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题目内容 (请给出正确答案)
Dear Liu Qiang,
How are you now Well,I hope you're enjoying my school in New York. I like your school in Beijing, but I'm not feeling very well at the moment. I am tired and have a lot of headaches. And I'm stressed out because my Putonghua is not implying. I really need some conversation practice! I think I have a cold,too. Oh,dear!


解析:Teaching Objectives :
( 1 ) Students 1earn the new phrases"be ( not )fee1ing we11, have a 1ot of headaches, stress out, have a co1d"in the context and understand the content c1ear1y.
(2) Students get information from the reading materia1 through skimming, scanning and carefu1
(3) Students have consciousness of expressing their troub1es and know how to cope with them.Teaching Key Points : Master the new phrases and understand the reading materia1.
Teaching Difficu1t Points : Know how to cope with the troub1es.Teaching Procedures :
Step 1 Pre-reading( 10 minutes)
The teacher projects a short fi1m dea1ing with foreign exchanged students' study 1ife.
T: Imagine you are an exchanged student in a foreign country. When you get in troub1e, what
wou1d you 1ike to do
S1 :Ask my c1assmates for he1p.$2 : Ask my teachers for he1p.$3 : I wi11 ca11 my parents.
T: Yeah, when you are in troub1e, you can ask some body for he1p. A1so, you may write a 1etter to your friend to ta1k about it. 1iu Qiang and Char1es are exchanged students. 1et us see what Char1es'stroub1e is.
(Justification: The short fi1m can stimu1ate students' curiosity about the topic, arouse students'
interests, and he1p the teacher 1ead in the c1ass smooth1y. )
Step 2 Whi1e-reading( 15 minutes)
( 1 )Skimming
The teacher asks students to read the passage quick1y and find out the new phrases. The teacher exp1ains the new phrases in Eng1ish with the he1p of body 1anguages. Then the students summarize and discuss the main idea of the passage.
The teacher asks students to read the passage again to answer some specific questions
①Why does the student fee1 so stressed out. ②How does he cope with his stress
③Which thing is good to the student.
Then the teacher asks students to discuss in groups and answer these questions.
(3)Carefu1 Reading
The teacher invites students to read the passage sentence by sentence and then exp1ains some difficu1t sentences in the context such as"I am tired and have a 1ot of headaches". Students wi11 know that the meaning of"headaches"in the context is "something causes worry".
(Justification: The three ways of reading can he1p students tota11y understand the passage and know the expressions of troub1es. Students can a1so improve the reading ski11s of skimming, scanning and carefu1 reading step by step. )
Step 3 Post-reading( 15 minutes)Task 1 Fi11 in the chart
The teacher asks students to think about a question"What shou1d the student do/not do "After their thinking,the teacher invites them to fi11 in the chart:

Troub1es Advice
stressed out
Putonghua is not improving
need some conversation practice
have a co1d
Task 2 Interview
The teacher divides students into severa1 groups. One student in the group acts as a reporter and interviews the others about their advice on some troub1e. The interviewees shou1d give advice as possi-b1e as they can.
(Justification:These activities he1ps students conso1idate the content of this c1ass, and the inter-view activity wi11 cu1tivate their abi1ity of communication with each other. The discussion can stimu-1ate students' imagination. )
Step 4 Summary and Homework(5 minutes)
Summary : The teacher asks students to rete11 the passage according to the b1ackboard.Homework : Students write a 1etter to Char1es and give some advice to him.
(Justification:The summary wi11 he1p students reca11 the content of the c1ass. The homework is to cu1tivate students' abi1ity of expressing their ideas in a 1ogica1 way. )
B1ackboard Design :

更多 “请阅读下面小学六年级的教学内容,设计一节英语阅读课的教学方案,确定教学目标和教学重难点,设计主要教学步骤和时间分配,并注明教学活动设计意图,最后附上板书设计。教学时间:45分钟。(中英文皆可) 教学内容: Dear Liu Qiang, How are you now Well,I hope you're enjoying my school in New York. I like your school in Beijing, but I'm not feeling very well at the moment. I am tired and have a lot of headaches. And I'm stressed out because my Putonghua is not implying. I really need some conversation practice! I think I have a cold,too. Oh,dear! Yours, Charles” 相关考题
考题 下面哪些环节是教学设计的必须完成的内容() A.规划教学步骤B.分析教学对象C.分配教学活动时间D.设计教学目标

考题 请围绕健康领域的教学目标,以“学刷牙”为主要教学内容,设计一个幼儿园中班教学活动方案。方案至少需包括活动目标、活动重难点、活动准备、活动步骤或过程等要素。

考题 driver doctor T:What’s your mother’s job S:My mother’s job is a doctor. 根据上述教学材料,用英语简述教学目标(6分)、教学重难点(4分)、词汇教学的主要步骤(16分)及其设计意图(4分)。 注:设计意图可用中文表达。

考题 阅读下面材料,根据要求完成教学设计。 要求:请根据思想政治辩论式教学的相关要求,结合教学内容设计一个辩题,并围绕该辩题设计教学活动简案。

考题 请依据《义务教育音乐课程标准(2011年版)》基本理念,按照下列要求进行教学设计。 教学对象:九年级学生 教学内容:欣赏歌曲《快乐的女战士》 教学任务:了解乐曲的背景知识并能哼唱旋律主题。 要求: (1)设定教学目标。 (2)写出教学重难点。 (3)针对教学目标和教学重难点设计教学过程。

考题 请认真阅读下列材料,并按要求作答。 请根据上述材料完成下列任务: (1)线条的种类都有哪些不同的线条感受如何 (2)围绕教学内容制定恰当的教学目标、教学重难点。 (3)依据拟定的教学目标,概述教学过程并说明设计意图。

考题 请认真阅读下列材料,并按要求作答。 请根据上述材料完成下列任务: (1)在小学英语教学中,呈现演示的原则有哪些? (2)请根据教学内容确定本课时的教学目标。 (3)请设计本节“句型课”的新知呈现环节并说明设计意图。

考题 请认真阅读下列材料,并按要求作答。 请根据上述材料完成下列任务。(用英文作答) (1)英语词汇教学的内容有哪些 (2)若指导小学生学习,试拟定教学目标。 (3)依据拟定的教学目标,设计操练和运用环节的教学活动,并用中文注明设计意图。

考题 一般,多媒体教学的设计可以分为5个步骤:分析教学内容、确定教学目标;选择教学模式、确定教学活动;选择教学媒体、创设教学();选择评价方式、设计测量工具;整合、调整和优化教学方案。

考题 编写理论课教案时,教学过程设计主要包括教学内容的导入、授课内容的确定、教学时间的分配、教学活动的设计、授课总结和布置作业等步骤。

考题 幼儿园教学活动设计的一般结构是课题名称、设计意图,教学活动目标,教学活动重难点,教学活动准备,(),教学活动过程,教学活动延伸和教学评价。

考题 美术课时教案设计主要应包含下列哪些内容?()A、教学内容、教学目标、教学重难点、教学准备、教学过程B、教学内容、教学重点、教学难点、教学方法、教学过程C、教学内容、教学课时、教学目标、教学重难点、教学过程D、教学课题、教学目标、教学方法、教学过程、教学反思

考题 对教学活动预期所要达到的结果的规划属于()A、教学策略设计B、教学内容设计C、教学时间设计D、教学目标设计

考题 对教学活动在课堂上的时间分配与安排的预期设计属于()A、教学目标设计B、教学策略设计C、教学内容设计D、教学时间设计

考题 在教案中,完成教学任务的关键所在是()。A、教学内容B、教学目标C、教学重难点D、板书设计

考题 教学设计的前提工作、教学设计的基础工作是()。A、教学目标的确定B、板书设计C、教学方法的选择D、教学内容的处理

考题 阅读下列材料,设计一节课的教学目标,教学重难点和教学步骤,同时说明重要步骤中的设计思想。教学对象:高中一年级(3)班,学生40人。场地器材:田径场1块,实心球10~12个、标志物4个、小黑板两块、教学挂图1张。教学内容:铅球的最后用力和身体练习。

考题 填空题幼儿园教学活动设计的一般结构是课题名称、设计意图,教学活动目标,教学活动重难点,教学活动准备,(),教学活动过程,教学活动延伸和教学评价。

考题 单选题教学设计的前提工作、教学设计的基础工作是()。A 教学目标的确定B 板书设计C 教学方法的选择D 教学内容的处理

考题 单选题对教学活动在课堂上的时间分配与安排的预期设计属于()A 教学目标设计B 教学策略设计C 教学内容设计D 教学时间设计

考题 问答题请为本文教学确定三维教学目标及教学重难点并说明设计意图。

考题 单选题对教学活动预期所要达到的结果的规划属于()A 教学策略设计B 教学内容设计C 教学时间设计D 教学目标设计

考题 单选题美术课时教案设计主要应包含下列哪些内容?()A 教学内容、教学目标、教学重难点、教学准备、教学过程B 教学内容、教学重点、教学难点、教学方法、教学过程C 教学内容、教学课时、教学目标、教学重难点、教学过程D 教学课题、教学目标、教学方法、教学过程、教学反思

考题 单选题在教案中,完成教学任务的关键所在是()。A 教学内容B 教学目标C 教学重难点D 板书设计

考题 问答题请为本篇课文教学设置教学目标,指明教学重难点,并说明你的设计意图。

考题 填空题一般,多媒体教学的设计可以分为5个步骤:分析教学内容、确定教学目标;选择教学模式、确定教学活动;选择教学媒体、创设教学();选择评价方式、设计测量工具;整合、调整和优化教学方案。

考题 问答题阅读下列材料,设计一节课的教学目标,教学重难点和教学步骤,同时说明重要步骤中的设计思想。教学对象:高中一年级(3)班,学生40人。场地器材:田径场1块,实心球10~12个、标志物4个、小黑板两块、教学挂图1张。教学内容:铅球的最后用力和身体练习。