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以下情景属于正式还是非正式场合(Formal or Informal?)? ______ talking to your brothers and sisters

更多 “以下情景属于正式还是非正式场合(Formal or Informal?)? ______ talking to your brothers and sisters” 相关考题
考题 Which influence reflects an informal organization?A . formal authorityB . reward powerC . referent powerD . expert powerE . penalty

考题 下列哪些属于非正式沟通?( )A.选择非正式的商谈对象B.选择非正式的商谈时间C.选择非正式的商谈场合D.选择非正式的商谈话题E.选择非正式的商谈方式

考题 12 Which influence reflects an informal organization?A. formal authorityB. reward powerC. referent powerD. expert powerE. penalty

考题 My sisters and brothers asked me _______ I had paid for the whistle. A. how muchB. how manyC. how wasD. however

考题 AMany children feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends.They be- lieve that their family members don-t know them as well as their friends. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for some ideas.It is very important for children to have one or more good friends.Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking on the phone with their friends.This communication is very important to children’s growth, because friends can discuss some-thing, but it's difficult to discuss it with family members. However, most parents like to choose friends for their children Some parents even don-t allow their children to meet their good friends.Who chooses your friends? What do your parents think of your friends?Your answers are welcome.( )21. Many children think ________ can understand them better.A. friendsB. brothersC. teachersD. parents

考题 —Does Jenny have four sisters and brothers?—No,she_______ (not).

考题 下列选项,属于非正式沟通的内容是( )。A.选择非正式的商谈对象B.选择非正式的商谈时间C.选择非正式的商谈场合D.选择非正式的商谈话题E.选择非正式的商谈方式

考题 ________ your plans with a college counselor helps you define your goal and improve your career plans or make them work.A Talking intoB Talking upC Talking overD Talking on

考题 什么是非正式场合?

考题 They believe such an informal greeting often implies a close and friendly relationship. A.正常的B.不正常的C.正式的D.非正式的

考题 Which of the following is NOT a type of business report?A: Short informal reportB: Short formal reportC: Extended formal reportD: Meeting report

考题 Do your have any brothers and sisters?

考题 属于非正式场合的称谓有()。A、姓+职称/职务B、司机同志、秘书小姐C、先生、女士D、紫薇

考题 非正式言谈,则是一些非正式场合的言谈,在一些私下场合,会见客人的寒暄,相遇熟人的交谈,同事之间的闲谈,这类言谈不能是自由、轻松和随意的。

考题 与外国人交往时,不管是出席正式场合还是非正式场合,不管是主人身份还是客人身份,都应遵守(),不能失礼。A、涉外礼节B、中国礼节C、外国礼节

考题 朋友关系属于()A、正式人际关系B、非正式人际关系C、群众性场合人际关系D、组织与组织关系

考题 秦时期古隶多用在非正式场合。

考题 按社交场合划分,介绍可分为()介绍和非正式介绍。

考题 正式场合中使用精确语言,非正式场合中使用模糊语言。

考题 正式的场合适合于正式的沟通,而在非正式的场合,人们的言语交谈则要随意很多。

考题 注意在非正式场合与员工的沟通,是充分利用非正式信息系统为信息管理服务的重要环节。

考题 下列属于非正式沟通形式的有()A、小道消息B、食堂的午餐C、社交场合D、员工会议

考题 判断题一般来说,在非正式场合精确语言用得较多,正式场合则多用模糊语言。A 对B 错

考题 单选题与外国人交往时,不管是出席正式场合还是非正式场合,不管是主人身份还是客人身份,都应遵守(),不能失礼。A 涉外礼节B 中国礼节C 外国礼节

考题 单选题朋友关系属于()A 正式人际关系B 非正式人际关系C 群众性场合人际关系D 组织与组织关系

考题 问答题In 10 years the ages of two brothers and two sisters will total 100. How much will their ages total in 7 years?

考题 判断题正式场合中使用精确语言,非正式场合中使用模糊语言。A 对B 错

考题 判断题正式的场合适合于正式的沟通,而在非正式的场合,人们的言语交谈则要随意很多。()A 对B 错