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A suggestopadia course is conducted in a classroom in which students are as comfortable as possible.()




更多 “A suggestopadia course is conducted in a classroom in which students are as comfortable as possible.()A对B错” 相关考题
考题 In classroom teaching, students are encouraged to come up with () ideas.A、boringB、innovativeC、oldD、creative

考题 Examine the structure of the STUDENTS table:You need to create a report of the 10 students who achieved the highest ranking in the course INT SQL and who completed the course in the year 1999.Which SQL statement accomplishes this task?()A.B.C.D.

考题 Of course, talking about something which affects them personally is ____?motivating for students. A. chieflyB. correctlyC. currentlyD. eminently

考题 24. Nobody is in classroom because________ .A. it’s SundayB. Mary gets to the classroom so earlyC.it's 7:30 nowD.the students are playing outside

考题 When teachers teach pronunciation to students, which suggestion is unuseful?A.Use hands and arms to conduct choral pronunciation practice. B.Move around the classroom when doing choral practice. C.Try to use visual aids. D.Rely on explanations.

考题 Which of the following nominating patterns can a teacher adopt to ensure that all students are actively?involved in classroom activities?A.Nominating those who are good at English. B.Asking questions in a predicable sequence. C.Nominating students after the question is given. D.Nominating students before giving the question.

考题 Classroom language can also be called in-class language, which is the specially used language system by both teachers and students in classroom teaching. Which of the following is not consisted in it? A.Spoken language. B.Body language. C.Spelling language. D.Written language.

考题 Classroom language can also be called in-class language, which is the specially used language system by both teachers and students in classroom teaching. Which of the following is not consisted in it?A.spoken language B.body language C.spelling language D.written language

考题 Which of the following should a teacher avoid when using an ELT course book?_______ A.Selecting appropriate supporting materials and resources. B.Interpreting curriculum goals and its expectations for the course. C.Planning lessons in relation to specific goals, topics, texts, and tasks. D.Implementing everything in the book without considering students' needs and levels.

考题 Which of the following statements about task design is incorrect A.Activities must have clear and attainable objectives. B.Activities should be confined to the classroom context. C.Activities must be relevant to students' life experiences. D.Activities should help develop students' language ability.

考题 Which of the following goes against efficient classroom management?A.The teacher plays the main role. B.The teacher provides clear instructions. C.There is discipline as well as harmony in the class. D.The students' errors are treated properly.

考题 Teachers in a/an_______classroom are encouraged to show approval for each and every correct performance by their students,and the drills are designed to produce success for the students.A.Grammar-Translation B.Situational C.Audio-lingual D.Communicative

考题 Which of the folIowing statements about take-based language teaching is NOT true?A.Students should be given tasks to perform or problems to solve in the classroom. B.Students are task-driven. C.Task-based language teaching is student-centered. D.Task-based language teaching is teacher-centered.

考题 Teachers in a/an _______ classroom are encouraged to show approval for each and every correct performance by their students, and the drills are designed to produce success for the students.A.Grammar-Translation B.Situational C.Audio-lingual D.Communicative

考题 These courses,if properly conducted,will stimulate the minds of the students.A:dominate B:encourage C:excite D:refresh

考题 Nowadays, peopletend to break the traditional absolute authority of teachers and grant studentsmore freedom, which makes the classroom more liberal and democratic. In somepilot programmes , teachers′ salaries are linked with students′ evaluation. Ifa teacher fails in the students′ evaluation, his or her salary will be hurt.Some people applaud this new practice, thinking that it would improve theteaching quality. Others, however, disagree with it, because it may misleadteachers to please their students. What is your opinion? Write a compositionof about 200 words on the following topic: Teachers′ Salaries Linked With Students′Evaluation

考题 A suggestopadia course is conducted in a classroom in which students are as comfortable as possible.()

考题 The Silent Way is based on the premise that the students should be silent as much as possible in the classroom.()

考题 单选题In a physical education class, 20 students were tested on archery target shooting. These students were then given a two-day training course in archery technique. The students were tested again and showed a 30 percent increase in accuracy. This result proves that the course was effective in increasing people’s target-shooting accuracy.  Which of the following, if true, gives the strongest support to the argument above?A The students were all excellent athletes, and excellent athletes tend to be good at target shooting.B The first testing session functioned as a practice ,session for the second testing session.C The accuracy with which people can shoot arrows is strongly related to the sharpness of their vision.D A similar group of students who were also tested on archery target shooting but were not given the course did not show an increase in accuracy.E Excellence in archery target shooting is an accomplishment achieved by relatively few of the people who take up the sport.

考题 单选题Which of the following statements about task design is incorrect?A Activities must have clear and attainable objectives.B Activities should be confined to the classroom context.C Activities must be relevant to students' life experiences.D Activities should help develop students' language ability.

考题 单选题When teachers teach pronunciation to students, which suggestion is useless?A Use hands and arms to conduct choral pronunciation practice.B Move around the classroom when doing choral practice.C Try to use visual aids.D Rely on explanations.

考题 单选题The course normally attracts 20 students per year, ______ up to half will be from orient.A in whichB for whomC with which D of whom

考题 单选题In an “open classroom” the teacher is supposed to _____.A organize classroom activities rather than merely transmit knowledgeB rely on the students interests in classroom activitiesC teach course less relevant to the established curriculaD help the students improve their basic academic skills

考题 单选题__________assessment is based on a fixed standard that is usually the ultimate goal which the students are expected to achieve at the end of the course.A Criterion-referencedB Norm-referencedC SummativeD Diagnostic

考题 单选题English course objectives at the stage of basic education include five aspects, which are, students ' language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, cultural awareness and_______A learning levelB practical activitiesC learning strategiesD habits of thinking

考题 单选题All the students are talking and laughing in the classroom and it’s ______.A noisyB lonelyC quietD strict

考题 判断题A suggestopadia course is conducted in a classroom in which students are as comfortable as possible.()A 对B 错