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Many ships have two derricks at each hatch.


Many ships have two winches at each hatch.


Many ships have two derricks and two winches at each hatch.


Many ships have two derricks and two winches at each hatch cover.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题很多船上在每个舱口处都有两个吊杆及两台起货机。()A Many ships have two derricks at each hatch.B Many ships have two winches at each hatch.C Many ships have two derricks and two winches at each hatch.D Many ships have two derricks and two winches at each hatch cover.” 相关考题
考题 双吊杆起货机有( )绞车。A.起重B.回转C.变幅D.以上全部

考题 轻型单杆吊杆头部吊货滑车受力F的求取是________。 A.吊货索张力Q'与起货机拉力K'的合力B.千斤索张力T与千斤索动端张力T'的合力C.吊杆载荷Q与起货机拉力K'的合力D.吊货索张力Q'与吊杆载荷Q的合力

考题 设船上桅高为10m,吊杆长度为15m,起货机把5t的货物吊起,并处于静止状态,则吊杆的轴向压力为(不计吊杆自重,滑车摩擦力)________。 A.7tB.7.5tC.8tD.12.5t

考题 轻型吊杆主要组成________。①起重柱;②吊杆装置;③起货机;④旋转塔架。 A.②③④B.①③④C.①②④D.①②③

考题 轻型吊杆装置的主要由____几部分组成。①起重柱②吊杆装置③起货机械④旋转塔架A.除④B.除③C.除②D.除①

考题 轻型吊杆由()等部分组成。A.起重柱B.吊杆装置C.起货机D.A+B+C

考题 There is something wrong with the winch at hatch No.2.()A、二舱的起货机出故障了。B、一舱的起货机出故障了。C、二舱的重吊杆出故障了。D、一舱的中吊杆出故障了。

考题 2号舱口处的起货机出故障了。()A、There is something wrong with the derrick at hatch No.2.B、There is something wrong with the derrick at hatch No.1.C、There is something wrong with the winch at hatch No.2.D、There is something wrong with the winch at hatch No.1.

考题 Will you please swing the derrick over the hatch?()A、请把吊杆甩到舱口上方好吗?B、请把吊杆甩到舷内好吗?C、请把吊杆甩到舷外好吗?D、请把船舶吊杆甩到舱口处好吗?

考题 很多船上在每个舱口处都有两个吊杆及两台起货机。()A、Many ships have two derricks at each hatch.B、Many ships have two winches at each hatch.C、Many ships have two derricks and two winches at each hatch.D、Many ships have two derricks and two winches at each hatch cover.

考题 Most general cargo ships have two derricks and two winches at each hatch.()A、在大多数杂货船上每个舱都有两根吊杆和两台起货机。B、在大多数散货船上每个舱都有两台吊车和两台起货机。C、在大多数集装箱船上每个舱都有两根吊杆和两台起货机。D、在大多数杂货船上每个舱都有两台起货机和两根吊杆。

考题 在LUST变桨系统中,每个叶片都有两个限位开关。

考题 crane()A、起货机B、起重机C、龙门吊D、重吊杆

考题 bollard()A、系缆桩B、控制器C、起货机D、吊杆

考题 关于吊杆式起货机的以下说法中错误的是()A、单吊杆起货机加强后可作为重型吊杆用B、双吊杆起货机必须两人操作C、吊杆受力相同的条件下,单吊杆起货机与双吊杆起货机的工作负载相同D、单吊杆起货机每吊的作业周期比双吊杆起货机长,工作效率低

考题 每个DNA分子上都有很多个基因。

考题 单选题2号舱口处的起货机出故障了。()A There is something wrong with the derrick at hatch No.2.B There is something wrong with the derrick at hatch No.1.C There is something wrong with the winch at hatch No.2.D There is something wrong with the winch at hatch No.1.

考题 单选题双吊杆落吊杆时首先要做的工作是()A 拔出千斤索起货机的保险销钉,脱开制动铁舌:B 解开保险稳索,将舷外吊杆拉入舷内;C 启动起货机反转,松落吊杆;D 支架受力后,扣上铁箍,整理清楚稳索、吊货索,检查保险销钉、制动铁舌是否放好。

考题 单选题单吊杆起货机有()绞车。A 起重B 回转C 变幅D A和B和C

考题 单选题关于吊杆式起货机的以下说法中错误的是()。A 单吊杆起货机加强后可作为重型吊杆用B 双吊杆起货机必须两人操作C 吊杆受力相同的条件下,单吊杆起货机与双吊杆起货机的工作负载相同D 单吊杆起货机每吊的作业周期比双吊杆起货机长,工作效率低

考题 单选题bollard()A 系缆桩B 控制器C 起货机D 吊杆

考题 单选题轻型吊杆装置主要由()几部分组成。 ①、起重柱;②、吊杆装置;③、起货机械;④、旋转塔架A ②、③、④B ①、③、④C ①、②、④D ①、②、③

考题 单选题crane()A 起货机B 起重机C 龙门吊D 重吊杆

考题 单选题设船上桅高为10m,吊杆长度为15m,起货机把5t的货物吊起,并处于静止状态,则吊杆的轴向压力为(不计吊杆自重,滑车摩擦力)()A 7tB 7.5tC 8tD 12.5t

考题 单选题轻型吊杆主要组成() ①起重柱; ②吊杆装置; ③起货机; ④旋转塔架。A ②③④B ①③④C ①②④D ①②③

考题 单选题轻型吊杆装置的主要组成为() ①吊臂; ②吊杆装置; ③起货机; ④起重柱A 除④B 除③C 除②D 除①

考题 单选题There is something wrong with the winch at hatch No.2.()A 二舱的起货机出故障了。B 一舱的起货机出故障了。C 二舱的重吊杆出故障了。D 一舱的中吊杆出故障了。

考题 单选题Will you please swing the derrick over the hatch?()A 请把吊杆甩到舱口上方好吗?B 请把吊杆甩到舷内好吗?C 请把吊杆甩到舷外好吗?D 请把船舶吊杆甩到舱口处好吗?