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One of the requirements for a fire is that the material______to its burning temperature.

A.were heated
B.must be heated
C.is heated
D.be heated


更多 “One of the requirements for a fire is that the material______to its burning temperature.A.were heated B.must be heated C.is heated D.be heated” 相关考题
考题 One of the requirements for a fire is that the material () to its burning temperature. A.be heatedB.is heatedC.would be heatedD.to heat

考题 The sleeping cat lay too near the stove and had its tail slightly_________. A. to burnB. burnedC. to be burnedD. to be burning

考题 One of the limitations of foam as an extinguishing agent is that foam ______.A.cannot be made with salt waterB.is heavier than oil and sinks below its surfaceC.is corrosive and a hazard to fire fightersD.conducts electricity

考题 The most effective way to apply a foam stream if the fire is on deck or is a runing fire, is to direct the stream ______.A.onto the surface of the burning liquidB.ahead of the burning liquid and bounce it on the fireC.at the base of the burning liquid in a sweeping motionD.just above the surface of the burning liquid

考题 Convection spreads a fire by ______.A.heated gases flowing through ventilation systemsB.the transfer of heat across an unobstructed spaceC.burning liquids flowing into another spaceD.transmitting the heat of a fire through the ship’s metal

考题 Which of the following is the MOST important physical consideration when deploying a new server?()A、 Humidity monitors, Biometrics, and fire suppressionB、 Cooling, rack space, and power requirements冷C、 Service level agreements, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) deployment, and CCTVD、 Biometrics, fire suppression, and power requirements

考题 单选题A class C fire would be burning().A fuel oilB woodC celluloidD electrical insulation

考题 单选题A class "C" fire is burning ().A diesel oilB magnesiumC dunnageD electrical insulation

考题 单选题Fire prevention during welding or burning aboard any vessel should include ().A posting a fire watch in the immediate areaB providing an extinguisher which is ready for immediate useC requiring the fire watch to remain on post for 30 minutes after the completion of welding or burningD All of the above

考题 单选题Fire fighting equipment requirements for a particular vessel may be found on the().A Certificate of InspectionB Certificate of SeaworthinessC Classification CertificateD Certificate of Registry

考题 单选题A class B fire is most successfully fought by().A preventing oxygen from reaching the burning materialB cooling the burning material below its ignition temperatureC using the extinguishing agent to make the burning material fire-resistantD using the extinguishing agent to absorb the heat

考题 单选题The straight stream capability of an all-purpose nozzle is used in fighting a class A fire to().A shield fire fighters from radiant heatB break up burning materialC get the most water possible on the fireD drive heat and smoke ahead of the fire fighters

考题 单选题Which firefighting method is an example of an indirect attack on a fire?().A Bouncing a straight stream of water off the overhead to create spray effectB Spraying foam on a bulkhead and letting it flow down and over a pool of burning oilC Flooding a paint locker with CO2 and sealing the compartmentD Cooling adjacent bulkheads with water to prevent the spread of the fire by conduction

考题 单选题Foam extinguishes a fire by().A smothering the burning materialB chemical combination with burning materialC absorbing the burning materialD organic destruction of the burning material

考题 单选题Before attempting to put out a class “C” fire involving an electric-driven centrifugal pump, you should FIRST ().A insulate your shoesB ground the fire hoseC secure its power supplyD start the fire pump

考题 单选题Ventilation systems connected to a compartment in which a fire is burning are normally closed to prevent the rapid spread of the fire by().A convectionB conductionC radiationD spontaneous combustion

考题 单选题Which of the following statements regarding low expansion foam and its application is INCORRECT?().A Foam should not be used on electrical firesB One kilo of low expansion foam solution produces much more foamC Foam is only efficient when it covers the top of burning combustiblesD A stream of foam should be deflected off the deck in order to best agitate the fire

考题 单选题Which of the following statements represents the correct action to take when three crew members discover a fire?()A One man report the fire, and the other two men fight the fireB One man report the fire, one man fight the fire, and one man evacuate and secure the areaC One man report the fire, one man fight the fire, and one man act as a safety observerD All three men fight the fire and report it immediately after it is extinguished

考题 单选题A burning AC motor would be considered what class of fire?()A Class AB Class BC Class CD Class D

考题 单选题The fire of burning plastics is classified as () fire.A Class AB Class BC Class CD Class D

考题 单选题Multiple fire pumps may be used for other purposes provided that one pump is().A on line to the fire mainB kept available for use on the fire main at all timesC capable of being connected to the fire mainD rated at or above 125 psi

考题 单选题Which of the following is the MOST important physical consideration when deploying a new server?()A  Humidity monitors, Biometrics, and fire suppressionB  Cooling, rack space, and power requirements冷C  Service level agreements, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) deployment, and CCTVD  Biometrics, fire suppression, and power requirements

考题 单选题Since the burning or combustion takes place within the engine itself, the engine is known as ().A a fire -tube boilerB an internal combustion engineC an external combustion engineD an internal combustion generator

考题 单选题What are the most important reasons for using water fog to fight fires?()A Smothers burning surfaces,organically destroys fuelB Cools fire and adjacent surfaces,provides protective barrierC Reaches areas not protected by steam or CO2 smothering systemsD Allows fire to be attacked from leeward,saturates liquid surfaces

考题 单选题On a tank vessel, which of the following substances would be burning in a class "B" fire?()A OilB WoodC RagsD Electrical wiring

考题 单选题When possible,what should be the FIRST step in combating a fire on deck resulting from a cargo overflow or a leaking cargo line?()A Blanket the cargo spill with foamB Prevent the spread of fire with a foam damC Apply CO2 on burning fuel at its sourceD Shut off the transfer of cargo

考题 单选题One of the limitations of foam as an extinguishing agent is that foam().A cannot be made with salt waterB is heavier than oil and sinks below its surfaceC is corrosive and a hazard to fire fightersD conducts electricity