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She was close to success.



解析:close和near都是“接近”的意思;fast和quick意思相近,表示“快的”; tight 的意思是“紧的”。
更多 “ She was close to success.A:fast B:quick C:tight D:near” 相关考题
考题 It suddenly () her mind that she had long promised to meet a close friend for dinner that night. A、crossedB、hitC、struckD、touched

考题 All of his friends came and () him on his success. A、concentratedB、meltC、congratulatedD、mounted

考题 As Kate's close friend, I introduce an interesting book to her in order to ______ her from what she is worrying about. A. attractB. distractC. directD. prevent

考题 他希望我们成功。 He hoped us success.()

考题 _______ must work hard so that they can achieve success. A.youB.peopleC.weD.one

考题 She()close contacts with the scientist for many years.A、 maintainedB、 stayedC、 claimed

考题 Though her fellow students laughed at her, she () success. A.gotB.foundC.tastedD.sought

考题 Isadora Duncan preferred to dance on a stage ____ scenery; she said that makes the dance itself rather than scenery more distinguishing. A、close toB、made ofC、protected fromD、devoid of

考题 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,ALisa was running late. Lisa,25,had a lot to do at work,plus visitors on the way: her parents were coming in for Thanksgiving from her hometown. But as she hurried down the subway stairs, she started to feel uncomfortably warn. By the time she got to the platform,Lisa felt weak and tired--maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to give blood the night before,she thought. She rested herself against a post close to the tracks.Several yards away,Frank,43,and his girlfriend,Jennifer,found a spot close to where the front of the train would stop. They were deep in discussion about a house they were thinking of buying.But when he heard the scream,followed by someone yelling,“Oh,my God,she fell in!” Frank didn’t hesitate. He jumped down to the tracks and ran some 40 feet toward the body lying on the rails. “No! Not you! ”his girlfriend screamed after him.She was right to be alarmed. By the time Frank reached Lisa,he could feel the tracks shaking and see the light coming. The train was about 20 seconds from the station.It was hard to lift her. She was just out. But he managed to raise her the four feet to the platform. so that bystanders could hold her by the grins and drag her away from the edge. That was where Lisa briefly regained consciousness,felt herself being pulled along the ground,and saw someone else holding her purse.Lisa thought she’d been robbed. A woman held her hand and a man gave his shirt to help stop the blood pouring from her head. And she tried to talk but she couldn’t,and that was when she realized how much pain she was in.Police and fire officials soon arrived,and Frank told the story to an officer. Jennifer said her boyfriend was calm on their 40-minute train ride downtown—just as he had been seconds after the rescue,which made her think about her reaction at the time. “I saw the train coming and 1 was thinking he was going to die,”she explained.41. What was the most probable cause for Lisa’s weakness?A. She had run a long way.B. She felt hot in the subway.C. She had done a 1ot of work.D. She had donated blood the night before.

考题 She kept a close eye__________the sick child and didn’t sleep the whole night.A.atB.inC.forD.on

考题 In restricted visibility, a vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel shall determine if a close quarters situation is developing or risk of collision exists. If so, she shall __________.A.sound the danger signalB.when taking action, make only course changesC.avoid altering course toward a vessel abaft the beamD.All of the above

考题 She was close to success.A:fast B:quick C:tight D:near

考题 根据下面资料,回答 Bum rate is the speed at which a start up business consumes money. My rate would be $50,000 a month when my new media company started. So, I began looking around for individuals who would be my first investors. "Angel money" it was called. But when I reviewed my list of acquaintances to find those who might be able to help, I found the number got small. With no other choices, I began meeting with the venture-capital companies. But I was warned they took a huge share of your company for the money they put in. And if you struggled, they could drop you cold. As I was searching for "angel money", I started to build a team who trusted me even though I didn′t have money for paying checks yet. Bill Becker was an expert in computer programming and image processing at a very famous Media Lab at M.I.T. With his arrival, my company suddenly had a major technology "guy" in-house. Katherine Henderson, a film maker and a former real-estate dealer, joined us as our director of market research. Steve White came on as operating office. He had worked for the developer of a home-finance software, Quicken. We grabbed him. We had some really good people, but we still didn′t have enough money. One night, my neighbor, Louise Johnson, came for a visit. She and I were only nodding acquaintances, but her boys and ours were constant companions. She ran a very good business at the time. Louise was brilliant and missed nothing. She had been watching my progress closely. She knew I was dying for money and I had prospects but could offer no guarantees of success. She told me that her attorney had talked to mine and the terms had been agreed upon. She handed me an envelope. Inside was a check for $500,000. I almost fell down. I heard her voice as if from heaven. "I have confidence in your plan," she said. "You′ll do well. You′re going to work for it, but it′ s satisfying when you build your own company." Who could have thought I′ d find an angel so close to home? There were no words sufficient for the moment. We just said good night. She left and I just stood there, completely humbled and completely committed. Louise decided to lend money to the author because _____________.A.she wanted to join his company B.she knew he would build a team C.she knew his plan would succeed D.she wanted to help promote his sales

考题 根据下面资料,回答 Bum rate is the speed at which a start up business consumes money. My rate would be $50,000 a month when my new media company started. So, I began looking around for individuals who would be my first investors. "Angel money" it was called. But when I reviewed my list of acquaintances to find those who might be able to help, I found the number got small. With no other choices, I began meeting with the venture-capital companies. But I was warned they took a huge share of your company for the money they put in. And if you struggled, they could drop you cold. As I was searching for "angel money", I started to build a team who trusted me even though I didn′t have money for paying checks yet. Bill Becker was an expert in computer programming and image processing at a very famous Media Lab at M.I.T. With his arrival, my company suddenly had a major technology "guy" in-house. Katherine Henderson, a film maker and a former real-estate dealer, joined us as our director of market research. Steve White came on as operating office. He had worked for the developer of a home-finance software, Quicken. We grabbed him. We had some really good people, but we still didn′t have enough money. One night, my neighbor, Louise Johnson, came for a visit. She and I were only nodding acquaintances, but her boys and ours were constant companions. She ran a very good business at the time. Louise was brilliant and missed nothing. She had been watching my progress closely. She knew I was dying for money and I had prospects but could offer no guarantees of success. She told me that her attorney had talked to mine and the terms had been agreed upon. She handed me an envelope. Inside was a check for $500,000. I almost fell down. I heard her voice as if from heaven. "I have confidence in your plan," she said. "You′ll do well. You′re going to work for it, but it′ s satisfying when you build your own company." Who could have thought I′ d find an angel so close to home? There were no words sufficient for the moment. We just said good night. She left and I just stood there, completely humbled and completely committed. By ′,Angel money", the author refers to _____________.A.the money borrowed from banks B.the money spent to promote sales C.the money raised from close friends D.the money needed to start a business

考题 Not only__________very well,but also__________well.A.she cooks;does she dance B.she cooks;she dances C.does she cook;she dances D.does she cook;does she dance

考题 She was close to success.A:fast B:quick C:near D:tight

考题 Lisa was running late.Lisa,25 ,had a lot to do at work,plus visitors on the way: her parents were coming in for Thanksgiving from her hometown.But as she hurried down the subway stairs, she started to feel uncomfortably warn.By the time she got to the platform, Lisa felt weak and tired-- maybe it hadn' t been a good idea to give blood the night before, she thought.She rested herself against a post close to the tracks. Several yards away, Frank ,43, and his girlfriend, Jennifer,found a spot close to where the front of the train would stop.They were deep in discussion about a house they were thinking of buying. But when he heard the scream, followed by someone yelling," Oh, my God, she fell in!" Frank didn' t hesitate.He jumped down to the tracks and ran some 40 feet toward the body lying on the rails."No ! Not you ! "his girlfriend screamed after him. She was right to be alarmed.By the time Frank reached Lisa, he could feel the tracks shaking and see the light coming.The train was about 20 seconds from the station. It was hard to lift her.She was just out.But he managed to raise her the four feet to the platform so that bystanders could hold her by the grins and drag her away from the edge.That was where Lisa briefly regained consciousness, felt herself being pulled along the ground, and saw someone else holding her purse. Lisa thought she' d been robbed.A woman held her hand and a man gave his shirt to help stop the blood pouring from her head.And she tried to talk but she couldn' t, and that was when she realized how much pain she was in. Police and fire officials soon arrived, and Frank told the story to an officer.Jennifer said her boyfriend was calm on their 40-minute train ride downtown--just as he had been seconds after the rescue,which made her think about her reaction at the time."I saw the train coming and I was thinking he was going to die."she explained. When did Lisa become conscious again?A.When the train was leaving. B.After she was back on the platform. C.After the police and fire officials came. D.When a man was cleaning the blood from her head.

考题 Lisa was running late.Lisa,25 ,had a lot to do at work,plus visitors on the way: her parents were coming in for Thanksgiving from her hometown.But as she hurried down the subway stairs, she started to feel uncomfortably warn.By the time she got to the platform, Lisa felt weak and tired-- maybe it hadn' t been a good idea to give blood the night before, she thought.She rested herself against a post close to the tracks. Several yards away, Frank ,43, and his girlfriend, Jennifer,found a spot close to where the front of the train would stop.They were deep in discussion about a house they were thinking of buying. But when he heard the scream, followed by someone yelling," Oh, my God, she fell in!" Frank didn' t hesitate.He jumped down to the tracks and ran some 40 feet toward the body lying on the rails."No ! Not you ! "his girlfriend screamed after him. She was right to be alarmed.By the time Frank reached Lisa, he could feel the tracks shaking and see the light coming.The train was about 20 seconds from the station. It was hard to lift her.She was just out.But he managed to raise her the four feet to the platform so that bystanders could hold her by the grins and drag her away from the edge.That was where Lisa briefly regained consciousness, felt herself being pulled along the ground, and saw someone else holding her purse. Lisa thought she' d been robbed.A woman held her hand and a man gave his shirt to help stop the blood pouring from her head.And she tried to talk but she couldn' t, and that was when she realized how much pain she was in. Police and fire officials soon arrived, and Frank told the story to an officer.Jennifer said her boyfriend was calm on their 40-minute train ride downtown--just as he had been seconds after the rescue,which made her think about her reaction at the time."I saw the train coming and I was thinking he was going to die."she explained. How did Frank save Lisa?A.By lifting her to the platform. B.By helping her rise to her feet. C.By pulling her along the ground. D.By dragging her away from the edge.

考题 Lisa was running late.Lisa,25 ,had a lot to do at work,plus visitors on the way: her parents were coming in for Thanksgiving from her hometown.But as she hurried down the subway stairs, she started to feel uncomfortably warn.By the time she got to the platform, Lisa felt weak and tired-- maybe it hadn' t been a good idea to give blood the night before, she thought.She rested herself against a post close to the tracks. Several yards away, Frank ,43, and his girlfriend, Jennifer,found a spot close to where the front of the train would stop.They were deep in discussion about a house they were thinking of buying. But when he heard the scream, followed by someone yelling," Oh, my God, she fell in!" Frank didn' t hesitate.He jumped down to the tracks and ran some 40 feet toward the body lying on the rails."No ! Not you ! "his girlfriend screamed after him. She was right to be alarmed.By the time Frank reached Lisa, he could feel the tracks shaking and see the light coming.The train was about 20 seconds from the station. It was hard to lift her.She was just out.But he managed to raise her the four feet to the platform so that bystanders could hold her by the grins and drag her away from the edge.That was where Lisa briefly regained consciousness, felt herself being pulled along the ground, and saw someone else holding her purse. Lisa thought she' d been robbed.A woman held her hand and a man gave his shirt to help stop the blood pouring from her head.And she tried to talk but she couldn' t, and that was when she realized how much pain she was in. Police and fire officials soon arrived, and Frank told the story to an officer.Jennifer said her boyfriend was calm on their 40-minute train ride downtown--just as he had been seconds after the rescue,which made her think about her reaction at the time."I saw the train coming and I was thinking he was going to die."she explained. The passage is intended toA.warn us of the danger in the subway B.show us how to save people in the subway C.tell us about a subway rescue D.report a traffic accident

考题 Lisa was running late.Lisa,25 ,had a lot to do at work,plus visitors on the way: her parents were coming in for Thanksgiving from her hometown.But as she hurried down the subway stairs, she started to feel uncomfortably warn.By the time she got to the platform, Lisa felt weak and tired-- maybe it hadn' t been a good idea to give blood the night before, she thought.She rested herself against a post close to the tracks. Several yards away, Frank ,43, and his girlfriend, Jennifer,found a spot close to where the front of the train would stop.They were deep in discussion about a house they were thinking of buying. But when he heard the scream, followed by someone yelling," Oh, my God, she fell in!" Frank didn' t hesitate.He jumped down to the tracks and ran some 40 feet toward the body lying on the rails."No ! Not you ! "his girlfriend screamed after him. She was right to be alarmed.By the time Frank reached Lisa, he could feel the tracks shaking and see the light coming.The train was about 20 seconds from the station. It was hard to lift her.She was just out.But he managed to raise her the four feet to the platform so that bystanders could hold her by the grins and drag her away from the edge.That was where Lisa briefly regained consciousness, felt herself being pulled along the ground, and saw someone else holding her purse. Lisa thought she' d been robbed.A woman held her hand and a man gave his shirt to help stop the blood pouring from her head.And she tried to talk but she couldn' t, and that was when she realized how much pain she was in. Police and fire officials soon arrived, and Frank told the story to an officer.Jennifer said her boyfriend was calm on their 40-minute train ride downtown--just as he had been seconds after the rescue,which made her think about her reaction at the time."I saw the train coming and I was thinking he was going to die."she explained. Why did Jennifer try to stop her boyfriend?A.Because they would miss their train. B.Because he didn't see the train coming. C.Because she was sure Lisa was hard to lift. D.Because she was afraid the train would kill him.

考题 单选题In a four-stroke cycle diesel engine the intake valves open ()A before TDC and close after BDCB after TDC and close after BDCC before TDC and close before BDCD after TDC and close before BDC

考题 单选题Which of the italicized parts functions as an attribute(定语)?A This is where Luxun once lived.B I don’t know where Luxun once lived.C We haven’t yet settled the question where we are going to spend our summer vacation.D She is going to live in Macao, where she has some close friends.

考题 单选题Excessive valve lash in an auxiliary diesel engine will cause the valves to open()A later and close soonerB sooner and close laterC sooner and close soonerD later and close later

考题 单选题She says that she’ll have to close the shop ______ business improves.A ifB orC unlessD because

考题 单选题Which statement concerning maneuvering in restricted visibility is FALSE?().A A vessel which cannot avoid a close-quarters situation with a vessel forward of her beam shall reduce her speed to bare steeragewayB A vessel which hears a fog signal forward of her beam shall stop her enginesC A vessel which hears a fog signal forward of the beam shall navigate with cautionD If a vessel determines by radar that a close-quarters situation is developing,she shall take avoiding action in ample time

考题 单选题In restricted visibility, a vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel shall determine if a close quarters situation is developing or risk of collision exists. If so, she shall().A sound the danger signalB when taking action, make only course changesC avoid altering course toward a vessel abaft the beamD All of the above

考题 单选题The air-conditioner is running in the winter and to be stopped, we should()A close Fan and Humidifier at the same timeB firstly close Fan and then close humidifier immediatelyC firstly close humidifier and then close Fan immediatelyD firstly close humidifier and then close Fan after 30 seconds

考题 填空题As I looked ____(close) at this girl,1 found that she was almost set on her chair.