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Her strange behaviour aroused our suspicions.



更多 “Her strange behaviour aroused our suspicions.A:confused B:excited C:scared D:satisfied” 相关考题
考题 A strange peace came over her when she was alone. A、她独处时便感到一种特殊的安宁。B、她独处时便感到一种奇怪的安宁。

考题 阅读下面两篇短文,掌握其大意,然后从41-65各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。AOur neighborhood used to be very quiet. However,these days,(41)things are happening in our neighborhood and everyone is unhappy. Zhao Jun,the local school teacher is extremely(42). When he was interviewed by the local newspaper,he said“, Every night we hear strange noises (43) our window. My wife thinks that is could be an (44),but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having (45).My parents called the police,but they can't (46) anything strange. They think it might be the (47). I don't think so! ”Zhao Jun's next door neighbor Xiang Dan is (48),too“. At first,I thought it might bea cat,but I can't see a cat,and I still hear the noises outside.”Everyone in our neighborhood is worried,and everyone has his or her own (49).There must be somthing (50) the homes in our neighborhood,but what is it?41.______________A.interesting B.exciting C.strange D.terrible

考题 i’m angry ______________ her for missing our appointment. A. ofB. overC. withD. about

考题 i’m angry ( )her for missing our appointment. A. overB.aboutC. withD. to

考题 All the people who went to the new supermarket had one great hope: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for his shopping. For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised. It said, "Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free goods. This may be your lucky day!"For several weeks Mrs. White hoped, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer. Unlike her friends, however, she never lost heart. Her kitchen was full of things which she did not really need. Her husband tried again and again to persuade her to give it up, but she just wouldn't listen. She dreamed of the day when the manager of the supermarket would come up to say, "Madam. this is your lucky day. Everything in your basket today is free."One Friday morning, after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy some tea. She rushed back to the supermarket, got the tea and went to the desk to pay for it. As she was walking, she saw the manager of the supermarket coming up. "Madam," he said warmly, holding out his hand, "I want to congratulate you! You are our lucky customer today. Everything you've got in your basket is free."People went to the supermarket to ______.A.buy foodB.be lucky customersC.get free thingsD.meet the manager

考题 Ourhopes___________andfellinthesameinstant.A)aroseB)raisedC)roseD)aroused

考题 She decided to go back to her home village _______ stay on in that strange city.A. thanB. insteadC. rather thanD. other than

考题 Far East is a specialist logistics service provider. We operate in sectors of commerce and industry where flexible solutions________. We’re flexible, adaptable and innovative. Everything we do is about your business. We will tailor our services to your exact needs, or provide a unique solution. An example of a recent action was the delivery of sandbags to Rowlands Castle this week. Our customer urgently required the delivery ________?the local flooding. Also, the customer worked nights, so we had to make the delivery ________?with her work schedule. ________?it more manageable, we divided the sandbags onto two pallets. On arrival, our staff parked in 1 foot deep water and assisted the customer with placing the sandbags ________?they stopped her property from being flooded. Needless to say, our customer was very happy with the quality of service.

考题 "My daughter speaks with a wisdom beyond her years. We have all come here with anger in our hearts, but she comes with courage and understanding." is said by().A、PocahontasB、Grandma WillowC、John SmithD、Pocahontas' dad

考题 That proposal aroused little enthusiasm at the meeting.(英译汉)

考题 Much to our surprise, her ______ to the award was indifference. A. positionB. tendencyC. signalD. reaction

考题 We were all eager to express our own opinion, but strange enough, no one was ______ to break the ice.A、hopefulB、kindC、generousD、willing

考题 __________all our kindness to help her,Sarah refused to listen to us.A.AtB.ForC.InD.On

考题 Our ship is ________ take additional cargo in three ports on her way home.A.pay attention toB.planned toC.in order toD.have to

考题 At midnight,we were aroused by a knock at the door.A:irritated B:awakened C:arisen D:annoyed

考题 All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great amhition:to De the lucky?customer who did not have to pay for her shopping.For this was what the notice just inside the?entrance promised.It said:"Remember,once a week,one of our customers gets free goods.This?May Be Your Lucky Day!" For several weeks Mrs.Edwards hoped,like ninny of her friends,to be the lucky customer.Unlike her friends,she never gave up hoping.The cupboards in kitchen were full of things which?she did not need.Her husband tried to advise her against buying things but failed.She dreamed of?the day when the manager of the supermarket would approach her and say:"Madam,this is Your Lucky Day.Everything in your basket is free." One Friday morning,after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car,she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea.She dashed back to the supermarket,got the tea and went towards the cash-desk.As she did so,she saw the manager of the supermarket approach her."Madam,"he said,holding out his hand,"I want to congratulate you!You are our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free!" Mrs.Edwards__________.A.is always very lucky B.had no friends C.hoped to get free shopping D.gets disappointed easily

考题 Scientists who study the brain have found out a great deal about how we learn.They have_____21_____that babies learn much more from the sights and sounds around them than we_____22_____before.You can?help your baby by taking advantage of her hunger to learn. From the_____23_____beginning,babies try to imitate the____24______they hear us make.They""read"the_____25_____on our faces and our movements.That is_____26_____it is so important to talk,sing and smile to?your child.Hearing you talk is your baby′s first_____27_____toward becoming a reader,because it_____28_____her?to love language and to learn words. As your child grows older,_____29_____talking with her.Ask her about the things she does.Ask her?about the events and people in the story you_____30_____together.Let her know you are carefully_____31_____what she says.By keeping her in_____32_____and listening,you are_____33_____encouraging your child to think as?she speaks._____34_____,you are showing that you respect her knowledge and her ability to____35______learning. 第(24)题答案A.efforts B.faces C.sounds D.stories

考题 Scientists who study the brain have found out a great deal about how we learn.They have_____21_____that babies learn much more from the sights and sounds around them than we_____22_____before.You can?help your baby by taking advantage of her hunger to learn. From the_____23_____beginning,babies try to imitate the____24______they hear us make.They""read"the_____25_____on our faces and our movements.That is_____26_____it is so important to talk,sing and smile to?your child.Hearing you talk is your baby′s first_____27_____toward becoming a reader,because it_____28_____her?to love language and to learn words. As your child grows older,_____29_____talking with her.Ask her about the things she does.Ask her?about the events and people in the story you_____30_____together.Let her know you are carefully_____31_____what she says.By keeping her in_____32_____and listening,you are_____33_____encouraging your child to think as?she speaks._____34_____,you are showing that you respect her knowledge and her ability to____35______learning. 第(22)题答案A.did B.hoped" C.studied D.thought

考题 All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great amhition:to De the lucky?customer who did not have to pay for her shopping.For this was what the notice just inside the?entrance promised.It said:"Remember,once a week,one of our customers gets free goods.This?May Be Your Lucky Day!" For several weeks Mrs.Edwards hoped,like ninny of her friends,to be the lucky customer.Unlike her friends,she never gave up hoping.The cupboards in kitchen were full of things which?she did not need.Her husband tried to advise her against buying things but failed.She dreamed of?the day when the manager of the supermarket would approach her and say:"Madam,this is Your Lucky Day.Everything in your basket is free." One Friday morning,after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car,she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea.She dashed back to the supermarket,got the tea and went towards the cash-desk.As she did so,she saw the manager of the supermarket approach her."Madam,"he said,holding out his hand,"I want to congratulate you!You are our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free!" Mrs.Edwards went back to the supermarket quickly because she had to__A.buy another thing B.talk to the manager C.pay for her shopping D.find her shopping

考题 The music aroused an( )feeling of homesickness in him.A.intrinsic B.intentional C.intermittent D.intense

考题 Her behaviour is extremely childish.A:simple B:immature C:beautiful D:foolish

考题 Her behaviour is extremely childish.A:simple B:immature C:beautiful D:foolish

考题 单选题Our ship has not been to shipyard for a long time, the fouling on the ship’s hull greatly decreases her().A resistanceB weightC speedD displacement

考题 单选题Noticing that my daughter was shy, our hostess went out of her way making her feel at home.A NoticingB went outC makingD at home

考题 单选题The lady in this strange tale very obviously suffers from a serious mental illness. Her plot against a completely innocent old man is a clear sign of _____.A impulseB insanityC inspirationD disposition

考题 单选题57.A requested B aroused C required D providedA AB BC CD D

考题 单选题OWING TROPICAL STORM9706 CROSSING OUR/COURSE PLSPERMIT SHELTERING KAGOSHIMA KAIWAN. This cable indicates that().A she requested shelter permissionB she intended to berth at port of KAGOSHIMAC she intended to change her courseD she was reporting to the port that a tropical storm is coming