.A the; theB /; /C the; /D /; the

考题 单选题John didn’t want to risk _____ wet as he had only one suit.A gettingB to getC being gotD to be gotten

考题 问答题他宁愿一个人呆着也不愿去参加晚会。

考题 单选题Peter could hardly catch what I said, _____ he?A couldB couldn’tC didD didn’t

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following countries attracts more tourists than the others?A Italy.B Spain.C Greece.D France.