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All the donated money should be made full usethe homeless people.

A.of helping
B.to help
C.of to help
D.to helping


解析:make full use of…是一个固定搭配,表示“充分利用……”,这里money和“make use of”之间是被动关系,所以用be made。后面to help是不定式作目的状语,句意为“应该充分利用所有捐款来帮助那些无家可归的人们”,故选C。
更多 “All the donated money should be made full usethe homeless people.A.of helping B.to help C.of to help D.to helping” 相关考题
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考题 听力原文: Money means different things to different people. We have all heard or used expressions such as, "How much money do you want for this? How much money do you make?" and "They have a lot of money." It is obvious that money does not mean the same thing in each of these expressions. In the first expression, money refers to a price; in the second, to income; and in the third, to wealth. The confusion arises because money is the standard in terms of which we value all material goods and services. For most of us, both income and wealth are considerably greater than our holdings of money. Income is the net revenue we receive for the sale of our services or of the products of our services. Wealth is the accumulation of past savings of income. Most of us hold only a small part of our wealth in the form. of money.24. Which is the best answer to the question "How much money do you want for this?"25.What is used as the standard to value all material goods and services?26.What may be greater than our holdings of money?27.What is wealth?(24)A.Three items.B.$10.8.C.A blue one.D.U.S. Dollars.

考题 A bank reconciliation should be prepared periodically because ( )A. the depositor's records and the bank's records are in agreementB. the bank has not recorded all of its transactionsC. any differences between the depositor's records and the bank's records should be determined, and any errors made by either party should be

考题 The author of the passage advises us to do all the following EXCEPT______.A. we should think before, while and after we read a passageB. we'd better look up every new word in a dictionaryC. we should learn to guess the meanings of new wordsD. the clues in a passage should be made use of

考题 共用题干 Germs(细菌)on BanknotesPeople in different countries use different types of money:yuan in China,pesos in Mexico,pounds in the United Kingdom,dollars in the United States,Australia and New Zeal-and. They may use different currencies,but these countries,and probably all countries,still have one thing in______(1):germs on the banknotes.Scientists have been studying the germs on money for well over 100 years. At the turn of the 20th______(2),some researchers began to suspect that germs living on money could spread disease.Most studies of germy money have looked at the germs on the currency______(3)one country. In a new study,Frank Vriesekoop and other researchers compared the germ populations found on bills of different______(4).Vriesekoop is a microbiologist at the University of Ballarat in Australia. He led the stud-y,which compared the germ populations found on money______(5)from 10 nations. The scientists studied 1,280 banknotes in total;all came from places where people buy food,like supermarkets,street vendors and cafes,______(6)those businesses often rely on cash.Overall,the Australian dollars hosted the fewest live bacteria一no more than 10 per square centimeter. Chinese yuan had the______(7)about 100 per square centimeter. Most of the germs on money probably would not cause harm.What we call“paper money”_________(8)isn't made from paper. The U. S. dollar,for ex- ample,is printed on fabric that is mostly cotton. Different countries may use different______(9)to print their money. Some of the currencies studied by Vriesekoop and his team,such as the American dollar,were made from cotton. Others were made from polymers.The three______(10)with the lowest numbers of bacteria were all printed on poly-mers. They included the Australian dollar,the New Zealand dollar and some Mexican pesos.The______(11)currencies were printed on fabric made mostly of cotton. Fewer germs lived on the polymer notes. This______(12)suggests that germs have a harder time staying alive on polymer surfaces. Scientists need to do more studies to understand______(13)germs live on, mon-ey—and whether or not we need to be concerned. Vriesekoop is now starting a study that will______(14)the amounts of time bacteria can stay alive on different types of bills.Whatever Vriesekoop finds,the fact remains:Paper money______(15)germs. We should wash our hands after touching it;After all,you never know where your money's been. Or what's living on it.7._________A: most B: smallest C: least D: latest

考题 Suddenly it occurred to Charlie__________he could use the leftover birthday money to buy for the homeless.A.whether B.what C.that D.which

考题 The teaching building was named______the person who donated money for it.A.with B.after C.by D.from

考题 She only needs a minute amount of money.A:certainB:smallC:fairD:full

考题 A virus scanner is running on a computer and scans all files currently in use. Why should a full scan be performed periodically?()A、Files not accessed recently may contain a virus.B、A full scan optimizes all files on the hard drive.C、A full scan resets the archive bit on the file.D、Active antivirus software only scans the C:/WINDOWS directory.

考题 The security team has implemented new guidelines on how to handle sensitive information storedon workstations based on a past incident involving information found on donated workstations.Which of the following should be completed by technicians before donating the workstations?()A、Install a new operating systemB、Delete users’ data before donationC、Write the drive with 1’s and 0’s three timesD、Delete all partitions of the hard drive

考题 A company just hired a new plant maintenance manager, and they are concerned about the number of corrupt asset records in the present system. In future they want to prevent this from happening. When implementing the new solution, what is recommended?()A、All maintenance personnel have full access to all records.B、All maintenance personnel have read-only access to all data. C、Only a very limited number of personnel have full access to static data records, but all maintenance personnel are able to enter work order data.D、Maintenance personnel should not be using the system, and should only write entries on printed work orders and hire input clerks to enter these into the system.

考题 单选题What’s the best title of the passage? ______A Generous Woman Changed Her Own LifeB Kind Man Set Up Special PageC Homeless Man Returned Diamond RingD Many People Donated Much Money

考题 单选题A company just hired a new plant maintenance manager, and they are concerned about the number of corrupt asset records in the present system. In future they want to prevent this from happening. When implementing the new solution, what is recommended?()A All maintenance personnel have full access to all records.B All maintenance personnel have read-only access to all data. C Only a very limited number of personnel have full access to static data records, but all maintenance personnel are able to enter work order data.D Maintenance personnel should not be using the system, and should only write entries on printed work orders and hire input clerks to enter these into the system.

考题 单选题Assuming the network supports all speeds, which of the following should an administrator use to get the MOST throughput?()A  CAT5 cablingB  Gigabit NICC  10/100 full duplex NICD  100 half duplex NIC

考题 单选题According to this morning's news, about two-thirds of the people in this village was made homeless after the storm.A According toB two-thirds ofC was madeD after the storm

考题 单选题A virus scanner is running on a computer and scans all files currently in use. Why should a full scan be performed periodically?()A Files not accessed recently may contain a virus.B A full scan optimizes all files on the hard drive.C A full scan resets the archive bit on the file.D Active antivirus software only scans the C:/WINDOWS directory.

考题 问答题Practice 3  Franklin's life is full of charming stories which all young men should know- how he peddled ballads in Boston, and stood, the guest of kings, in Europe; how he worked his passage as a stowaway to Philadelphia, and rode in the queen's own litter in France; how he walked the streets of Philadelphia, homeless and known, with three- penny rolls for his breakfast, and dined at the tables of princes, and received his friends in a palace; how he raised a kite from a cow shed, and was showered with all the high degrees the colleges of the world could give; how he was duped by a false friend as a boy, and became the friend of all humanity as a man; how he was made Major General Franklin, only to resign because, as he said, he was no soldier, and yet helped to organize the army that stood before the trained troops of England and Germany.  This poor Boston boy, with scarcely a day's schooling, became master of six languages and never stopped learning; this neglected apprentice tamed the lightning, made his name famous, received degrees and diplomas from colleges in both hemispheres, and became forever remembered as “Doctor Franklin”, philosopher, patriot, scientist, philanthropist and statesman.

考题 单选题The author believes that _____.A art is useful only when it is made into a money earnerB the promotion of economic growth is the only goal of today’s societyC universities should not provide literature or art coursesD the society needs both technical skills and arts

考题 单选题In order to raise the efficiency of the water supply, measures should be taken to _____.A centralize the management of water resourcesB increase the sense of responsibility of agencies at all levelsC guarantee full protection of the environmentD encourage local and regional control of water resources

考题 单选题What did the writer most probably do at the end of the story?A He bought some food for the homeless.B He told his story to the people in the KFC.C He gave his pocket money to the homeless.D He asked the other passengers to help the homeless.

考题 单选题A They should spend more money on drama.B They should train their broadcasters to higher standards.C They should talk more to customers.D They Should broadcast interviews with famous people.

考题 单选题Which safety check(s)should be made before letting go the anchor().A See that the anchor is clear of obstructionsB See that the chain is all clearC See that the wildcat is disengagedD All of the above