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take for granted为固定短语,意思为“认为……理所当然”。
更多 “填空题____” 相关考题
考题 单选题What about having a drink?()A Good ideaB Help yourselfC Go ahead, pleaseD Me, too

考题 单选题The bedroom needs()A decoratingB to decorateC decorateD decorated

考题 单选题How can he()if he is not()?A listen; hearingB hear; listeningC be listening; heardD be hearing; listened to

考题 单选题____A benefited fromB involved withC compared withD resulted from

考题 单选题More than 85 percent of French Canada’s population speaks French as a mother tongue and _____ to the Roman Catholic faith.A ascribesB subscribesC adheresD caters

考题 问答题Practice 5  Never has there been a language quite like English. A bold statement, yet nevertheless true. Consider a few statistics. Today, one out of every seven people in the world use English in some way. More than half the world’s books are written in English; the majority of international telephone calls are made in English; 60% of the world’s radio programs are broadcast in English. English is even the working language of international air travel. For the first time in history, a single language has become dominant across a wide range of human activity, ranging from music, film and fine arts to the fields of business, diplomacy, science and technology.

考题 单选题How()do you have?A many baggageB much baggagesC many baggagesD much baggage

考题 单选题____A on her ownB in personC to her benefitD on foot

考题 单选题It()exactly thirty years since I graduated from college.A wasB has beenC was beD had been

考题 单选题The league secretary and monitor()asked to make a speech at the meeting.A hasB wasC areD were

考题 单选题How often do you()your brother?A hear aboutB hear ofC hear toD hear from

考题 单选题Education cannot be () in any country.A rejectedB deletedC neglectedD refused

考题 单选题When mother entered the bed room, little Shelly pretended()asleep.A having fallenB to be fallingC being fallenD to have fallen

考题 问答题自治区

考题 单选题What is the passage mainly about?A How to fight air pollution in big cities.B How to avoid air pollution in big cities.C How to breathe fresh air in big cities.D How serious air pollution is in big cities.

考题 单选题The girl is()of a film star.A somebodyB somethingC anybodyD anything

考题 单选题It is high time we()something to stop road accidents.A didB are doingC will doD do

考题 单选题____A similarB longC differentD short

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题– What's the problem, Harry?-()A I can’t remember where I left my glassesB No problem at allC Thank you for asking me about it

考题 单选题It is quite evident that attendances at football matches have _____ since the coming of television.A dropped outB dropped downC fallen offD fallen out

考题 问答题民族

考题 单选题He was()about his new job.A above the moonB on the moonC over the moon

考题 单选题Cases of cyber-_____ have been increasing as a result of the diversification of frauds’ tricks.A conceptionB perceptionC deceptionD interruption

考题 单选题I wonder if I could use your dictionary?()A Go on.B Go ahead.C Go up.D Go away.

考题 单选题()the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.A BeforeB AtC InD Between

考题 单选题- Good-bye for now. -()A The same to you.B That’s OK.C See you.D Long time no see.

考题 单选题Hi, welcome back! Have a nice trip?()A Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, andB Come on, I've got lots of funC By the way, I don't like SaturdaysD Well, I'll look forward to your phone call sunshine every day