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更多 “单选题_____A looked forB robbedC searchedD tested” 相关考题
考题 The law requires all cars () for safety and efficiency. A.being tested regularlyB.to be regularly testedC.be regularly testedD.regularly tested

考题 She was annoyed at his comment, thinking that he visitor () her. A.looked downB.looked highly ofC.looked low atD.looked down upon

考题 The manager promised to have my complaint _. A.looked throughB.looked intoC.looked forD.looked after

考题 Mr Cross wanted to go to his hometown by air. He liked to sit beside a window when he was flying. So he__21__ a window seat when he got in the plane. He found that all of them were taken__22__ one. There was a soldier sitting in the seat beside this one, and Mr. Cross was happy that the soldier had nottakenthe one by the window. When he__23__ it, Mr. Cross saw that there was a piece of paperwith some words on the seat. It said, "This seat is broken. You can't take it, Thank you."When the plane was quite__25__, a very beautiful girl got into the plane. As soon as he saw her, the soldier quickly took the paper off the seat beside his and let the girl sit in during the whole trip.21.A.looked forB.fullC.reachedD.exceptE.to himself22.A.looked forB.fullC.reachedD.exceptE.to himself23.A.looked forB.fullC.reachedD.exceptE.to himself24.A.looked forB.fullC.reachedD.exceptE.to himself25.A.looked forB.fullC.reachedD.exceptE.to himself

考题 The policeman() the thief and found the wallet. A. searched forB. searchedC. looked forD. looked up

考题 17.A.forB.onC.inD.at

考题 She____the sick baby for three days. A.looked downB.looked forC.looked intoD.looked after

考题 A car accident may happen when you()a parking space.A. looked forB. look forC. are looking for

考题 I ________ and saw a plane in the sky. A.looked atB.looked forC.look aboutD.looked up

考题 ______in this way, the situation doesn' t seem so disappointing.A、To lookB、Looking atC、Looked atD、To be looked at

考题 They’ve just ____ a new house in the country at a great sum of money. A. bargainedB. robbedC. computedD. purchased

考题 A) forB) toC) according toD) with

考题 14.A.forB.inC.at "D.with

考题 The damage was caused ______ the stevedores.A.forB.byC.atD.in

考题 These plants are rather difficult()Ato look afterBto be looked afterCbeing looked afterDlooking after

考题 These plants are rather difficult()A、to look afterB、to be looked afterC、being looked afterD、looking after

考题 The bosun is satisfied ()your work.A、forB、withC、toD、at

考题 Something has gone wrong ()the winch.A、forB、withC、inD、to

考题 单选题These plants are rather difficult()A to look afterB to be looked afterC being looked afterD looking after

考题 单选题Air reservoirs are designed, built and tested similarly to ().A boiler drumsB hot wellsC condensersD evaporators

考题 单选题Once Akbar asked a very strange question, he looked at his people. ______ he looked one by one the heads began to hang low in search of an answer.A ThoughB BecauseC IfD As

考题 单选题He did not go to school yesterday because he ______ his father who was ill.A must have looked afterB would have to look afterC had to look afterD should have looked after

考题 单选题On a vessel making a voyage more than 48 hours long,regulations require that().A a lifeboat drill be held within 12 hours prior to departureB fire pumps be tested by starting within 12 hours prior to departureC the emergency generator and lighting system be tested by starting and operating within 12 hours prior to departureD the entire steering gear be tested within 12 hours prior to departure

考题 单选题Faced with the crisis, Monica looked pale, but quite ____ .A scaryB frightenedC crazyD calm

考题 单选题The safety valves should be tested and adjusted when the boiler survey is ()A completedB carried outC cleanedD steamed

考题 单选题The water in an operating auxiliary boiler should be tested for alkalinity and chloride content each().A hourB dayC weekD month

考题 单选题Visual Basic规定窗体文件的扩展名是()。A .forB .frmC .vbpD .bas

考题 单选题An application vendor wants to choose a fault tolerant platform for their new application.  The application benefits from multiple processors and has been tested on Red Hat Advanced Server 3.  To determine the memory requirements for the application, which of the following is the best procedure?()A The application should be tested and baselines should be measured with simulated user loads.B The application should be tested with the minimum amount of memory then increase the memory in increments until an acceptable response is achieved.C The application should be tested with differing amounts of memory and the fastest response time is reached it should be used as the acceptable configuration.D The application should be tested with the maximum amount of memory then decrease the memory in increments until an acceptable price/performance ratio is reached.