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The ignition of the fuel in diesel engine is caused by the () of compression of the air previously admitted into the cylinders.

vacuum pressure


specific gravity






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更多 “单选题The ignition of the fuel in diesel engine is caused by the () of compression of the air previously admitted into the cylinders.A vacuum pressureB specific gravityC heatD viscosity” 相关考题
考题 Fuel droplets injected into a diesel engine cylinder must have adequate penetration to ____.A.prolong the ignition delay periodB.ensure the beginning of fuel injectionC.thoroughly utilize the air chargeD.allow controlled fuel combustion

考题 单选题White smoke exhausting from a diesel engine can be caused by ()A low combustion temperatureB a leaking fuel nozzle check valveC late fuel injectionD plugged oil-scraper ring hole

考题 单选题The ignition of the fuel in diesel engine is caused by the () of compression of the air previously admitted into the cylinders.A vacuum pressureB specific gravityC heatD viscosity

考题 单选题Problems with the diesel engine fuel injection pump are usually caused by()A improper adjustmentB contaminated fuelC kinked fuel linesD excessive engine vibration

考题 单选题A sudden drop in diesel engine cylinder compression pressure can be caused by()A a leaking fuel injector nozzleB a clogged air filterC excessively early fuel injectionD malfunctioning valves

考题 单选题A diesel engine will lose power if fuel injection occurs too early because the ()A fuel will not be properly atomized in the cylinderB ignition will be delayed due to low ignition temperatureC maximum fuel expansion will occur on the compression strokeD fuel will ignite before top dead center

考题 单选题Diesel engine injection lag is caused by()A compressibility of the fuelB high fuel oil supply flowC scored plunger and barrel packingD excessive air turbulence

考题 单选题In an operating diesel engine, pre-ignition can be caused by ()A excessively late fuel injectionB oil in the air chargeC water in the fuelD injection continuing after the fuel charge is ignited

考题 单选题A diesel engine is turned at normal cranking speed and no ignition occursThis could be the result of ()A low lube oil temperatureB low starting air temperatureC air bubbles in the fuel oil systemD water in the starting air system

考题 单选题Black smoke exhausting from an operating diesel engine can be caused by ()A fuel dribbling from leaking fuel injectorsB burning fuel with a high carbon contentC burning fuel with a high vanadium contentD burning fuel with a lower sulphur content

考题 单选题A drop in compression pressure in one cylinder of a diesel engine can be caused by()A a leaking fuel injection nozzleB a clogged air filterC early fuel injectionD burned valves

考题 单选题A change in the quality of fuel atomization by a diesel engine fuel injector would be caused by a/an ()A increase in engine speedB increase in cylinder turbulenceC leaking needle valveD reduction in cylinder turbulence

考题 单选题Injection lag in a diesel engine may be caused by()A a higher cetane number of fuel oilB the diesel fuel used having a high viscosityC mechanical rigidity in the lube pump mechanismD a decrease rigidity in the fuel pump delivery pressure

考题 单选题One result of operating a diesel engine at light load with excessively low cooling water temperature is a/an ()A decrease in ignition lagB increase in fuel economyC reduction in lube oil viscosityD increase in cylinder misfiring

考题 单选题The longer the ignition delay period occurs in a diesel engine, the ().A less fuel will enter the cylinderB lower will be cylinder compression temperaturesC more complete will be fuel combustionD more rapid will be the rise in combustion pressure

考题 单选题If an auxiliary diesel engine frequently stalls, the trouble may be caused by ()A low exhaust back pressureB air in the fuel systemC gasket blow-by or leakageD incorrect assembly of idler springs

考题 单选题Combustion knock occurring in a diesel engine can be caused by ().A excessive fuel penetrationB prolonged injection lagC reduced ignition lagD prolonged ignition lag

考题 单选题Faulty operation of diesel engine fuel injection nozzles can be directly caused by ().A water in the fuel oil supplyB excessive fuel nozzle holder coolingC a distorted fuel spray patternD leakage past the plunger into the oil drain

考题 单选题Heat for igniting the fuel oil in the cylinder of a diesel engine is generated by the ()A electronic ignition systemB compression of air by the pistonC friction in the fuel injectorD fuel oil bearing system

考题 单选题A diesel engine will lose power if fuel injection occurs too late in the cycle, because the()A fuel droplets will burn as they leave the fuel injectorB fuel will not be properly atomized in the cylinderC maximum expansion of the burned fuel cannot take place in the cylinderD compression pressure will be too low to cause fuel ignition

考题 单选题A sudden drop in compression pressure in one cylinder of a diesel engine can be caused by()A a leaking fuel injector nozzleB a clogged air filterC excessively early fuel injectionD malfunctioning valves

考题 单选题An increase in the air inlet manifold pressure of a diesel engine will result in a/an ().A decrease in maximum cylinder pressureB increase in ignition lagC decrease in fuel consumption per horsepower-hourD decrease in exhaust manifold pressure

考题 单选题Fuel droplets injected into a diesel engine cylinder must have adequate penetration to ()A prolong the ignition delay periodB ensure the beginning of fuel injectionC thoroughly utilize the air chargeD allow controlled fuel combustion

考题 单选题The most common diesel engine fuel system problems are caused by ().A incorrect adjustmentsB dirty fuelC broken fuel linesD excessive vibration

考题 单选题When restarting a heavy fuel diesel engine that has been stopped for some time, the engine should()A increase the starting air pressureB use a higher than normal cranking speedC increase the fuel injection pressureD use a fuel having a lower ignition temperature

考题 单选题The minimum fuel oil delivery pressure required for diesel engine injection depends primarily on the()A degree of cylinder air turbulenceB firing pressure in the engineC quality of fuel to be injectedD duration of the ignition delay period