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Water and its importance to human life were the center of the world's attention last week. March 22 was World Water Day and______(51)the theme"Water for Life”.
There are more than one billion people in the world who live without______(52)drinking water. The United Nations______(53)to cut this number in half by 2015.
Solving such a big problem seems like a(n)______(54)challenge.But everyone,even teenagers,can do something to help.A teenage girl in the US has set an example to the______(55)of her age around the world.
Rene Haggerty,13,was awarded the 2004 Gloria Barron Prize for her work—_______(56) discarded(废弃的)batteries(电池)which pollute water.
In 2003,Haggerty went on a field trip to the Great Lakes Science Centre in Ohio.There she saw an exhibit about how______(57)in old batteries harm the water of Lake Erie.
Haggerty learnt that______(58)the batteries was an easy solution."I think everybody can do it,because everyone uses batteries,and it can make a big difference."With these words,she began to.______(59)awareness in her area.
She______(60)her county government and school board. She got permission to start a re-cycling program in schools,hospital,churches______(61)the public library. With the help from her family,friends and local waste-management______(62),she gathered containers,arranged transportation,and made an educational video.
Over the past two years,she collected four tons of batteries and drew the attention of officials, who were in charge of a battery recycling program but had made______(63)progress.
When asked______(64)she feels like a hero,Haggerty is quite modest."Not really. Well,maybe for the fish I saved!"
Every year the Gloria Barron Prize is______(65)to young Americans aged 8 to 1 8 who have shown leadership and courage in serving the public and the planet. Each year ten winners receive US MYM 2,000 each,to help with their education costs or their public service work.



小女孩主动和当地政府表达自己的想法。选项中只有talk to表达主动意思。listen to:听……说;hear from:得到消息;think about:考虑。
学校、医院、教堂和兮共图书馆属于并列关系,因此用and来连接。 besides:除此之外;as long as:只要;as good as:像……一样好。
前面提到哈格蒂与当地政府交谈,因此这里应该为当地的废物管理官员。 official为官员的意思。worker:工人;clerk:店员;expert:专家。
更多 “共用题干 Water and its importance to human life were the center of the world's attention last week. March 22 was World Water Day and______(51)the theme"Water for Life”.There are more than one billion people in the world who live without______(52)drinking water. The United Nations______(53)to cut this number in half by 2015.Solving such a big problem seems like a(n)______(54)challenge.But everyone,even teenagers,can do something to help.A teenage girl in the US has set an example to the______(55)of her age around the world.Rene Haggerty,13,was awarded the 2004 Gloria Barron Prize for her work—_______(56) discarded(废弃的)batteries(电池)which pollute water.In 2003,Haggerty went on a field trip to the Great Lakes Science Centre in Ohio.There she saw an exhibit about how______(57)in old batteries harm the water of Lake Erie.Haggerty learnt that______(58)the batteries was an easy solution."I think everybody can do it,because everyone uses batteries,and it can make a big difference."With these words,she began to.______(59)awareness in her area.She______(60)her county government and school board. She got permission to start a re-cycling program in schools,hospital,churches______(61)the public library. With the help from her family,friends and local waste-management______(62),she gathered containers,arranged transportation,and made an educational video.Over the past two years,she collected four tons of batteries and drew the attention of officials, who were in charge of a battery recycling program but had made______(63)progress.When asked______(64)she feels like a hero,Haggerty is quite modest."Not really. Well,maybe for the fish I saved!"Every year the Gloria Barron Prize is______(65)to young Americans aged 8 to 1 8 who have shown leadership and courage in serving the public and the planet. Each year ten winners receive US MYM 2,000 each,to help with their education costs or their public service work._________(51)A:had B:gave C:wrote D:discussed” 相关考题
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