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Vehicles()only the simplest of the engine improvements that methanol makes feasible would still contribute to an immediate lessening of urban air pollution.









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更多 “单选题Vehicles()only the simplest of the engine improvements that methanol makes feasible would still contribute to an immediate lessening of urban air pollution.A corporateB cooperatingC operatingD incorporating” 相关考题
考题 How many armored vehicles does your company dispatch for this job?A.We’ll dispatch several armored vehicles and escort securities for this jobB.The company has made a plan to send many vehicles and escort securities for this jobC.Two armored vehicles and experienced escort securities will be dispatched for this jobD.We’ll dispatch not only vehicles but also experienced securities for this job

考题 Only in this way ____ to make improvements in the operating system. A.you can hopeB.you did hopeC.can you hope

考题 Which of the following is a characteristic of a Ro-Ro vessel ________.A.Passenger tours available upon dockingB.Long port stays necessary to secure vehiclesC.Short in port turnaround timesD.Heavy vehicles only require lightweight securing equipment

考题 共用题干 Car Thieves Could Be Stopped RemotelySpeeding off in a stolen car,the thief thinks he has got a great catch.But he is in a nasty surprise .The car is fitted with a remote immobilizer,and a radio signal from a control center miles away will ensure that once the thief switches the engine______(51),he will not be able to start it again.For now,such devices______(52)only available for fleets of trucks and specialist vehi- dles used on construction sites. But remote immobilization technology could soon start to trickle down to ordinary cars,and ______(53)be available to ordinary cars in the UK______(54)two months.The idea goes like this.A control box fitted to the car incorporates______(55)miniature cellphone, a microprocessor and memory, and a GPS satellite positioning receiver.______(56)the car is stolen,a coded cellphone signal will tell the unit to block the vehicle's engine management system and prevent the engine______(57)restarted.There are even plans for immobilizers______(58)shut down vehicles on the move, though there are fears over the safety implications of such a system.In the UK,an array of technical fixes is already making______(59)harder for car thieves."The pattern of vehicles crime has changed,"says Martyn Randall of Thatcham,a secur- ity research organization based in Berkshire that is funded in part______(60)the motor insur-ance industry.He says it would only take him a few minutes to______(61)a novice how to steal a car, using a bare minimum of tools.But only if the car is more than 10 years old.Modern cars are a far tougher proposition,as their engine management computer will not______(62)them to start unless they receive a unique ID code beamed out by the ignition key .In the UK,technologies like this______(63)achieve a 3 1 percent drop in vehicle-related crime since 1997.But determined criminals are still managing to find other ways to steal cars. Often by getting hold of the owner's keys in a burglary. In 2000,12 percent of vehicles stolen in the UK were taken by using the owner's keys,which doubles the previous year's figure.Remote-controlled immobilization system would______(64)a major new obstacle in the criminal's way by making such thefts pointless.A group that includes Thatcham,the police,insur-ance companies and security technology firms have developed standards for a system that could go on the market sooner than the______(65)expects.59._________A:. lifeB: carsC: warningD: problem

考题 Which statement is true about the internal link between the Routing Engine and the Packet-Forwarding Engine?()A、It is only used for exception traffic.B、It is an FE link called fxp2.C、It is rate-limited to avoid DDOS attacks.D、It is only used to send the forwarding-table from the Routing Engine to the Packet-Forwarding Engine.

考题 Which statement about the DVS engine is true?()A、the DVS engine can useWebroot and McAfee scanning in parallelB、the DVS engine generates the WBRSC、the DVS engine never inspects the client HTTP requestD、the DVS engine is only used for Layer 4 traffic monitoring

考题 The WebSphere Commerce Payments architecture includes a Payment Servlet and a Payment Engine. The Payment Engine is the ONLY component that:()A、writes payment information to the databaseB、relays incoming HTTP requestsC、writes payment information to the HTTP serverD、maps authenticated users to merchant roles

考题 单选题The air supplied to a diesel engine is compressed to () (1) provide heat for the ignition of the fuel (2) decrease injection delayA (1) only is correctB (2) only is correctC both (1) and (2) are correctD neither (1) or (2) are correct

考题 单选题Mechanical lubricators for diesel engine cylinders are usually small reciprocating pumps which are ().A operated manually once an hourB operated until the engine has startedC placed into operation only at maximum loadD adjustable to meet lubrication requirements

考题 单选题For a propeller direct driven by the engine,().A the thrust pads are while metal faced on both sidesB the thrust pads are while metal faced only on the forward sideC the thrust pads are while metal faced only on the after sideD intermediate shaft usually supported by a plummer block

考题 单选题Large crosshead type engine generally has two lubrication systems, a function performed only by crankcase oil system is()A lubricatingB coolingC cleaningD neutralizing

考题 单选题Which factor of the following affects not only the fuels combustion but also the engine’s maintenance?()A cetane numberB flash pointC viscosityD setting point

考题 单选题In a diesel engine, excessive cylinder liner wear will cause () (1) increased blow-by (2) wear between the piston ring and grooveA (1) only is correctB (2) only is correctC both (1) and (2) are correctD neither (1) or (2) axe correct

考题 单选题A two-stroke diesel engine exhaust temperature will be lower than a four-stroke diesel engine of the same displacement because the () (1) MEP is lower and the scavenging air is cooling the exhaust gases (2) valve overlap in a four-strokeA (1) only is correctB (2) only is correctC both (1) and (2) are correctD Neither (1) or (2) are correct

考题 单选题Which of the following is a characteristic of a Ro-Ro vessel().A Passenger tours available upon dockingB Long port stays necessary to secure vehiclesC Short in port turnaround timesD Heavy vehicles only require lightweight securing equipment

考题 单选题Diesel engine control can be obtained by the bridge ().A at any timeB only after the engine room control station is switched to “bridge control”C whenever the secondary station is switched to bridge controlD with the approval of the chief engineer only

考题 单选题In a diesel engine, a cylinder liner should be replaced if it is () Ⅰ.Scuffed Ⅱ.ScoredA Ⅰ only is correctB Ⅱ only is correctC both Ⅰ and Ⅱ are correctD neither Ⅰ or Ⅱ are correct

考题 单选题The selection of an oil depends () on the operating conditions, the design of the engine and the type of fuel to be burned.A to a great extentB on a great extentC on mainlyD on only

考题 单选题In a diesel engine, blow-by()A increase exhaust back pressureB causes excessive crankcase pressureC can only be detected by a compression checkD decreases fuel consumption

考题 单选题A few spots of turbocharger can be caused by() ①crash stop of engine ② rapid increased of engine speedA ①only is correctB ②only is correctC both ① and ②are correctD neither ① or ② correct

考题 单选题Which statement is true about the internal link between the Routing Engine and the Packet-Forwarding Engine?()A It is only used for exception traffic.B It is an FE link called fxp2.C It is rate-limited to avoid DDOS attacks.D It is only used to send the forwarding-table from the Routing Engine to the Packet-Forwarding Engine.

考题 单选题Which statement about the DVS engine is true?()A the DVS engine can useWebroot and McAfee scanning in parallelB the DVS engine generates the WBRSC the DVS engine never inspects the client HTTP requestD the DVS engine is only used for Layer 4 traffic monitoring

考题 单选题In using reduction gears to obtain efficient propeller speeds, ().A they must be located at the after end of the engineB they can only be used with one engine at a timeC they eliminate the need for controllable pitch propellersD they are connected to the engine with a flexible coupling

考题 单选题In the two stroke diesel engine, it is designed so that the oil impingement is timed to proceed only on the piston ring belt during()A compression strokeB suction strokeC expansion strokeD exhaust stroke

考题 单选题In a diesel engine, excessive cylinder liner wear will cause () Ⅰ.increased blow-by Ⅱ.wear between the piston ring and grooveA Ⅰonly is correctB Ⅱ only is correctC both Ⅰ and Ⅱ are correctD neither Ⅰ or Ⅱ are correct

考题 单选题Before engaging the turning gear and turning the diesel engine, which of the following operation should be done except()A open the indicator cocksB supply some CYL Oil to cylinder liner wall with lubricator (only for two stoke diesel engine)C put the fuel handle in the “stop” positionD pump up the air bottle

考题 单选题What is the “R. V.’s” used for in for the retired Americans?A they are used as home when they are out.B they are short form of recreational vehicles.C they are the only home for the travelers.D they are just transportation tools.